Crowngate resuurrected


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If in your view the matter is over and done with then shut up about it and leave it to others to discuss.

Another post adding nothing to the discussion except to have a pop at me. It is the same people forever bleating on about these things who cannot accept that they are over and done with. It is they who need to shut up. I have responded to stratobuddy which is more than I can say for the shoot now ask questions later brigade.
Another post adding nothing to the discussion except to have a pop at me. It is the same people forever bleating on about these things who cannot accept that they are over and done with. It is they who need to shut up. I have responded to stratobuddy which is more than I can say for the shoot now ask questions later brigade.

I have said it before but I will say it again, it is not over and done with!!!! Will posted about the crown and admitted he doesn't know what happened to it so this has led to people asking if he can find out, so it is not over and done with.

It is not for you to say what people can and cannot discuss. If you think something is over with then fine, feel free not to contribute to the topic but it is not for you or any other member to tell people what they can and cannot chat about on here!!
Sazza, likewise it is not for others to tell me to shut up and tell me what I can and cannot talk about Either!
Sazza, likewise it is not for others to tell me to shut up and tell me what I can and cannot talk about Either!

Well I am telling you to stop posting to tell others an issue is done with when it is not, people want to discuss the crown issue so let them do so! So if you refrain from doing this then no-one need tell you to shut up!
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Sazza, I think you have missed the point and appear to be taking sides. The other auctions are done with, and so is the crown one, in that it has been bought, so it's a question of someone trying to find where it is. As with any auctions any buyer can and does remain anonymous. I can't see anything coming of any detective work if the buyer wants to remain private. I will be interested to read what valuable comments are added to this thread from those you seek to defend.
Sazza, I think you have missed the point and appear to be taking sides. The other auctions are done with, and so is the crown one, in that it has been bought, so it's a question of someone trying to find where it is. As with any auctions any buyer can and does remain anonymous. I can't see anything coming of any detective work if the buyer wants to remain private. I will be interested to read what valuable comments are added to this thread from those you seek to defend.

Nope I have not missed the point and I am not taking sides. I am merely stating that people want to discuss the crown and this is allowed and it is not for you or any other member to say it can't be.
I rarely post these days along with many other "old" members but I just have to say that you certainly like the sound of your own voice Miss Ellie!!! No positive contribution to the thread in your eyes I'm sure but so what?!
Shopperholic - As I thought, Nothing to add to the debate then. It worries me that some people could actually serve on a jury and make assumptions and judgements and have someone hung drawn and quartered without getting all the facts. I hope members (and admin) are wondering why people are persisting in personally attacking me instead of contributing sensibly to the topic.

I will debate with someone who can see things objectively, but I have no time for people with the "it's my way or the
highway" approach, act antagonistic and childish, then expect to be treated the hang in a minute, didn't you block me?............wait a minute don't answer that, I'm not really arsed.
Sazza I am asking that people stop making personal comments at me and pointing it out that this is the only reason they are posting here. You have stated before that members do not make personal remarks but you are allowing them to do so.
Another post adding nothing to the discussion except to have a pop at me. It is the same people forever bleating on about these things who cannot accept that they are over and done with. It is they who need to shut up. I have responded to stratobuddy which is more than I can say for the shoot now ask questions later brigade.

If in your eyes it's over and done with, then leave it! Let it be! Why do you continually try to antagonise people? Miss Queen Julia, and Debbie Flint both used QVC and their charity auction to take advantage of them for their own personal gain, so if you can't see the wrong in that, then I truly feel sorry for you, no I really do. If you're so right and everyone else is wrong, were are all your supporters? Doesn't that tell you something?
Sazza I am asking that people stop making personal comments at me and pointing it out that this is the only reason they are posting here. You have stated before that members do not make personal remarks but you are allowing them to do so.

Exactly what part of "liking the sound of your own voice" do you not understand I wonder? If you feel the matter has been satisfactorily resolved then you are perfectly entitled to leave this particular thread for others to discuss and post their views but you seem intent on repeating yourself making it appear that your view is the right view and everyone else is wrong!!
If in your eyes it's over and done with, then leave it! Let it be! Why do you continually try to antagonise people? Miss Queen Julia, and Debbie Flint both used QVC and their charity auction to take advantage of them for their own personal gain, so if you can't see the wrong in that, then I truly feel sorry for you, no I really do. If you're so right and everyone else is wrong, were are all your supporters? Doesn't that tell you something?

Since I saw this post I will reply. You think I am antagonistic because I have a different view to you which you don't like and can't accept. Everything you say about me could be describing yourself. There are lots of people who will agree with me but they are posting elsewhere because they can see what's going on here. And they can see what will happen to them if they show themselves on here. Make no mistake there are more of those people than there are of you and your cronies and is why I have the courage of my convictions. You're ok if people are agreeing with you but woe betide anyone who dares to disagree! I don't think I'm right per se but I think it's wrong that you and your pals are only posting on this thread to attack me.
Exactly what part of "liking the sound of your own voice" do you not understand I wonder? If you feel the matter has been satisfactorily resolved then you are perfectly entitled to leave this particular thread for others to discuss and post their views but you seem intent on repeating yourself making it appear that your view is the right view and everyone else is wrong!!

And exactly what part of certain-people-are-only-posting-on-this-thread-to-have-a-go-at-me do you not understand I wonder?

Either post about the crown or don't!! Any post in this thread from now that is not about the crown will be deleted!!!!
Right! I don't want to read a post telling someone to shut up, nor do I want to read endless posts speculating about who a poster is or what they should or shouldn't post but I've never blocked anyone.
Any comment about the thread topic is fine by me; so please stop arguing about what's been said and by whom, and start discussing the topic. Accusing people of being a troll is rude and self-defeating and derails the thread.

I doubt we'll ever hear another peep from QVC about the Crown or the Tea with Joan Collins auctions. Keeping quiet is Q's best strategy to avoid incriminating anyone or admitting that they have any fault to answer. It doesn't mean they're right. It'll be interesting to see this year whether there'll be any auctions and whether Q will be clearer in their running of the charity auctions. I'd rather they offered more products and maybe had a prize draw with automatic entry with every order placed for BCC items. QVC and the vendors who donate the items could easily raise an extra £5,000 in goods and the winners names should be drawn by someone independent from BCC not QVC. Anyone else think of improvements for 2015's BCC event?
I haven`t yet posted on this thread but firstly it`s a forum not a school room and I for one will not be " told off " by another forumite, whoever they are. and whatever they do or don`t want.
Secondly having read through the thread it appears some people have reaped what they`ve sown and as my Mother always said " some people just keep digging until the hole is big enough to bury them in ".
Thirdly, as for the Crown, well as far as I`m concerned, the Crown issue and the Joan Collins issue are both a valuable lesson to me not to trust Q`s integrity, not to donate in any way, shape or form , via their so called charity events and to give to charity by other ways and means.
So now I have posted for the first and last time about Crowngate !
Here is my theory!!!!

"Hello Liz here. I spotted in the paper you have a crown which is a knock off of the one I wear. Well since my original is so damn heavy is there a chance I might buy your one?"

QVC, "Of course your majesty."

"Wonderful. I'll sent Phil round in the morning."

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