Registered Shopper
Pity you ate all those buttons, could have used them as a distraction 
hey Charles Atlas...Mommabear's FREE
hey Charles Atlas...Mommabear's FREE
I live in hope... xx
Don't we all? :wave2:
i sometimes dance :tassles:
Sorry, I meant to say...
I'd pay good money to see that!
lol xx
Yeah but that was only because you were found drunk and disorderly in the middle of the Belfry with your head split open :28:Plasters at the ready :wave2:.......and I used to be in the St John's Ambulance as a girl :hi:
Well a certain poster wishes it was him....but look out for anything to do with 'problem feet' or kaftans.At the gym we have a motto: "Women weaken legs"
Don't think I know Ju - what's she been on ?
That thing you do with the ping pong balls in return for battenberg isn't exactly dancing :25:i said...I SOMETIMES DANCE