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Peter and Alison have definitely got previous!

Hmm, with Pedro it's more than likely he worked with Alison Hammond in that Panto back in 2005 and that was it! Likely name drops her as a "dear friend" (and believe she is) now she's big cheese on TV as it helps him pretend he's still relevant.

I doubt he was ever approached for Strictly Come Dancing. It'd boggle the mind. He's not even popped up on low-rent, low-budget Z-list tosh like Celebrity Coach Trip or Celeb Enema Farm or anything.

From memory, his only inclusion in a mainstream TV show in the past 10 years is as a talking head in a Channel 5 "when TV goes wrong" type programme which featured his snot incident on Bid.tv. Even then, he only appeared to comment on it and didn't feature in the rest of the show.

Even the ITV talent show thing that had an "I want to be a shopping tv presenter" segment featured Mike Mason not Pedro.
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It cannot be easy for him nonetheless. He was a reasonably well-known face on mainstream television throughout the late1980s and early to mid1990s, and was still doing quite decent level pantomimes as the main star up to the early 2000s. He even had an Airfix plastic figure made in his likeness, on top of a Sheridan tank, and a second version with him on board on old Fokker, given away to the first 500 shoppers purchasing 12 cans of Quatro in a major Gateway UK promotion in 1993. Along with those triumphs, he was also the face of the Talbot Samba promotion in 1982. Now, from those major success stories, he finds himself not selling £20 bags on a shopping television channel with a couple of kids behind the scenes reading associated forums instead of checking his microphone was turned off during the break. No wonder he gets frustrated with it all as his off-air comments suggested the other night.
Like I said on a post on a post last night, I find it sad, as I remember him on both Going Live and Live and Kicking, have a feeling he left that April 1996, When Andi Peters and Emma Forbes left, Don’t think he was kept on when Zoe Ball and Jamie Theakston took over, But on Live and Kicking, he done the prerecorded Double Dare and Run the Risk, where he acted the bumbling idiot, and was often made into a joke character by Trevor and Simon.

I’m surprised he doesn’t name Drop Andi Peters, Zoe and Jamie, or is it that he knows if he name drops them, theyed react
What made him loose the status he had
Television’s requirements have changed. I mean mainstream television. He is collateral damage of that PC war that those driving radical changes won 20 or so years ago. Television nowadays is unrecognisable from when Peter Simon and other casualties of the radical changes were appearing on the BBC etc. Had he been 15 or 20 years older, he could’ve quite easily been a stand-up comedian on programs like The Comedians, appearing as an amiable fool on shows like Mind Your Language, or presenting a Bullseye type quiz show. But we don’t have comedic fools anymore, and only about five box-ticking people do all the quiz shows. Playing the clown is no longer seen not to be funny by the powers that be as it could be offensive to real life clowns in general. Other than rarities like Peter Kay and to an extent Ricky Gervais, we don’t have people actually being funny and telling quick fire gags nowadays. We now have touchy feely life observers being unfunny..Doing gags would be seen now as risking ridiculing some minority or other and they just aren’t tolerated any longer. Peter Simon is a white, older man, with an essentially 1970s’ gag-related patter. He doesn’t tick TV of today’s politically correct and inclusive requirements. Ironically, as somebody who gives the impression of loving dogs, he would be rather good doing a show like For The Love of Dogs, but he would stand no chance of getting such a gig, as he and others of his generation have been consciously erased from modern day programming commissioning editors casting briefs.
Some of the sales techniques on this channel are dripping in "I'm doing this for your benefit, Doris. I wouldn't want you to miss out on this deal. Is there anything else I can do to get you to sign today?" pressure selling vibes.
Exactly. On IW Mk.II they used to sell airtime to The Planning Crowd which did, inter alia, will writing. Can you imagine if IW Mk.III got into that. 'We, your friends at Ideal World, understand how difficult a time it is when your dearly beloved has Alzheimers/pancreatic cancer/*something else terminal, and we're here to help you with all that difficult, boring paperwork stuff during your time of grief. Like helping sort that will out for you... Let Uncle Peter help you'
Hasn’t everyone been aware of identity theft for many years now? Pedro’s acting like it’s the newest trend in crime or something.
Bit like the RFID 'wallets' which 'block scammers and other bad people' from stealing your card details by 'just standing by you'. QVC sells a lot of this apparent 'technology' in wallets, bags and the like.

No-one has ever mentioned that there has never been a single recorded crime involving RFID card skimming. The amount of money that QVC/IW have made scaring old people into thinking this bit of foil will protect them from fraud is a ******* disgrace.
As I said, this and other channels (although more ‘delicately’) are crystal clear what their core viewer/buyer, is …Probably aged somewhere between 55 and 80, mostly female, not particularly Net clued up, suspicious of online banking/shopping in general, lonely to a degree, wanting the ‘camaraderie’ of being part of a TV family/community, and terrified of being scammed. Accordingly, they intentionally or otherwise prey on these people’s insecurities, need to feel ‘part’ of something, ignorance of what things can be bought for elsewhere, and set their products and selling strategies accordingly. Cynical? Manipulative, even? All retailers do similar to a greater or lesser degree. We just focus on the shopping channels.
Made the mistake of watching a few minutes of Sally Jacks yesterday as she was on when I was flicking through the channels. She was flogging these rugs and was straight away urging folk to multi-buy then (get one for your living room, get a couple for either side of your bed etc.) then disgracefully started saying how about for every purchase the company will buy one meal for a child in the UK or India. I have seen the graphics previously that states this but she's the first presenter I've seen on the channel basically trying to guilt-trip viewers into buying products. Not even Disingenous Gen or Dirty Peter have resorted to those sale tactics. What a truly awful woman!

Talking of Dirty Peter, I know it has already been mentioned several pages back, but yesterday was the first time I'd ever heard him mention Hammy. I did start laughing when Peter was feigning joy and excitement that Hammy had managed to buy a figurine of him! Then requesting Hammy to send in a photo of it for him. What a wally ol' Pedro is!

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