Andy Love and Joanne Puttrich


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I don't think she can even fake enthusiasm that well. She even makes watching Ellis a pleasure by comparison.

It's funny how poeple read things differently. I used to loathe Joanne but recently have started to warm to her. I still find her rattling delivery in combination with the South African accent hard to cope with, but I'm beginning to believe that she actually is genuinely enthusiastic now about crafting - in fact, she sometimes makes me think of a wee kid in a sweet shop! Ellis Ward, on the other hand, seems to me to suffer from the perception that the whole world is overwhelmed by her talent (????) , life story, family, bad back and so on (have you ever seen such a performance as when she's on the Flexiback show? - she clearly thinks we have all forgotten her high kick performances, stupid writhing about on fashion shows etc, etc). Clearly she thinks she's Queen of IW (The Julia Roberts of the channel?), but I have to say she would fit right in to a market stall! - actually, correction, she would probably empty the market!!
Sorry about the rant - can you tell I dislike her?!?
Whatever gives you that impression, lol :cheeky:? Everyone has their own favourite and least favourite presenters. The pair that just make me me cringe are A & B, with their juvenile behaviour. They shouldn't be allowed near a tv camera. Their humour is funny for 5 minutes, then they grate on you.
Whatever gives you that impression, lol :cheeky:? Everyone has their own favourite and least favourite presenters. The pair that just make me me cringe are A & B, with their juvenile behaviour. They shouldn't be allowed near a tv camera. Their humour is funny for 5 minutes, then they grate on you.

I don't think their humour is funny for half a minute, let alone five :smirk:
Did you see the midnight hour last night (4th Sep)?

I've always sat on the fence as far as Andy Love is concerned. Not particularly liking or disliking him.

He was very entertaining at midnight last night. Did more joking and telling of stories than selling. I've jumped off the fence now and decided I like him.

On the other hand, Joanne Puttrich really gets on my tits. I think it's her voice and fake enthusiasm.

Andy is a very funny guy and fun to watch.He doesn't take himself too seriously and is very quick with his wit.I wonder if he's ever done comedy ,becasue his delivery is very comedic in many ways.
Now compare him with someone like ..oh I don't know..Dale ( Mr.Sincerity) Franklin,for arguments sake.
I'm starting to warm to Joanne, I couldn't stand her at first and had to turn her shows off, that nasally drone used to make me want to strangle I find her quite pleasant, if slightly hyper! her genuine excitement and interest in items is refreshingly welcome after certain presenters platitudes and the me,me,me power selling which seems to be coming the norm lately.
I'd rather watch her than Dennice anyday!
I don't mind Andy - but do find that he looks bored with craft shows! I also found Joanne grating at first but now find that I like her and don't notice her accent any more. I think all the IW/C&C presenters are over-enthusiastic and just think that this is the way they are "trained" to sell - a bit like a market stall with lots of shouting and overselling. I mean how can a whole show be concentrated on one item - buy it now, it's selling so fast, oh my goodness we have now sold
?% etc....:yawn2::sleepy:
I don't mind Andy - but do find that he looks bored with craft shows! I also found Joanne grating at first but now find that I like her and don't notice her accent any more. I think all the IW/C&C presenters are over-enthusiastic and just think that this is the way they are "trained" to sell - a bit like a market stall with lots of shouting and overselling. I mean how can a whole show be concentrated on one item - buy it now, it's selling so fast, oh my goodness we have now sold
?% etc....:yawn2::sleepy:

Can you blame him? :rolleyes:
Andy is a very funny guy and fun to watch.He doesn't take himself too seriously and is very quick with his wit.I wonder if he's ever done comedy ,becasue his delivery is very comedic in many ways.
Now compare him with someone like ..oh I don't know..Dale ( Mr.Sincerity) Franklin,for arguments sake.

Yep, Andy is a comedy writer - think he's written plays and stuff, he might also have done stand up too - can't remember off the top of my head though. I think he's really good, and I think he treats things in a very tongue-in-cheek manner sometimes on IW which is quite endearing. Think he's a great presenter.
I used to like it when Andy was the narrator on the Channel 4 programme Coach Trip. It took me a while to put a face to the voice cos I knew I recognized it from somewhere. Better than the presenter on this series
Did you see the midnight hour last night (4th Sep)?

I've always sat on the fence as far as Andy Love is concerned. Not particularly liking or disliking him.

He was very entertaining at midnight last night. Did more joking and telling of stories than selling. I've jumped off the fence now and decided I like him.

On the other hand, Joanne Puttrich really gets on my tits. I think it's her voice and fake enthusiasm.

I really like Joanne

Her voice is so sexy... xx

Does anyone know if she's married or in a long-term relationship?

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