Is Marv for real?


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Ah that explains it lol I don`t buy magazines or newspapers. I do my reading online. Maybe I need a trip to the newsagent to enlighten myself in wonders of incontinence aids and handy gizmos. I love those kind of inventions people dream up and then market, Amazon is full of them.

I have a dirty little secret about this. I save up catalogues like the Coopers one for bedtime reading. I've got a stash of them on my bedside table. I don't often buy from them, but I find reading them strangely soothing: always have done. And when the Lakeland Christmas catalogues come out I tend to save them up for a treat... God, what happened to me.
I have a dirty little secret about this. I save up catalogues like the Coopers one for bedtime reading. I've got a stash of them on my bedside table. I don't often buy from them, but I find reading them strangely soothing: always have done. And when the Lakeland Christmas catalogues come out I tend to save them up for a treat... God, what happened to me.

It's comfortporn and you are not alone. The lowest end of the spectrum is probably Chums and Deans, and the upper reaches are represented by Lakeland and Boden. I have weaned myself off the checked elastic waist trousers of Chums, but Coopers came in very handy when I needed walking and seeing aids after an operation. I knew exactly what I wanted, colour and size, and then looked them up and bought them for half the price from Amazon. Now I am healed, it's cookware from Lakeland (I can barely toast a salad) that is my bedtime reading. Just think, all over Britain, like-minded souls are tucking themselves into bed with comforting catalogues.
It's comfortporn and you are not alone. The lowest end of the spectrum is probably Chums and Deans, and the upper reaches are represented by Lakeland and Boden. I have weaned myself off the checked elastic waist trousers of Chums, but Coopers came in very handy when I needed walking and seeing aids after an operation. I knew exactly what I wanted, colour and size, and then looked them up and bought them for half the price from Amazon. Now I am healed, it's cookware from Lakeland (I can barely toast a salad) that is my bedtime reading. Just think, all over Britain, like-minded souls are tucking themselves into bed with comforting catalogues.

To save my blushes, spelling autocorrect has changed wee-ing aids to seeing aids. Well, I love my commode, so there.
It's comfortporn and you are not alone. The lowest end of the spectrum is probably Chums and Deans, and the upper reaches are represented by Lakeland and Boden. I have weaned myself off the checked elastic waist trousers of Chums, but Coopers came in very handy when I needed walking and seeing aids after an operation. I knew exactly what I wanted, colour and size, and then looked them up and bought them for half the price from Amazon. Now I am healed, it's cookware from Lakeland (I can barely toast a salad) that is my bedtime reading. Just think, all over Britain, like-minded souls are tucking themselves into bed with comforting catalogues.

And to think that once upon a time it might have been a night of passion. Nowadays, given the choice between a load of pawing and moithering from His Nibs or a hot chocolate and the Lakeland catalogue, it's pretty obvious which is the more preferable.
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Oh dear, I really hope comments will not be deleted. If we make a comment on here, we should be prepared for anyone to come along and disagree with us.
My tuppence worth, it's offensive to suggest a person got their job based on their race. Quota systems are used by some companies, but only to when two candidates are of equal merit.
Also, what's wrong with seeing other races represented in adverts. Why should this be viewed negatively? I see beauty in so many races and backgrounds. How being to have only one race portrayed, almost as boring as always favouring one form of beauty e.g. blonde hair and blue eyes.
There are some presenters I don't particularly like but it would never cross my mind to think they got their jobs because of their connections or because someone was doing them a favour.
Racist has become such an 'inflammatory' word in recent times; and only one thing is certain - like it or not there will always be 'racism', you cannot stamp out the feelings/opinions of your fellow man on your say so. Calling someone 'racist' what does it do ? only make you feel good and superior - and then by feeling 'superior' you are no better than the one you are calling 'racist'. Its a never ending circle.

Its a fine line we tread in today's pc world, and a complete minefield in the words we utter. I was brought up never to call a black person 'black' - or half caste, it was derogatory, so the term 'coloured' was used. That's on its head , so black and mixed race are now acceptable terms.

Yes, the media are 'doing right' by everyone and covering every eventuality - such was the discussions on this years Bake Off contestants, a good case in point.
Whats, no you haven't touched a nerve - unintelligent posts never do that for me, I prefer the funny or intelligent comments. Hope the recliner on IW will be a useful aid to calming you down, now b r e a t h e............
OOhh, touched a nerve have I, Historymystery?

I'm quite calm, thanks, I think you may be the one who needs a lie down. I too was "making an observation", considered carefully after reading comments which were clearly drawing attention to a presenter's ethnicity. As you can see from my post and I will reiterate, the same has not been said about the Token Scot or Irish. Interesting how people will leap on a particular aspect of my post, suggest that someone got a job because of the colour of their skin and then accuse me of throwing accusations around. We are all "expressing opinions" and mine was that there was a hint of racism which I stand by.
Sazza, Can I add my request to thatu's? I find the comments made by Whatsinaname both ill-informed and extremely offensive. She obviously has an agenda of her own, which does not include properly reading the content of other people's posts, but simply jumping to her own conclusions.

Whatsinaname, your comments are way off target. You're making an observation based on a fallacy, ie that I am in any way racist or that my comment was racist. I object strongly to that and consider your remark ill-informed and offensive in the extreme. No, the same has not been said about the token Scot or the token Irish because they are not the topic of discussion. What I was referring to is exactly what other posters have picked up on, the policy of some organisations to employ certain ethnic minorities.

Kindly do not label other posters racist.

Sazza, would you please remove whatsinaname's offensive, personal attack.
Also, what's wrong with seeing other races represented in adverts. Why should this be viewed negatively?

Nobody said it was wrong. Neither did anyone say it was being viewed negatively. It's an observation - just that. Why are people's posts being taken out of context and changed to make it sound like the original poster said something she didn't?
If it's ill informed to directly quote other posts, then we're all guilty and should all be deleted. My agenda is to express my opinion as others have done. To accuse one particular presenter of being appointed only because they "tick a box" is in my opinion, offensive, whilst to some it seems to be perfectly acceptable. I don't have to agree with everything that is said here and I did not label anyone. If you can't take some criticism, don't make the remark in the first place.
Oh dear, I really hope comments will not be deleted. If we make a comment on here, we should be prepared for anyone to come along and disagree with us.
My tuppence worth, it's offensive to suggest a person got their job based on their race. Quota systems are used by some companies, but only to when two candidates are of equal merit.
Also, what's wrong with seeing other races represented in adverts. Why should this be viewed negatively? I see beauty in so many races and backgrounds. How being to have only one race portrayed, almost as boring as always favouring one form of beauty e.g. blonde hair and blue eyes.
There are some presenters I don't particularly like but it would never cross my mind to think they got their jobs because of their connections or because someone was doing them a favour.

Unfortunately to meet rules and regulations companies have to employ a cross section of people, QVC is no different and no one has said there's anything wrong with it. It probably doesn't cross anyone else's mind that this goes on, mine included until the subject is brought up and I disagree, there comes a time when posts should be deleted, like when someone is calling someone a racist for stating the facts, I've seen posts removed for less.
Whatsinaname, kindly refer to your post #30 "We are all "expressing opinions" and mine was that there was a hint of racism which I stand by". Now reread my initial post in a thread which begun and has continued with stinging criticism from many posters, some of whom have agreed with you, of Marverine's presentation style, which leads me and others to wonder why she was appointed. Your comment is ill-informed and offensive in the extreme and you are obviously reading only what you want to read into my post, which I have quoted again, #12:

She's a square peg in a round hole. I'd also like to know who employed her and why? Is she simply a token black female? If so, they really need to rethink because she makes for embarrassing viewing and I can't watch her, let alone buy anything from her. She's probably quite a nice, intelligent person but she's not imho suited to the job.

If you read my posts in previous threads you will find that my personal preferences among presenters are not based on colour, race, sex or creed, but on the way they present on screen. To suggest otherwise is ill-informed. Would you kindly now try to justify your "racism" comment. If you cannot, I suggest you retract this unprovoked personal attack on another poster.
There's informed criticism and there's putting a warped slant on things. Referring to "subtle rascism", where nothing that has been said falls into this category, is every bit as offensive as you seem to mistakenly imagine some of forumites posts to be, but of course you can't see it. People will chose to "make remarks", with or without your consent - it's called a forum.

QUOTE=Whatsinaname;816014]If it's ill informed to directly quote other posts, then we're all guilty and should all be deleted. My agenda is to express my opinion as others have done. To accuse one particular presenter of being appointed only because they "tick a box" is in my opinion, offensive, whilst to some it seems to be perfectly acceptable. I don't have to agree with everything that is said here and I did not label anyone. If you can't take some criticism, don't make the remark in the first place.[/QUOTE]
Craftalot, nasty garden ornaments - how very dare you - my pink plastic goldfish with the light-up eyes who sing "Amarillo" are pure class and cost me Five quid plus p & p.:giggle:

Surely not! They're like a rash - not just in the Radio Times, but most other printed media into which an insert can be, well, inserted. They sell the sort of products the housebound/elderly/incontinent tend to buy. Mobility aids, cleaning aids, nasty garden ornaments, etc etc. Think Bettaware/Kleeneeze and add 25 years.

(NB Obviously, Tiddlywinks only bought the nice stuff out of it)
Boffy, I think Thatu was more offended by the "subtle racism" comment, because subtle racism doesn't exist you're either racist or your not.
i dont think britain ever had a quota system. ( i think thats more an american idea) as someone rightly said britain has an equal opportunity process where where the best candidate would be considered on ability.

i personally dont think the remark was appropriate. calling a black person a "token" suggesting qvc need to fill this "so called" invisible quota does not make sense. when the two women presenters left ( jackie and marv replaced them) no one said anything about an irish quota or a cambridge graduate quota. they were pretty poor presenters. qvc have for many many years not had a black female presenter. did not seem a big deal. maybe marverine is not the best qvc presenter ever. i think its a hard job to sell some of the stuff qvc sell. but i quite like her. you may not like her style but to say shes just there because she is a black person is insulting! but thats just my opinion!
in her defence marverine cole is a quality presenter "token" i dont think so. heres a link to her past work in journalism

I shall re-iterate what I said in an earlier post. If she has this high profile cv of her career, erm, why end up in the graveyard of selly telly? as still a young woman, surely its onwards and upwards (if she's any good of course), not sliding down to depths of describing a Dyson. But then who hasn't 'sexed' up our cv at some point.
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