The Great Summer Clearance


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I shudder at some of the cr*p they wheel out but sadly someone, somewhere and more than one of them, will still buy it.
I shudder at some of the cr*p they wheel out but sadly someone, somewhere and more than one of them, will still buy it.

It's amazing what people will buy when something is in a sale (having said that I think we've all been guilty of this at some point in our lives, not with the carp in QVC sales though)
For every one of us that think (rightly so) that this type of thing's awfulness is surpassed only by it's rip off cost, there are those onQ FB proudly posting photos of them in a dedicated setting.

I'm astounded even at those posting photos of their "collection" of YC in their own special cabinets like something out of a YC showroom. FGS burn the dam things or stop buying them.
For every one of us that think (rightly so) that this type of thing's awfulness is surpassed only by it's rip off cost, there are those onQ FB proudly posting photos of them in a dedicated setting.

I'm astounded even at those posting photos of their "collection" of YC in their own special cabinets like something out of a YC showroom. FGS burn the dam things or stop buying them.

I agree, it's like buying shoes and never wearing them or a couch you never sit on, quite odd really.
:mysmilie_15: I don't believe it! (well I do actually) how devious are QVC?! Item number 703555 was there years ago, dragged out for every "sale" if you look you'll know why it's still there :mysmilie_17: it's called five piece Embossed Texrile Set, I distinctly remember looking at it years ago, but for some reason in this particular "sale" they've actually put the price up, Christmas in July I hear you shout???? honestly that item number has been there for at least four years that I know of. :mysmilie_15:
When they drag out that Beth Terrell thing we will well and truly know Time Team have arrived at circa 1999

Why on earth they don't just hire a few skips and chuck the stuff cluttering up the back of the warehouse, I don't know. If it's saleable they could donate it to charities to sell in their shops. Don't QVC realise that the storage of old merchandise has a cost attached to it??? By now, some of the fossils they've kept on their shelves in the forlorn hope it would eventually sell, has probably cost them more than they paid for it, and even more than their hoped-for retail price?

Of course if they'd actually had the sense to put some serious reductions on the table in the first place, they'd never have been in this ludicrous situation. They are behaving like amateurs in the retailing game, in this respect. Merchandise is for selling, moving on to a new home... not for storing endlessly in the warehouse... unless they are trying to turn Knowsley into a QVC museum?
And of course everything is amaazzing. What is it with Q presenters and that word. NO! Very little in everyday life is AMAZING and certainly not clearance tat. If there was a swear box equivalent of Q presenter words we could wipe out world hunger by the end of the week.
Just tuned in and Join is on. Not commenting on the quality as I've never bought it, although the seams are all puckered and the material looks cheap, but who in their right mind pays prices like this for such basic offerings? I have far better looking clothes in my wardrobe that cost a fraction of these prices. Item 161658 is the item I'm currently looking at. Frankly, I've seen better quality in my local factory shop. Sorry to those who like it, but at these prices it's money for old rope.

JR acting like a little girl isn't helping my annoyance.

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