Crowngate resuurrected


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Since I saw this post I will reply. You think I am antagonistic because I have a different view to you which you don't like and can't accept. Everything you say about me could be describing yourself. There are lots of people who will agree with me but they are posting elsewhere because they can see what's going on here. And they can see what will happen to them if they show themselves on here. Make no mistake there are more of those people than there are of you and your cronies and is why I have the courage of my convictions. You're ok if people are agreeing with you but woe betide anyone who dares to disagree! I don't think I'm right per se but I think it's wrong that you and your pals are only posting on this thread to attack me.

I think you're antagonistic for one reason and one reason only, because you act that way. Please believe me when I say I'm not bothered if you agree with me or not, honestly I really don't care. Read your post back to yourself, especially the "cronie" part, which is insulting, personal and rude, exactly what I said you was, but read it back to yourself and you'll see why you have the reputation you do. No one here has called you any names. People are naturally concerned if they see any wrongdoing, especially when cheating a charity out of money. Queen Julia got that crown at a knock down price and someone wanted to bid more, therefore the charity was cheated and it was morally wrong. That's the way it is and how decent people see it.
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Regarding auctions generally, I'm not in favour of these "items that money can't buy" type which CIN , RND etc have as I think that that is exactly what they are - only the very very wealthy could afford to pay 10's sometimes 100's of thousands for a very elite prize. I think that if they had 1000's of say 5 or 10 pound donations in a hat it would achieve the same amount for the charity and make the donees feel much more part of it.
Cat got your tongue? Does anyone know for a fact that Julia Roberts got this Crown? She had it on her head I've read, but that does not mean she ended up with it! I have found this article in the Daily Mail from 2 May 2012 about the Crown.

Given that a national newspaper covered this, anyone at the time believing that there was wrongdoing should have contacted the newspaper to investigate.
Cat got your tongue? Does anyone know for a fact that Julia Roberts got this Crown? She had it on her head I've read, but that does not mean she ended up with it! I have found this article in the Daily Mail from 2 May 2012 about the Crown.

Given that a national newspaper covered this, anyone at the time believing that there was wrongdoing should have contacted the newspaper to investigate.

No, no-one knows for fact what happened to the crown, hence people asking Will given he posted about it this week!
Queen Julia got that crown at a knock down price and someone wanted to bid more, therefore the charity was cheated and it was morally wrong. That's the way it is and how decent people see it.

Sazza - unless someone has absolutely proof they shouldn't make statements like the one above.
Flippin 'eck....

Blessed are the peacemakers (or is that cheese makers?) so can we agree that we'll all never agree on this? Otherwise we're all going around in circles.

As to the auction - I doubt there was anything illegal BUT it may have been less than fair to the charity and to the viewers who had wanted the opportunity to bid.

I think Strato has a right to ask the question now that Will has raised the issue again. They've opened the conversation after all.

Perhaps we could all help to address this by sending an email the Q Exec's office and asking for an answer? That way we'll at least show that we are confused by past events.

Any in-fighting though is just a waste of energy and time that could be directed elsewhere surely?

I'm looking forward to seeing if Strato gets anywhere with this - good luck to him.
Cat got your tongue? Does anyone know for a fact that Julia Roberts got this Crown? She had it on her head I've read, but that does not mean she ended up with it! I have found this article in the Daily Mail from 2 May 2012 about the Crown.

Given that a national newspaper covered this, anyone at the time believing that there was wrongdoing should have contacted the newspaper to investigate.

Cat didn't get my tongue no, the waiter got my money, I do have a life you know..............Apparently Julia tweeted she had won the crown last year after the auction then quickly deleted it, but not before it was seen "apparently", and it spread from there, so you can say it's from the horses to speak.
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I hope this works, it is the best I can do to get the Daily Mail article on here.

With acknowledgement to the Daily Mail.

I'm sure you all know that you have to click each image to make it readable.





Twitter have now finally blocked or bought out every service that could "mine" for deleted tweets. At the time that deleted tweet might have been able to be found.
Thanks for that Strattobuddy. My take on this, would have not to put it up for auction, but to have it on display at various venues, yes even the Butler & Wilson shop. Great publicity for Diamonique, capturing an audience of those who never, or are unable to watch QVC.

Wherever the crown is now, I find it a great shame that something so beautifully done is only in the possession of one person, rather than being enjoyed by many. I know you were willing to purchase this Strattobuddy, but can I ask where it would sit in your home, or had you another purpose for it ?

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