Is Marv for real?


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Jackie Kabler is so overbearing and snotty looking ...can't stand her style of presenting ...she looks like she wants to swat anybody who doesn't agree with her :mysmilie_17: Marv I just feel,sorry for her ...maybe she's their for novelty factor !
I also find the "journalistic background" very difficult to believe. She may have been doing dogsbody stuff behind the scenes but that's about it, I reckon. Like you, I think Thatu's right, and if so it speaks volumes about how things operate - as long as the boxes get ticked, doesn't matter if the viewers are stuck with an incompetent presenter, and surely no one could ever call Marv competent? Means she's virtually unmoveable as well, so no chance of getting rid of her unless she "walks" herself. Personally, about 2 minutes watching is my limit.

According to her 'cv' she's a journalist, and was a tv presenter on BBC and ITV over the last 10 years uncovering news stories ! Well, I've never seen her before. AND as its so hard to get a foothold in the world of news reporting (or any job in tele at that) if she was any good at those jobs surely it would have been a natural progression to be promoted onwards and upwards, not sink to the graveyard of shopping tele world !!

I think Thatu hit the nail on the head, with the right 'quota' being filled - and who cares whether the job is done professionally or not.
I can't watch presenters who feel the need to screech at us in silly voices.... and it's the newer presenters on QVC that are the worst, especially Chloe and Marv, though Claire Sutton is definitely annoying me more as well now.
QVC need to think about the shows these OTT presenters are allocated, and maybe match those 'skills' to products that need a touch more drama to make sales..... but please NEVER put Marv on a Yankee Candle show again! Both Rosa and Steven are careful to describe the scents in a realistic manner, but not Marv...... her screeching descriptions were so ridiculous that I gave up watching - burning a scented candles is supposed to be a relaxing experience Marv!!!!
I can't believe I'm reading comments on here about "Box ticking" "token black female" and "quotas" in relation to a presenter who's style someone doesn't like. Personally, I can't stand Anne Dawson but I would never suggest that she's the "Token Scot". Why would anyone suggest that Marv has simply been employed due to her ethnicity? I notice this hasn't been mentioned about Craig, who is inoffensive but stupid. There is a variety of presenter backgrounds on QVC, Miheal is Irish, Alison K is ultra posh! Are we getting into the realm of the Daily Mail here? I think Marv is a Brummie so I don't find her voice irritating at all. I'm more offended by DF's Sarf London barrow boy style and it's what they say, not how they say it. Most of the presenters aren't the sharpest tools in the box but I draw the line at subtle racism.
I draw the line at subtle racism.

I don't think anyone's being remotely racist here - they're just pointing out that the Q subscribes to the marketing and advertising strategy of 'one in every colour, one in every size'. I can't think of a single photo in an advertising or marketing context in published or online media these days which, if there are three or more people in it, doesn't have:

1 typical English 'Caucasian'.
1 Indian/Indian subcontinent
1 Black
1 Chinese/south Asian
1 Disabled/differently abled, *insert euphemism here
1 Pacific Islander (US media/QVC America only)
1 Hispanic (ibid).

It's not racist to be observant.
I don't think anyone's being remotely racist here - they're just pointing out that the Q subscribes to the marketing and advertising strategy of 'one in every colour, one in every size'. I can't think of a single photo in an advertising or marketing context in published or online media these days which, if there are three or more people in it, doesn't have:

1 typical English 'Caucasian'.
1 Indian/Indian subcontinent
1 Black
1 Chinese/south Asian
1 Disabled/differently abled, *insert euphemism here
1 Pacific Islander (US media/QVC America only)
1 Hispanic (ibid).

It's not racist to be observant.

Quotas are actually part of the stated policy of many media organisations. The BBC has a strict policy of every 7th person in a drama has to be from an ethnic minority. (I read it in the papers, so it must be true!) Also the Advertising Standards Authority, from the same newspaper sources, brought in guidance a few years ago that every fifth person in an advert had to be from an ethnic minority group.

I am surprised anyone is surprised about Craig. When they had the 'talent contest' a few years ago for a presenter job, I knew they would pick a black person, simply because they had none. I am sure Craig is just as good as any of the others he auditioned with, it just seemed obvious that Q would have to wake up by then to its responsibilities to have at least one presenter who represented its non-white section of the audience.
Quotas are actually part of the stated policy of many media organisations. The BBC has a strict policy of every 7th person in a drama has to be from an ethnic minority. (I read it in the papers, so it must be true!) Also the Advertising Standards Authority, from the same newspaper sources, brought in guidance a few years ago that every fifth person in an advert had to be from an ethnic minority group.

I am surprised anyone is surprised about Craig. When they had the 'talent contest' a few years ago for a presenter job, I knew they would pick a black person, simply because they had none. I am sure Craig is just as good as any of the others he auditioned with, it just seemed obvious that Q would have to wake up by then to its responsibilities to have at least one presenter who represented its non-white section of the audience.

Precisely: The Q is obviously savvy and commercially aware enough to realise that they couldn't carry on with a presenting team comprising predominantly of white identikit women. It didn't reflect their audience (or the audience that they wanted to be perceived to have, anyway). The kiss of death for QVC commercially would be if it appeared it was solely for the type of grumpy middle-aged woman who isn't aversed to reading the Coopers catalogue from the Radio Times with a cup of tea, has a nest of tables in her living room and spends her life wiping down her UPVC window-ledges and agreeing with the Daily Express. Craig fulfilled a commercial need in the same way Jacqui did on Ideal World/Create & Craft.
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I've read interviews with black film stars where they address this issue and have said how important it was to them to see their own ethnic group on television/film when they were young. It is very touching to actually think about this, what it means, and the real difference it could make to a young person's life to see positive representations of their own ethnic group in the media - any use of the word 'token'/'tokenism' belittles this important issue.
Just for your clarification, Whatsinaname, making an observation is not being rascist. It's called expressing an opinion, (as you've done, by calling Craig "stupid"), so please calm down and don't throw allegations of so-called"subtle rascism" about, which are totally untrue (Pete Simon is doing relaxer chairs on IW at the moment, may be an idea for you to take a look...).

I can't believe I'm reading comments on here about "Box ticking" "token black female" and "quotas" in relation to a presenter who's style someone doesn't like. Personally, I can't stand Anne Dawson but I would never suggest that she's the "Token Scot". Why would anyone suggest that Marv has simply been employed due to her ethnicity? I notice this hasn't been mentioned about Craig, who is inoffensive but stupid. There is a variety of presenter backgrounds on QVC, Miheal is Irish, Alison K is ultra posh! Are we getting into the realm of the Daily Mail here? I think Marv is a Brummie so I don't find her voice irritating at all. I'm more offended by DF's Sarf London barrow boy style and it's what they say, not how they say it. Most of the presenters aren't the sharpest tools in the box but I draw the line at subtle racism.
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OOhh, touched a nerve have I, Historymystery?

I'm quite calm, thanks, I think you may be the one who needs a lie down. I too was "making an observation", considered carefully after reading comments which were clearly drawing attention to a presenter's ethnicity. As you can see from my post and I will reiterate, the same has not been said about the Token Scot or Irish. Interesting how people will leap on a particular aspect of my post, suggest that someone got a job because of the colour of their skin and then accuse me of throwing accusations around. We are all "expressing opinions" and mine was that there was a hint of racism which I stand by.
I don't know how Marv got the job, but she is well out of her depth. The poor soul is unwatchable. I watched a bit of the end of a Yankee Candle hour with Pocohontas and Charlie, and they said Pocohontas was up next with the luuuuvvvverrrrly Marv, well she may be luuuuuvvveerrlllly but her presenting/selling style is cringeworthy, the poor soul. You have got to have charisma and likeability factor to be a presenter, preferably with a sense of humour, someone like Loen from IW for example.
OOhh, touched a nerve have I, Historymystery?

I'm quite calm, thanks, I think you may be the one who needs a lie down. I too was "making an observation", considered carefully after reading comments which were clearly drawing attention to a presenter's ethnicity. As you can see from my post and I will reiterate, the same has not been said about the Token Scot or Irish. Interesting how people will leap on a particular aspect of my post, suggest that someone got a job because of the colour of their skin and then accuse me of throwing accusations around. We are all "expressing opinions" and mine was that there was a hint of racism which I stand by.

Whatsinaname, your comments are way off target. You're making an observation based on a fallacy, ie that I am in any way racist or that my comment was racist. I object strongly to that and consider your remark ill-informed and offensive in the extreme. No, the same has not been said about the token Scot or the token Irish because they are not the topic of discussion. What I was referring to is exactly what other posters have picked up on, the policy of some organisations to employ certain ethnic minorities.

Kindly do not label other posters racist.

Sazza, would you please remove whatsinaname's offensive, personal attack.
How much clearer do I have to be? I am just as entitled to "observe" as any other individual. I did not accuse anyone of being a racist. I simply said that comments about a particular presenter were not based solely on her presenting or her accent, they strayed into "quotas" and "box ticking". If you're offended, then so am I.

If Sazza wants to censor me, so be it, but it will be the first time I have ever had a comment removed. Some may have disagreed with me, but I don't think I'm alone in my view. I don't usually get involved in dialogues with other people on this forum, I've been here for years and watched how it can descend into attack mode very quickly. I won't bother again and will continue to read only if the first time I disagree with someone, there is a request for me to be removed.
Precisely: The Q is obviously savvy and commercially aware enough to realise that they couldn't carry on with a presenting team comprising predominantly of white identikit women. It didn't reflect their audience (or the audience that they wanted to be perceived to have, anyway). The kiss of death for QVC commercially would be if it appeared it was solely for the type of grumpy middle-aged woman who isn't aversed to reading the Coopers catalogue from the Radio Times with a cup of tea, has a nest of tables in her living room and spends her life wiping down her UPVC window-ledges and agreeing with the Daily Express. Craig fulfilled a commercial need in the same way Jacqui did on Ideal World/Create & Craft.

That's me covered.

I love the Coopers catalogue - and I do read it with a cuppa and a digestive or two :mysmilie_5:

Here's my latest purchase... I got two (one for each cat) and the girls love 'em. They have a little cut out for them to get in and out.... cats and boxes are a match made in heaven.
OOhh, touched a nerve have I, Historymystery?

I'm quite calm, thanks, I think you may be the one who needs a lie down. I too was "making an observation", considered carefully after reading comments which were clearly drawing attention to a presenter's ethnicity. As you can see from my post and I will reiterate, the same has not been said about the Token Scot or Irish. Interesting how people will leap on a particular aspect of my post, suggest that someone got a job because of the colour of their skin and then accuse me of throwing accusations around. We are all "expressing opinions" and mine was that there was a hint of racism which I stand by.

Why would you add the comment "touched a nerve"? Are you deliberately being antagonistic? History is right, it's just an observation, why make a simple comment something it isn't?
I must be missing out somewhere because I`ve never seen a Coopers catalogue. I`m gutted cos it sounds like my kind of read !
Whatsinaname, your comments are way off target. You're making an observation based on a fallacy, ie that I am in any way racist or that my comment was racist. I object strongly to that and consider your remark ill-informed and offensive in the extreme. No, the same has not been said about the token Scot or the token Irish because they are not the topic of discussion. What I was referring to is exactly what other posters have picked up on, the policy of some organisations to employ certain ethnic minorities.

Kindly do not label other posters racist.

Sazza, would you please remove whatsinaname's offensive, personal attack.

Your comment was in no way shape or form racist. Some people like to bandy about the word "racist" for no reason. What they don't realise is that causes more trouble than the actual innocent remark itself, don't worry about it.
I must be missing out somewhere because I`ve never seen a Coopers catalogue. I`m gutted cos it sounds like my kind of read !

Surely not! They're like a rash - not just in the Radio Times, but most other printed media into which an insert can be, well, inserted. They sell the sort of products the housebound/elderly/incontinent tend to buy. Mobility aids, cleaning aids, nasty garden ornaments, etc etc. Think Bettaware/Kleeneeze and add 25 years.

(NB Obviously, Tiddlywinks only bought the nice stuff out of it)
Surely not! They're like a rash - not just in the Radio Times, but most other printed media into which an insert can be, well, inserted. They sell the sort of products the housebound/elderly/incontinent tend to buy. Mobility aids, cleaning aids, nasty garden ornaments, etc etc. Think Bettaware/Kleeneeze and add 25 years.

(NB Obviously, Tiddlywinks only bought the nice stuff out of it)

Ah that explains it lol I don`t buy magazines or newspapers. I do my reading online. Maybe I need a trip to the newsagent to enlighten myself in wonders of incontinence aids and handy gizmos. I love those kind of inventions people dream up and then market, Amazon is full of them.
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