OH PLLLEEEAAASSSE! Take a look at the real world! Plenty of soul gutting dreadful situations to consider, pray for, evaluate. Personally I'd rather ponder on something worthy of my time than laying into normal people who are having a laugh. Oh & if you think that's unbelievebly cruel please remember that the women in the pic in the opening post are trying to make as many people as poss spend huge amounts of money on purchasing very expensive FITNESS equipment from their show!
Personally I find your post offensive and ridiculous. If it's too "cruel & nasty" for you to bear I really don't know why you contributed to the thread.
As for not wanting to meet myself & other forumites in person as were "such nasty bullies", rest assured, you won't hence this is an internet forum & people only arrange to meet in person if they want to with poeple whom they have become friends with.
I can't believe why this discussion is even taking place - surely you're all over excited by the up and coming (drum roll please) Elemis tsv !! Yah![]()
I think most people do Lynn or else they like the sound of their own voice - but that's the point of a forum you say what you want to say. People won't all see things the same way, it's the differences that make us interesting.
I agree but sadly it seems if ur opinion is in the monority and u dare to express it all hell breaks lose.
I agree with you in parts but don't like the reference to gang response.I'm not sure if that's it Autumn, I think it's more about how you express the opinion. If 'you' (not you personally) try and castigate others' posts I think you end up with a body of people defending their own position. If you just express your opinion I can't say I've noticed that 'you' (not you personally) suddenly get the impact of a gang response.I do quite a lot of people watching but I dont always read all the posts thoroughly as I have limited time so I may have got that wrong.
I'm not sure if that's it Autumn, I think it's more about how you express the opinion. If 'you' (not you personally) try and castigate others' posts I think you end up with a body of people defending their own position. If you just express your opinion I can't say I've noticed that 'you' (not you personally) suddenly get the impact of a gang response.I do quite a lot of people watching but I dont always read all the posts thoroughly as I have limited time so I may have got that wrong.
i would remind the naysayers there is a sticky categorically stating criticism of presenters is permitted.
it's a shame that whenever there's a funny thread with everyone having a laugh, the same people have to wade in and attempt to spoil it. because they have zero sense of humour, their aim seems to be to spoil threads for everyone else. a blind man could see it. those with a sense of humour don't need to defend themselves or their posts. just ignore and keep up the good work.
big hugs to (((vampy)))
Im similar to you and sit back and read wot others say, often what puts me off airing my opinion is how as soon as someone dares to disagree with the majority it all kicks off, it would be a pretty boring forum if we just play follow the leader and all agree, i would imagine alot more people disagree with posts on here but they feel intimidated to say there opinions which is really sad.
I don't either Tinks but I can understand if some do.This is about the only forum I've ever been part of where I don't feel forced to behave in a certain way. If I don't agree I'll say so. If I agree I'll say so. But to be fair I often don't feel inclined to get involved as I don't feel strongly one way or the other but I certainly don't feel intimidated.