TJC Presenter Georgi


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Sep 7, 2009
I was flicking through the channels this morning and noticed that TJC presenter Georgi is now on appearing on Rocks & Co.

She is no longer listed as a presenter on TJC, so it looks as if she has jumped ship with Kieron.

Pastures new and all that... good luck to her.
I was flicking through the channels this morning and noticed that TJC presenter Georgi is now on appearing on Rocks & Co.

She is no longer listed as a presenter on TJC, so it looks as if she has jumped ship with Kieron.

Pastures new and all that... good luck to her.

I lost interest in TJC some time back and think there has been a turn over of presenters.
I dont watch any of the selly telly these days as such, though i do hover now and again on a flick through whilst having a coffee, so have only seen Georgie a few times, she came across rather well, so its a shame she has moved on, i rather wish it had been Lyndsey Gunderson, not only does she talk over anyone she shares a screen with but she cant seem to get out of the gems presenter habit of SHOUTING ALL THE TIME, which i really hate and someone should tell her to STOP IT.
i rather wish it had been Lyndsey Gunderson, not only does she talk over anyone she shares a screen with but she cant seem to get out of the gems presenter habit of SHOUTING ALL THE TIME, which i really hate and someone should tell her to STOP IT.

Agreed. It's the forced voice and 'if in doubt - SHOUT!' style of presenting. It's irritating. I'd also prefer not to hear about her "private clients" either. Who cares about that?

Whilst we're at it, I'd also like to see the former Gems presenters do away with the hammy laughter. They do this when the prices drops. What's so funny about a price drop? It's a falling auction.
From my memory, Georgi was a producer on TJC who stepped in to present one night when the regular presenter was ill. I found her voice to be very annoying and IMHO she should have stayed as a producer. However, good luck to her at Rocks & Co.

On another topic, it was so refreshing to see Dave Bradford on TJC the other evening - now there is a professional presenter who doesn't shout but gives you the information you need about the product. More shifts for Dave please!
Yep, totally agree with the hysterical laughing thing, drives you mad, though in fairness to Rachel Hatton she has toned down a lot since she left gems, but Lyndsey just seems to truck on getting louder and louder and saying the most ridiculous, such as whilst selling lapis lazuli chip bead necklace that if you were to put one into a ring it would sell for the same price, what utter rot.
Apologies for the missing words above, my perro de agua puppy went bonkers due to the heat and has turned my patio into a pool whilst diving into the large water bowl,maybe he needs a larger mini paddling pool instead.
Yep, totally agree with the hysterical laughing thing, drives you mad, though in fairness to Rachel Hatton she has toned down a lot since she left gems

I can't bear the fake laughter. It makes them look daft. Lyndsey are Mark are probably the worst culprits.
Yep couldnt agree more, was having a quick flick through this morning and omg couldnt believe it Lyndsey shouting and waving her hands about like a thunderbirds puppet and laughing and shrieking like an hysterical maniac, heaven forbid i couldnt switch it off fast enough. I fail to see how that would encourage people to buy,truly awful.
I cannot watch Lindsay Gunderson: she never stops screeching at the camera. And nothing she says really relates to what she's selling, either.

Another who I cannot watch is Mark, or "Larry Olivier" as I like to call him. Because he turns a falling auction into a 3-act tragedy. As the item price decreases, his cries of woe and looks of shock and dismay increase: "We can't do this! This is FAR too low!", and then he has fake conversations with the producer where he questions the validity of the prices, and hides his face in his hands. These are annoying at the best of times, but when he insisted on doing this during the recent TJC sale (when you expect prices to go lower than usual, yes? Because TJC is trying to shift unsold stuff), then it really got on my bosoms.

Despite all that the TJC presenters like to say that they have authority to set prices etc, or feel personally affronted if they feel stuff goes "too low", in reality it's all an act to try and get viewers to buy. Lindsay Gunderson actually gave the game away during one show by explaining that the presenters are all freelance, and in her case the job she considered was her "main" job was working as an auctioneer. Lindsay said that she's no gem expert, she's just paid to shill stuff at the prices set by TJC management and she has no control over those.

Worth remembering the next time Chloe starts saying how she fought to get something included in her show at a low price, or Mark starts throwing a badly-acted tantrum because of an item's price. It's the sort of thing presenters on failing selly telly channels do to drive up sales.
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Mark, or "Larry Olivier" as I like to call him. Because he turns a falling auction into a 3-act tragedy.

It's no surprise that both Lyndsey and Mark are trained actors!

Without the diva dramatics, I think Mark could make a good presenter but he really needs to find his own style. I've watched a lot of Chloe shows and notice that Mark appears to have done the same thing! He uses a lot of her phrases.
Mark Gould started as a Producer on Gemporia and then became a presenter. I didn't mind him, because he gave factual information about the gemstones, unlike the screechy blondes who (in the main) are now in the majority at Gemporia and in my view have diddly-squat genuine knowledge. He could be OK if he calmed down and spoke a little slower - he's got the knowledge alright but needs to put it across in a more restrained way.


It's no surprise that both Lyndsey and Mark are trained actors!

Without the diva dramatics, I think Mark could make a good presenter but he really needs to find his own style. I've watched a lot of Chloe shows and notice that Mark appears to have done the same thing! He uses a lot of her phrases.

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