Guest Shopper
Love the Daily Mash. They report what we're all really thinking!! 
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Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
Bloody brilliant!!
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I felt alienated again on an EMU show (must stop being so sensitive, ridiculous at my age :headbang, JR and the guest talking about their "men" and giggling that smug giggle. No man here for ages and not the foreseeable either (barring a miracle). Only my dear little moggie Eric who kept me sane through my depression (if you know what I mean!) He costs me a fortune in prawns (well, bargain basement ones in Somerfields) he's worth every penny. Must find out how to post a pic.
God that reminded me of my Dad who turned into a right grumpy old bugger. I loved the bones of him and my Mum died 15 years before he did and as he grew older, into his 80`s he was a real loner but loved it. All of us would invite him for Christmas and he`d never say yes, would umm and ahh and avoid the subject. On Christmas Day one of us would have to physically go and get him and we`d be lucky if he stayed long enough to eat his meal. He was happy with his radio, his newspapers and his daily walk around the local cemetary, I kid you not. Once a week he`d go to the local Age Concern centre but he was always complaining it was full of old folks .... he was 87 !!
My Dad to a T as per my previous post - he's 88 - maybe we should introduce them Vienna, prob get on like a house on fire!
I'll be on at 7, purely to distract myself from having to spend the day with my "mother" and her village idiot husband.
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is that obligatory? from what you've said, you'd be far happier just spending the day with your own little family.
I know what you mean but didn't want you to think you came across as smug. you enjoy yourself.