Why shop with Q?


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I ask this because I've just checked out the community section on their FB page and a lady is complaining that she'd ordered 7 items from the same show and they were sent out in 7 separate packages and incurred 7 separate P&P charges. She complained that this is bad for the environment as it is for her purse. I agree, however she knew this upfront, but was still prepared to pay the cost and receive 7 separate plastic bags. I'm presuming that this was a fashion hour, as the bags in the picture looked extremely flat, and would presume that the items she'd ordered came from the same supplier - To me this is daylight robbery on Q's part, and even if I really loved and wanted the items, this would stop me in my tracks immediately. I stopped shopping with Q over a year ago, not because I'd had any particular problem myself, but through seeing the problems other customers had been having. I recently caved and I bought the Bell and Howell fan, but only because QVC was literally the only place I could get it from, the price was good and I have a £5 voucher to use. I watch regularly because I find it relaxing and entertaining and it gives me ideas. There's been a couple of things I've love to have, but I refuse to pay the price they're asking and will shop around until I've found a better deal elsewhere (not difficult) or find something similar elsewhere.
So I'm interested to know what makes people want to shop with Q time and time again, some of the Qurio ladies are obviously addicted to shopping full stop - There's the brand loyal eg Lola Rose/Kipling addicts but for most of them it seems that it doesn't matter what it is, they'll buy it and it's actually QVC they're addicted to.
I will only shop with Q if I really really want the item, the price is right and I really cannot buy it anywhere else.
QVC is being kept alive by the addicts and not the customer who buys the odd thing here and there.
Is there anything that will persuade them to change their pre-historic/frankly ridiculous ways? Q replied to the lady's FB complaint "We are sorry you are disappointed, but basically this is how it is. Kindly pointing out that had she ordered 7 identical items, she'd have got half price p&p on 3 of them! That is beyond ridiculous and so ungenerous, at the very least make P&P on the second item free. Even if they capped it at a fiver (which is more than most places charge) it would be something!
But the items have to be the same colour, size etc to get half p&p.
Like Kit10 my 'journey' with QVC began in the early 2000s, and if truth be told I was like a kid in a sweetshop - the High Priestess of QVC that was me ! I bought enough jewellery to keep Ernest Jones happy for a year, stuff from Dreamkeeper that I still have today, a small fortune spent on Craft Days with Dawn Bibby, and no end of quirky clothing from brands that are now extinct, Northern Nights bedding, unusual electrical gadgets for xmas presents, and so on.

Something then happened. There were no more Blue Moon events, brand ambassadors started to appear, the more gentle selling approach by presenters disappeared as did a few of the presenters, p & p prices were racketed up, less new brands appeared, gold prices hiked so the big jewellery gem events were no more, and the style of clothing became dire. Shark bite hems and cold shoulder styles in horrendous poly prints were a turn off. Nina Leonard lost Lenny Feinberg and the brand has never recovered, and most of the poly/elastene brands seem to buy from the same warehouse. QVC has now hit the dirt, with rubbish presenters, the latest of which have no idea how to behave in front of a camera, let alone be in charge of product presentation, and half a dozen brands that are on a 'loop' system of tsvs and shows.

My 'sugar rush' with QVC started to wane around 8 years ago, and now I'M the once in a blue moon buyer, and I cant be the only one. If the catalogues can make a profit as do IW with only charging one p & p for limitless items, then what's stopping qvc ? or is it the American business model that prevents a change in this ?
I only buy clothes from real stores where I can try it on to know if it’s worth taking home to make a final decision simply because it is so hard to get a good fit.

Jewellery I know what to look for so happy to buy online. The few bits of makeup I buy is either Boots or one online store (introduced by a kind member).

We live in the sticks without any decent stores the few that there was have gone AWOL so I when I first watched Q I was like a kid in a sweet shop.

Mr L buys a lot of DIY and gardening stuff from Amazon but I only get the odd kitchen thing and that’s usually only if TK Max doesn’t have it.
Like Kit10 my 'journey' with QVC began in the early 2000s, and if truth be told I was like a kid in a sweetshop - the High Priestess of QVC that was me ! I bought enough jewellery to keep Ernest Jones happy for a year, stuff from Dreamkeeper that I still have today, a small fortune spent on Craft Days with Dawn Bibby, and no end of quirky clothing from brands that are now extinct, Northern Nights bedding, unusual electrical gadgets for xmas presents, and so on.

Something then happened. There were no more Blue Moon events, brand ambassadors started to appear, the more gentle selling approach by presenters disappeared as did a few of the presenters, p & p prices were racketed up, less new brands appeared, gold prices hiked so the big jewellery gem events were no more, and the style of clothing became dire. Shark bite hems and cold shoulder styles in horrendous poly prints were a turn off. Nina Leonard lost Lenny Feinberg and the brand has never recovered, and most of the poly/elastene brands seem to buy from the same warehouse. QVC has now hit the dirt, with rubbish presenters, the latest of which have no idea how to behave in front of a camera, let alone be in charge of product presentation, and half a dozen brands that are on a 'loop' system of tsvs and shows.

My 'sugar rush' with QVC started to wane around 8 years ago, and now I'M the once in a blue moon buyer, and I cant be the only one. If the catalogues can make a profit as do IW with only charging one p & p for limitless items, then what's stopping qvc ? or is it the American business model that prevents a change in this ?
I know this has been a hot topic for a while, and we've been told give them a chance, and believe me I've tried and sorry, it's still a big fat no from me! I was watching the style channel earlier and they cut over to Ophelia who was going to be presenting a tech show with Lee and she has no bliddy idea. It went something like this "Yeah I'm really ixcited to be presenting with Lee Hohbein oos' bin the bizness for tweny years, wot 'e don't know about tech ain't worth knowin' I look a bit tecky don' I ? Jackie said "Yes, you look a bit techy" I'm sure if she could've gotten away with rolling her eyes she would've done! FGS! I don't care if the person speaks with a South London accent that doesn't stop them pronouncing all the letters in a sentence. There's a time and a place for "street talk" and a professional presentation of costly goods is not one of them! Whatever you feel about the other presenters none of them come across so sloppy and self obsessed as this gruesome pair of newbies
Like Kit10 my 'journey' with QVC began in the early 2000s, and if truth be told I was like a kid in a sweetshop - the High Priestess of QVC that was me ! I bought enough jewellery to keep Ernest Jones happy for a year, stuff from Dreamkeeper that I still have today, a small fortune spent on Craft Days with Dawn Bibby, and no end of quirky clothing from brands that are now extinct, Northern Nights bedding, unusual electrical gadgets for xmas presents, and so on.

Something then happened. There were no more Blue Moon events, brand ambassadors started to appear, the more gentle selling approach by presenters disappeared as did a few of the presenters, p & p prices were racketed up, less new brands appeared, gold prices hiked so the big jewellery gem events were no more, and the style of clothing became dire. Shark bite hems and cold shoulder styles in horrendous poly prints were a turn off. Nina Leonard lost Lenny Feinberg and the brand has never recovered, and most of the poly/elastene brands seem to buy from the same warehouse. QVC has now hit the dirt, with rubbish presenters, the latest of which have no idea how to behave in front of a camera, let alone be in charge of product presentation, and half a dozen brands that are on a 'loop' system of tsvs and shows.

My 'sugar rush' with QVC started to wane around 8 years ago, and now I'M the once in a blue moon buyer, and I cant be the only one. If the catalogues can make a profit as do IW with only charging one p & p for limitless items, then what's stopping qvc ? or is it the American business model that prevents a change in this ?
Oh Brissles, High Priestess of QVC! 🤣🤣
It is the easy pay which has always lured people in. Always has been.

QVC tries to be so hip with the expensive brands, back in the old times we had some cheap and cheerful fun ones.

I wouldn't be caught dead in any of their fashion, though back in the day I bought a lovely leather coat from Leather Elements. I still have it. They did show I had no interest in, but they had much more variety
I can't understand why in this day and age there only pricing concession is if you purchase an identical item you get 1/2 price postage and packaging. I mean if you shop online, catalogue, you can try and return within 14 or 30 days (usually free of charge or certainly for a lot less than Q). With regards to the 'digital river' you have 30 days, a bigger range of products and if you are Prime member, you can with most clothes and accessories 'try before you buy' so even a better deal than Q (oh yes there is no cost for return either), so no, I still can't understand why someone hasn't 'pulled them up on this'. I think though that this is a conversation that is probably as 'old as QVC UK', it was possibly a fairly 'outdated' mode when they first started, as we had a Brian Mills (yes I am going back a 'tadge') and one order one P&P, so no, I think that aspect of their 'sellly' always was and continues to be so outdated. I suppose the phrase 'ours is not to reason why,,,'!
I've never bought into the 30 / 60 dmbg - don't most people know as soon as they try something on that it doesn't suit ? I don't "get" the notion of trying it out for a few weeks before you realise its not for you.

I don't spend a week's groceries on a beauty item, so that counts me out for returning anyway, but I know that 'some' would use up a pot of cream before sending it back, or wearing an outfit to the full before returning it 2 months later. Maybe I'm old school but I could never do that - like those who return an item to the shop after wearing it with the label still in. I find that very sad - and deceitful.
I think most of the times QVC are still cheaper than other outlets after the outward postage costs. Also QVC offer you the chance to wear something, wash something for 60 days. Then you can return at your cost and get a refund of the purchase price. I don't particularly think its a good selling model.

QVC dont like us returning items. Nobody on the high street or online gives you as much irritation and faff to do return's. I dont want to wear something for 60 days then return it and get a threatening letter. I want free postage and free returns and no 60 days to decide wether I want something or not.
Hello Boffy. The presenters often say that you can return an item after 60 days' of use with 'no questions asked'. Is this not true in your experience?
Hello Boffy. The presenters often say that you can return an item after 60 days' of use with 'no questions asked'. Is this not true in your experience?
I don't as a rule buy clothing etc from QVC but I know many people (posted on here) who have had "The Letter" for returning too many items in the past. The 60 days is a more recent "incentive" from QVC. I will return items but its very very rare. I am uber careful what I buy tbh. Because of this I dont have issues. I get all my money back including postage.
I don't as a rule buy clothing etc from QVC but I know many people (posted on here) who have had "The Letter" for returning too many items in the past. The 60 days is a more recent "incentive" from QVC. I will return items but its very very rare. I am uber careful what I buy tbh. Because of this I dont have issues. I get all my money back including postage.
How many items do customers return before they get the letter?
I don’t buy much these days, but certainly only items that I’ve tried and tested. The returns system is total rubbish and in this day and age really not fit for purpose.
Easi-pay is only Useful for Christmas TSV’s if I’m buying a few.
Did anybody watch the channel 5 show last night called TK Maxx how do they do it? It was really very interesting and I was soon able to draw comparisons between them and QVC.
Designer and branded stock - There are genuine bargains to be had but you need to know what to look out for, and it's the number on the label. No.2 = last season's stock/excess stock/close down stock (ie the genuine article) a no.7 on the label is the same thing only it's been locked in storage eg, summer tops bought accquired from a brand bought up by TKMaxx in November and sold at a more appropriate time. No. 1 on a label means that the product or garment has been made especially for TK Maxx. They have a few "house labels" that you won't have heard of (obviously) but then, and this was the eye opener - The branded product with a no.1 on the label. It turns out that brands like Ted Baker, Bench, Le Creuset will produce goods especially for TK Maxx but attention to detail and quality isn't as good as the stuff they sell in their own stores or department stores, so they are able to sell them a lot lot cheaper. So is this what QVC are doing? Yes, they're upfront about their "made for Q" stuff from Phase 8/Joules etc, and we always suspected that the quality wasn't up to the brand's usual standard - but this absolutely confirms it. The Le Creuset stuff , especially the tsvs, are they the geniune article? It does make you wonder now!
I checked out some of the stuff available on the white stuff hour and a few Joules items and then checked the White Stuff and Joules websites and every single item was half price - So how are QVC getting away with selling end of range stuff at full price with all the added postage to boot? Obviously because they can, and people will buy it.
Please folks (though I know I'm preaching to the converted here) really do your homework before buying anything branded from QVC it could save you £££££s!
How many items do customers return before they get the letter?
It was said on Facebook 50%, but they did not separate the returns that were damaged. As people did complain, they returned because items faulty. As for beauty, if you use too much of a product and return, you will get it returned to you. Yes, QVC do have a formula for how much product a person should use within the MBG period.

There was an interesting one on the moneysaving site last week. A woman bought a Dyson hair thing, did not like it, so returned. Now, here is the kicker, she returned it via Hermes which do not do anything worth over £200 and hers was £399. So should have gone via Royal Mail Special which would cover the insurance if lost. Very expensive to send items that way. The product has now been lost/mislaid, and she wants to know how to get her money back, and QVC said no. So who knows, perhaps Hermes will get it back to QVC?

TK Maxx, I buy cosmetics there, and sometimes I notice their RRP is laughable. I think no way did it cost that! Their deals can be hit or miss, you just need to know the brand and their pricing to get a really great deal.
Thats a bummer losing all that money. I sent an item royal mail special and it cost £6.50. You are insured for quite a lot of money can't remember how much. I think she could claim against Hermes for losing her parcel. I would.She paid for a service and they failed to deliver.
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Their shipping costs seems to get most people's backs up, but the easy pay is a plus. I think they'll have to change their shipping policy soon and drop the 60 day return nonsense.
I agree with all that, however as well as the ridiculous shipping costs, it's their insanely high prices across the board that put me off almost as much. If you really need interest free credit, then you're better off checking out what some of the mail order catalogues have to offer. I've just done a like for like comparison on a Ninja foodi grill/air fryer. QVC are selling it for £239 + £4.95 p&p Very.com are selling exactly the same model for £189.00 a £10 saving on their regular price of £199. P&p is £3.99 (which is per order not item) or free should you get it sent to a collect plus agent. Here's the difference and it's huge (not just the price). Lets say you can't afford to pay outright and need a little time very will allow you to put it onto a 9 month BNPL. All they specify is that the amount is settled before the 9 month period is up otherwise you will start to pay interest on the balance. It doesn't matter how much or how little you pay them during this period or how frequently the payments are made. What's more, you don't have to pay anything upfront to receive it, you make the first payment when it suits you. It's not only the catalogues, many retailers offer the equivalent of ez pays with the likes of Klarna, so really I think Q's Ez pays aren't really much of a USP.
I'm not saying that Q isn't a place to get the odd bargain - recently they did the 15% of clearance items combined with EZ pays and yes you could've spent ages trawling the site for impulse buys stuff you don't really need. Imo, Q is not a generally good place to shop!
Thats a bummer losing all that money. I sent an item royal mail special and it cost £6.50. You are insured for quite a lot of money can't remember how much. I think she could claim against Hermes for losing her parcel. I would.She paid for a service and they failed to deliver.
But people replying to her said Hermes or their new name make it clear you agree to their terms and agreed to those. Which she did not read, no items worth over £200. But the item might still turn up at QVC.
But people replying to her said Hermes or their new name make it clear you agree to their terms and agreed to those. Which she did not read, no items worth over £200. But the item might still turn up at QVC.
Hope it does but Hermes lost it. she paid for a service which she did not get

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