Paul Becque has left the building


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Didn't see him lasting much longer after retiring from screen to focus on being Channel Manager of Price Drop.

Did notice on LinkedIn a few weeks ago he was inquiring about a cruise line job so perhaps going back to his roots.
Can't say l'm sorry to see him go! Couldn't stand when he used to look at the camera and scream out GO...GO...GO!!! plus all those references to 'Bob'. My only regret is he didn't take 3 or 4 others with him!
Not exactly a Becque fan either despite him being a bit more honest than some of the other presenters, and not because he screams and shouts either (though not exactly 100% helpful). He dragged his family into the presentations as if they were part of his trophy cabinet and, erm, let me just say that he didn't come over as being the most 'refined' person in the world, to put it politely, especially given all the Sit-up supplied products he supposedly bought and paraded on Facebook. (Never seen his Facebook page and have no desire to either.)

All those tat products just seemed to be up his alleyway, so to speak...
Can't say l'm sorry to see him go! Couldn't stand when he used to look at the camera and scream out GO...GO...GO!!! plus all those references to 'Bob'. My only regret is he didn't take 3 or 4 others with him!

I have good news, the atrocious Nicola George is also leaving soon. I heard a rumour she is taking her Lola La Rouge act to Broadway although I cannot confirm if that is true or not.

Now if only they can get shut of Peter Simon, James Russell, Mike Mason and Carolyn Lyndsay.

I live in hope :happy:
And the ship sinks a little lower as another one leaves. I wasn't a fan but it seems that as one goes the new ones coming in aren't that comfortable in front of the cameras.

As far as I can make out and speaking generally; shopping channels, cruise ships and personal shoppers are about all that they are capable of when looking for a job.
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What will you all have to moan about if all the "legendary" presenters go and they start describing their products correctly & honestly?

This forum wouldnt exist.

95% of the reason i watch is to sit in amazement at the BS they come out with & the utter tat they flog & the antics of Peter Simon, Sally, Mikey et all.
What will you all have to moan about if all the "legendary" presenters go and they start describing their products correctly & honestly?

This forum wouldnt exist.

95% of the reason i watch is to sit in amazement at the BS they come out with & the utter tat they flog & the antics of Peter Simon, Sally, Mikey et all.

Good point, although only a hypothetical one.

It's in Sit Up's DNA to BS. Just when you think they might be changing their ways they go and pull a masterstroke like the laughable 'free £10 credit' offer, or Peter Simon invents his 'it's not a Chloe/Mulberry/McQueen' nonsense. Or James Russell comes out with a complete load of cobblers about Yarvik Tablets and it's 'free' Microsoft Office software and that's just 3 of the most recent whoppers.

I doubt they'll ever change, they cant when they sell so much tatt. This forum is safe!!!
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yes i agree its good entertainment watching the BS

It's great, you won't find better BS this side of the pond. It's just a shame money has to change hands.

I mean take Mike Mason on now. He dosen't even need to open his mouth for you to know he's a total BS'er, he just looks like one. But if you were in any doubt the moment he does open his mouth your suspicions are totally confirmed.

Right now he is putting the fear of God into people about being burgled, he is selling some crappy wirless alarm system. He suggested you might get a reduction on your insurance premiums if you have an alarm which is quite correct. However, I doubt you would with this one Mike. It went for £13.99, somehow I doubt an alarm that takes batteries is on Aviva's list of approved systems!

Disingenuous? Oh I think so.
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Bidtv fb wall this is funny Paul was one of the good ones ! There's one female presenter I cannot bear to watch - "rough" doesn't come near it !!!!!!!!!!!
IS this the beginning of the end for sit up ?
He had to reverse a bit on one of his wonderful timepieces last night

'It's even got a rotating bezel......(tries to turn it) oh ok, it's not a rotat.........ok guys, you've gotta be quick on those phones' :giggle:
Bidtv fb wall this is funny Paul was one of the good ones ! There's one female presenter I cannot bear to watch - "rough" doesn't come near it !!!!!!!!!!!
IS this the beginning of the end for sit up ?

Think that could well be the charming Lisa Brash;

She was on last night and l could only watch for about 2 minutes before l could take no more! The length of the skirt she was wearing would have been better suited to one of those phone-in channels higher up the programme guide! :call:
Think that could well be the charming Lisa Brash;

She was on last night and l could only watch for about 2 minutes before l could take no more! The length of the skirt she was wearing would have been better suited to one of those phone-in channels higher up the programme guide! :call:

I can't believe they've brought her out from the back, so to speak :smirk:
Think that could well be the charming Lisa Brash;

She was on last night and l could only watch for about 2 minutes before l could take no more! The length of the skirt she was wearing would have been better suited to one of those phone-in channels higher up the programme guide! :call:

CBeebies? :wonder:
well i will miss paul beque and his manic presenting, i could'nt stand him at first but after a while he sort of grew on me,
although only in small doses ha ha. but just imagine being on a cruise ship with him as the entertainments manager! yeah
think about it...... there will be no escape from him, at least we had an off button... we will probably hear in a few months
time that he's been chucked overboard by some highly annoyed punter! good luck paul
well i will miss paul beque and his manic presenting, i could'nt stand him at first but after a while he sort of grew on me,
although only in small doses ha ha. but just imagine being on a cruise ship with him as the entertainments manager! yeah
think about it...... there will be no escape from him, at least we had an off button... we will probably hear in a few months
time that he's been chucked overboard by some highly annoyed punter! good luck paul

He'll probably be back. James Russell, Charlie McArdle, Mike Mason, they all crawled back when they realised their talents are best suited to selling garbage for a channel that allow them to say pretty much anything they like rather than working for an employer with higher standards.

I don't mind Paul in short doses but I really hope Nicola George never returns when she leaves in a few weeks.
I don't mind Paul in short doses but I really hope Nicola George never returns when she leaves in a few weeks.

Lola's leaving?

That makes sense, as I've just read that there's a nationwide tour of "Wicked" :wait:
Lola's leaving?

That makes sense, as I've just read that there's a nationwide tour of "Wicked" :wait:

She is going, I heard Sit Up threatened to throw water on her but she decided to leave of her own accord.

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