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Im a manic cleaner. When life is chaotic, I clean and clean. I also clean for my mum and my grandparents. I do most of my cleaning either early morning or late evening, always with qvc on in the background. I switch all tvs on to qvc and then deep breath and get started, have got those cleaning caddy things for supplys.

anyone else love housework? whats your routies? I learnt from my mum who was fanatical when we were growing up. My sister is a big cleaner too. Now mum is ill, I do her cleaning at weekends and do my grandparents Friday. I would have loved to actually be a cleaner, offices, houses. maybe when I return to world of work. Does anyone else find cleaning so therapeutic? I love using my steam cleaners but still cant beat the old Mr Sheen, Cif and Zoflora.
I also do my dads from time to time. That is always a challenge. He does his best but works long hours and away from home a lot. I do a big bottoming every so often. its a big house to do, love it.
I actually hate it - so if you want to pop around to mine that would be good. Although I do like the house to be clean so probably do more of it than I have to. I am forever just popping the lightweight cleaner, which I keep in the kitchen, around downstairs to pick up a few bits and running a e-cloth around the kitchen or the bathroom. I then do a big clean once a week normally Thursday/Friday then a little clean on a sunday morning.

What annoys me is the men in my house (One husband and 2 grown up boys) do not seem to see dirt and mess. And would never do anything. When I say that there are bits on the carpet which need cleaning up they look at me like I am mad.
I hate it too, so there's two customers straight away tristar! When I worked I think I did more about the house than I do now I'm retired, daft as it sounds, but normally I'm out more, lunches out, days out, with friends, which I couldn't do when I worked and I figure hey..the dust will still be here when I'm long gone!
Im never happier than when Im stuck in to it! Deep breaths, get the black sacks out and then go. I do my grans tomorrow start about 9 and Im done for 3pm, sure burn off some calories, better than gym and Im doing something for them, I enjoy it and they appreciate it so much. My grandad always tries to get me to have a little whisky with him, but Im always too fired up for the cleaning to sit down.
Iv worked in offices and seen the cleaners with the bags and dusters and thought, Id love to be doing that! I think my dad is frankly embarassed at my cleaning thing. Thanks for the offers of extra cleaning duties Carole and Rosey!
Loathe and despise it but hate a grubby home even more - little and often seems to work best for me so it's never too daunting.

BTW: what's this big bottom business?
Ah, bottoming, is it a northern thing? both my mum and gran always sayed 'this room needs botteming' meaning a deep clean, as far as I know.
If I'm in the mood there's nothing better than getting stuck into a good cleaning session. Great exercise and sparkling house ~ fab! If I'm not in the mood then it's a horrible chore. If I lived on my own I wouldn't mind so much, but it's disheartening to know that the men in the house don't give a rat's ar** for my efforts and will quite happily tromp in with muddy shoes and undo all my good work. Youngest son loves to sprinkle all over my gleaming loo which drives me crazy especially when I sit down without checking the seat. I've asked him if he's got some sort of problem ~ he says it's not him and it must be me!
I can't say I'm a housework 'addict,' but I don't mind doing it. I don't have a routine as such, but I do end up with the whole house having been done thoroughly once a week minimum (i.e. hoovered, dusted, the tiled floors and the cloakroom and bathroom cleaned) but I clean the kitchen work surfaces and do the cooker every day when I've cooked. People often comment about how tidy I am, but that's simply because I live alone and, so when things are put away or cleaned, there's only me to mess it up again (and I try not to. :wink:)

I lost interest in my last house (an impending divorce didn't fuel my interest in the place) but still kept it hoovered and dusted but not like I do now in my own place. In fact, maybe the 'cleaning bug' has got into my blood now because when I go round to my old place to see my son (and even if the ex is there too) I often end up doing the washing up or wiping the surfaces in the kitchen ........... and they don't mind. :wink: The only thing that would drive me mad though, if I still lived there, is that they put the things that are for re-cycling on the units until there are enough to make a trip to the re-cycling bin worthwhile. The bin is less than 6 feet from the kitchen door! :wink: At home, I tend to put things in my bin one item at a time (it takes seconds.) The only time I didn't was during last Friday's blizzards when I dared to store up four boxes and bottles on the unit before I went out to the bin and braved the elements. :eek:
I don't mind cleaning but I work full time and have quite a busy life outside of work so I made the choice to have a cleaner. She is fan-bloody-tastic. She's looked after my home for me for years.

I live alone, although my partner stays over at the weekend but essentially its my space. He says I'm a neat freak. I don't think I am. I tidy the house every morning before I leave for work and having two cats I do run the Hoover round. I also steam clean the hard floors. I love that job.

She does most of my ironing too. And she feeds my cats when I'm away. She makes my life easier.
I was definitely better at looking after the house when I had 2 cats - I was always aware that people might think I was an old cat lady living in cat-pee squalor! However, much as I love a clean house I'm quite content to let things slip. I keep telling myself that as it's only me in the house and it's my own dirt I'm wallowing in then it is alright. The best thing for me is to be told that someone is coming to visit and then it's all hand to the deck!

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