Rise and rise of Catherine


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Apr 27, 2009
I used to like Catherine the model. So why do I feel irritated by her now ? is it because she's turned into a bit of a 'know-all' ? or is she being groomed for a permanent presenting job ? Anyone else feel like this ?
I feel like that about her too. She has a grin plastered on her face which makes her look like a chipmunk as she strokes the "semi precious" stones. Sorry to those who like her but I find her hard to stomach.
Not a fan either and yes, I do think she will probably end up presenting. Caroline Sandry used to be a model on QVC and now she's some kind of nutrition expert - oh, yes, chuck a few things in a blender, make a pot of slime and you're an expert. Catherine will no doubt be the expert on gems and launch her own range of diamonique.

Its the diva female persona that has a huge Mexican wave going on QVC.

In times gone by models were seen and not heard :mysmilie_11:

Oh and by the way lets all wish Catherine congratulations she got a modelling job outside QVC :mysmilie_486::mysmilie_3:

Hope its not the dreaded high street, why would she go there.

I find a few of the models irritating, that Sam who does Philip Kingsley, swooshing her hair around with a fixed grin. She did the recent Decleor hours and I think an Elemis one, same permanent grin, her expression never changes and it's annoying to watch. There are others too, always there with smug faces. Bad enough with the ever present presenters we don't like, how about some new models for a change.
I find a few of the models irritating, that Sam who does Philip Kingsley, swooshing her hair around with a fixed grin. She did the recent Decleor hours and I think an Elemis one, same permanent grin, her expression never changes and it's annoying to watch. There are others too, always there with smug faces. Bad enough with the ever present presenters we don't like, how about some new models for a change.

Has that not come with her rise of the hair that was dried with the Dyson hairdryer every show?
Bluntly, the older models don't reflect QVC's desired customer image. The only reason Tiff and other older models still get the bookings is because they weren't just fashion. Goody is a good friend of DF, or at least that's the impression I got. So possibly a surprise there. Tanya's fate was probably sealed when she stopped doing the Decleor shows.

In her life outside QVC, she works with Nicki Gewirtz. I'm sure I've also heard that she's a stylist. So I see her as guest fodder. She can't be worse than some of the stylist guests they have on these days!

I think her personal style and taste seems predictable, dull and not to my taste. She's always going for neutrals, which is great for home décor when you want to sell your house.
No B, you're definitely not alone. I wonder if she takes that grin off her face before she goes to bed or sleeps with it on? I'm not a fan of smug. She seems to be the Lola Rose muse, remember her writing those ridiculous poems that were absolutely crap? would anyone tell her though? not a chance because at QVC, as soon as you walk through those QVC doors, you can be whatever you want to be, from qualified beauty experts to fashion sylist, to poets, who knew?!

Another model that gets on my chesticles, is Sally "bum wiggler" with that inane grin on her face, it's as if these models have all been let out on day release.
I used to like Catherine the model. So why do I feel irritated by her now ? is it because she's turned into a bit of a 'know-all' ? or is she being groomed for a permanent presenting job ? Anyone else feel like this ?

I also used to like Catherine, but she has turned into a 'mouth almighty' just lately. I seem to remember reading/hearing somewhere that Catherine is suffering from the early stages of Huntington's disease. I have no idea where I heard that and I could be wrong, hope I am for her sake.
She's not the worst, at least not imitating a plank of wood, but I admit I think she is too vocal in the LR shows, it all becomes very cliquey, and I agree those poems were cringeworthy.

I hate that nail polish she wears, to me it makes her look as if she is on sixty a day, the colour is an awful shade of nicotine.

Isn't she a personal shopper outside Q?
Well, when I heard her speak for the first time, I thought she'd been on the **** with that husky voice. She sounds like a smoker.
I like Catherine the model. She is always well presented and seems to have a personality. It isn't her fault that the shows are so repetative and boring.
I actually think Catherine is one of my favourite models on Q, she is very attractive and always neat. I think she is a wedding planner or someone who helps brides, I seem to recall hearing that a couple of years ago.
I can't stand her or her mother. Her simpering smile and stroking of the goods drive me up the wall. i really don't want to hear her talk either.
I like Catherine the model. She is always well presented and seems to have a personality. It isn't her fault that the shows are so repetative and boring.

On closer inspection of the nude cowl neck top she's found of wearing you'll see its all bobbled.
I'm not sure now if its this top or another but has a hole in it.
I liked Catherine but she has become totally obsessed with herself and her body image .I cannot be bothered to listen to her going on about her lumps and bumps .Give us a break.
I liked Catherine but she has become totally obsessed with herself and her body image .I cannot be bothered to listen to her going on about her lumps and bumps .Give us a break.

Are you talking about the model or Huntley?
Not a fan either and yes, I do think she will probably end up presenting. Caroline Sandry used to be a model on QVC and now she's some kind of nutrition expert - oh, yes, chuck a few things in a blender, make a pot of slime and you're an expert. Catherine will no doubt be the expert on gems and launch her own range of diamonique.


Please don't, I mean if Michelle Monroe (SP), who was just a supplier can have her own range, then yep, I am sure she will do too. I, like others use to find her 'endearing', when she was just modelling and she had a nice smile and seemed to be able to 'follow the camera' as it were in that she would always just when to 'tweak' her finger when she was modelling a ring etc.., but then once she was 'given a voice', she is like a 'shaken up bottle of pop' that once opened, 'whoosh'. No it I know in the Lola hours, she is the 'go-to' model and fair play it is Nikki's choice, (Catherine even collaborated with one of the TSV's a year or so ago), but no on other things, she just seems to be like a tap and like me who has 'typing diarrhoea' she has 'verbal'!

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