Is Marv for real?


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Perhaps they have TWO sets of tick boxes, hence Craig AND Marv? Anyway, thanks for your views, contradictory as always, but much appreciated, now off to watch paint dry which is definitely more interesting than your posts...

Or perhaps you have to make up any ludicrous thing that comes to mind to justify your comments. Anyway, off to find some rabid Rottweilers to feed which is infinitely more relaxing than reading your posts.
Personally I don't care if she is white, black, yellow or red, she's a bloody awful presenter - full stop - nothing to do with her skin colour.

Just in the same way Sarah G and Chuntley are annoying beyond words, and they are your standard WASP type. See , you can dislike presenting style without being a racist or non racist.

Everyone on here, and I mean EVeryone, despite their protests otherwise, has at some time or another slagged off a presenter/guest because we are all human and have different likes and dislikes.
Some of these threads are awful! Everyone is sure entitled to their opinions and all that but when it becomes personal it just leaves a very bad taste!!

Really, Who would be a Telly Presenter these days with social media etc. EEEEkkkkkss!! :mysmilie_490:
Laura thingy, Not really surprised you keep rabid Rottweilers - they say people resemble their dogs....:mysmilie_12:

Or perhaps you have to make up any ludicrous thing that comes to mind to justify your comments. Anyway, off to find some rabid Rottweilers to feed which is infinitely more relaxing than reading your posts.
School playground all over again - why be so personal in your attacks on individual forum members?

One gang member starts with pulling hair and then others join in when they sniff a chance to be part of the gang... whatever happened to letting people have their own opinions?

It's just Selly Telly for goodness sake - nothing life changing.
I don't keep dogs, hissymyssy whatever your name is, hence the comment about going to FIND some rabid Rottweilers. Please do read the comment before you jump in. And anyone who reads my comments will see that I am not the one given to personal attacks just because someone dares to express an opinion that I disagree with. My remark was in response to your very personal comment. But please be assured, no amount of belittling comments and personal remarks about how boring you find my comments will stop me from expressing them.
Has anybody got a spare Coopers catalogue I can borrow for some interesting reading ? Thank you ..
School playground all over again - why be so personal in your attacks on individual forum members?

One gang member starts with pulling hair and then others join in when they sniff a chance to be part of the gang... whatever happened to letting people have their own opinions?

It's just Selly Telly for goodness sake - nothing life changing.

What an offensive comment. So what you're saying is you can't join in on a public forum? (the clue is in in the words "public" and "forum") Who is the gang member by the way, the one who is calling someone subtly racist, or the one being called subtly racist? Just curious, as for me joining in on a public forum, if it's aimed at me because I joined in (I'll put money on it is) if I want to comment on something I don't agree with, I'll comment even at running the risk of a childish comment from someone like yourself saying I want to be part of a gang, within itself is utterly immature and offensive comment to make. So I won't do what you've done and insult you after all, it's only selly telly isn't it?
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My name is Cooper and I have never received a Cooper's catalogue. I feel I have been discriminated against and shall be contacting Mrs.Clooney.

As for Marv, not watch much but get this idea she is masticating when she talks. As she seems to be chewing something in her mouth by the way she talks.
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