Guest Shopper
'Lips' is lazy? What do you expect? A Van Gogh? Lulu Guinness is highly established in the fashion world - she doesn't need QVC - if anything QVC went begging at her door.
i expect “quality” and “effort”. i also expect “reason”; an original VG handbag charm is not a reasonable expectation…neither is “lips” cut out from a piece of plastic…i can do that at home, but i could never make a B&W charm.
Simon also sells in his shops divine encrusted bags with a price range of £250-£550 appr…they deserve every penny and i am soooo drooling over them. i can afford to buy them, as i can afford LG bags, but i have not found any <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1
ersonName>ustification for spending this money on a single bag….it is madness....this is a family's supermarket budget for a month!
Suzywoozy, my comments had no intention to offend you, but to express my anger and frustration at people who have the audacity to believe they have the right to make easy money. Isn't this obscene greed that has put us into economic meltdown?
if LG does not need QVC, why is she here? from a business perspective, business decisions are not taken according to who "knocks on your door", but according to one's target market based on a business plan. we know why Simon is on QVC..QVC type customers are his target market.
Kipling are selling some of their leather handbags for half price (at their <st1lace><st1
laceName> <st1
lace> outlet). there was one design at £30!!!