Peter simon is now on gemstv brilliant. This time NO swearing, no flirting just be yourself. He looks well, gemstv better than that awful bidtv good luck to the man but most of all peter do not bs please, they read this forum (the presenters etc ) .
About a month ago I discovered that Peter Simon lived on my road, today he was in the car behind me!! Was really weird seeing someone in the flesh who you've been seeing on telly for years.
Smoking like a chimney and with a younger gentleman in the passenger seat.
My life is now complete![]()
And would the younger gentleman be called Bet or Maude?
I'm wondering how much longer it will be before Gems get rid, he's a cringeworthy, walking disaster! The sheer drivel that he spouts is laughable........the amount of "oh look at that" "not only" "a gem of Kings and Queens" "of regal and royalty" "a beauty mark on your finger" "0845 612" "0845 61" the amount of unfinished sentences, and giving the wrong names or pronouncing the gem names wrong...Taverna Diamond?? Miner Gerais?? Andsine?? giving the wrong colours. He doesn't even present the items properly as the others do, standing there holding a ring in a display box for the full sales pitch, spouting claptrap isn't showing us it properly, on the hand Peter, ON THE HAND!!
And allowing him to act like he did on Bid, the BIG intro, the chats, the vomit worthy ending, like he owns the place. There are presenters who've been there from the start who don't do that, what an insult to them. Was it to please Peter that he was given the late night slot and Jim Brooman move to 3am to 7am?? yep!! Oh for gawds sake Gems, wake up, the only reason i watch him is because he's absolutely terrible. Every thing about him is just so wrong for Gems.
Do wish he would stop the waffle and talk about carat weight ect.