Debbie Flint on the news.


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Might be a good idea for new members to participate in a general way for a while and not barge in all guns blazing into a subject we tend to avoid until the shenanigans of our government drives the most mild mannered of us to vent their frustration.

We may not always agree but we are all long time members who have supported each other through some rough times so we don’t need newbies disrespecting our virtual friends.

This last 18 months have been a nightmare and this forum was a life saver to a lot of us so there is no way any of us are going to stand around and allow someone to get so petty that they start to correct grammar. Where were you when we were supporting each other every day?
Might be a good idea for new members to participate in a general way for a while and not barge in all guns blazing into a subject we tend to avoid until the shenanigans of our government drives the most mild mannered of us to vent their frustration.

We may not always agree but we are all long time members who have supported each other through some rough times so we don’t need newbies disrespecting our virtual friends.

This last 18 months have been a nightmare and this forum was a life saver to a lot of us so there is no way any of us are going to stand around and allow someone to get so petty that they start to correct grammar. Where were you when we were supporting each other every day?

Here, here.

Well put LATI. 👌
No, good try, but it is lay into (someone or something) - treat yourself to a dictionary. Perhaps they sell them on QVC? :D
The person I was replying to laid into me first,<<

No explanation needed, other than eejit.

Wow, a "know it all" as well as being appallingly rude.

Indeed. 'Correcting' her(?) own grammar :LOL: .

I don't think this one even 'knows' how to flush....
I don't think this thread should be closed because it demonstrates the forum's strong support network. Vrtual or not (and virtual is all some have had for the lockdown period), support is always important. As well as this, perhaps closing threads is on a minority agenda, so why pander to the minority?
I don't think this thread should be closed because it demonstrates the forum's strong support network. Vrtual or not (and virtual is all some have had for the lockdown period), support is always important. As well as this, perhaps closing threads is on a minority agenda, so why pander to the minority?

Support is great, absolutely nothing wrong with that, but when does it stop being support and start veering towards ganging up on people. Just feels uncomfortable to me I’m afraid.
And just because someone’s in the minority doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a voice.
Support is great, absolutely nothing wrong with that, but when does it stop being support and start veering towards ganging up on people. Just feels uncomfortable to me I’m afraid.
And just because someone’s in the minority doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a voice.
A member can agree with Debbie Flint or any other presenter all they like, that is not the issue, what is the issue is joining a forum and straight away attacking forum members.
Support is great, absolutely nothing wrong with that, but when does it stop being support and start veering towards ganging up on people. Just feels uncomfortable to me I’m afraid.
And just because someone’s in the minority doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a voice.
If the thread was to be closed as per the minority intent, they definitely wouldn't have a voice. Nor would anyone else, for that matter.

This particular member's first post in this thread accused posters of "double standards" - post #50 - so it's not surprising he or she got responses from several of them.
The main thing about Debbie Flint for me is that she never seems to be able to sit down, relax, do nothing (something I’m very good at, probably too good at 🥺). It’s almost as if she has to be doing something every hour of every day which must be exhausting which is maybe why her health has suffered recently. Obviously it’s her choice but her constant need to be posting, photographing herself, going places and providing updates is too much for me although I appreciate others might think it’s fine, exciting etc. Apart from that I don’t have a particular view on her or her politics. My annoyance about the latest Conservative decision to stop the £20 top up for those who need it is a concern although I fully understand that we, as tax payers, are paying for it. That said, it annoyed me to hear that the Chancellor has, at the same, has submitted and got planning permission for a new gym, tennis court and swimming pool at his house. How the other half live!

Can I just point out to you, that people on old school benefits, do not get the uplift of £20, so if you’re on ESA, nothing, nada, Zilch ! So what about those people, they’ve had less since last year, there was supposed to be a court case in September but it was cancelled as there wasn’t a judge available! According to the figures I’m owed well over £1200, gets tricky when you think about the problem, if they were to continue to get them the money, then they will definitely have to back date ours. People on UC get more, which isn’t right. It becomes a two tier benefit system, where some people get more just because! It was said because it would be too difficult to set up on the computer systems! I know people that have really been affected by all the price rises, but there wasn’t any cushion for them. I’m not having a dig, but you need to be aware of the full picture. Also not heard a thing from labour about it, so although I would never vote for Alexander, he is in a pickle over this.
Wow, a "know it all" as well as being appallingly rude.


The person I was replying to laid into me first,<<

No explanation needed, other than eejit.

Indeed. 'Correcting' her(?) own grammar :LOL: .

I don't think this one even 'knows' how to flush....
If the thread was to be closed as per the minority intent, they definitely wouldn't have a voice. Nor would anyone else, for that matter.

This particular member's first post in this thread accused posters of "double standards" - post #50 - so it's not surprising he or she got responses from several of them.
The wording of many of their comments were strong, they really didn't like that she was at a Tory conference - fair enough, they have a right to their opinion - so I made the point that people seemed annoyed that it was a Tory conference in particular - I didn't think that people who used strong words in their own comments would become so incredibly upset because I used the phrase "double standards".
It's a debate, people used strong words. I am very surprised that people took such offence at the phrase "double standards" when some of them were calling the presenter every word under the sun.

As to the comment about grammar - somebody made a sarky comment about mine, so I replied in the same manner - once again somebody is accusing me of something, without reading the comment I was replying to.
Can I just point out to you, that people on old school benefits, do not get the uplift of £20, so if you’re on ESA, nothing, nada, Zilch ! So what about those people, they’ve had less since last year, there was supposed to be a court case in September but it was cancelled as there wasn’t a judge available! According to the figures I’m owed well over £1200, gets tricky when you think about the problem, if they were to continue to get them the money, then they will definitely have to back date ours. People on UC get more, which isn’t right. It becomes a two tier benefit system, where some people get more just because! It was said because it would be too difficult to set up on the computer systems! I know people that have really been affected by all the price rises, but there wasn’t any cushion for them. I’m not having a dig, but you need to be aware of the full picture. Also not heard a thing from labour about it, so although I would never vote for Alexander, he is in a pickle over this.
I know someone who was on some sort of sickness benefit (I don't know the details) and then he was migrated to UC about 18 months ago.

But when I asked him about the £20 being removed, he said he had never had it in the first place.

I don't understand this, because DePiffles gov't said that everyone on UC would get it. Another lie?
I’m finding it quite ironic that it’s been suggested that Debbie is being pilloried for being a paid up member of the Tories, but had she been a Labour supporter, then somehow that would’ve been ok. I’ve found on this forum that you don’t have to pussyfoot around with political correctness, you don’t have to be anti Brexit, and generally sway towards the Liberal left. You can state your beliefs and as long as you’re respectful towards other forum members then we tick along just fine. The original comment was regarding how Debbie’s political leanings and how surprising it was to see these were being carried over onto her work blog , surprising that a company like Q wouldn’t tell their presenters that politics as a subject on blogs and social media linked to work is strictly off bounds - that’s all
EVT, yes, looking back over this thread, there are some comments that may suggest that being a Tory isn't great but it's not insulting other forum members. I can hear you laugh - well they're not being particularly nice and respectful to me are they? I think an inflammatory first post has caused that reaction, and as I said in a previous post, is not conducive towards the warm welcome that a new member deserves. Personally I don't like the idea that anyone that sticks up for Debbie, must be Debbie (or Sharon, whoever she may be)-can anybody enlighten me please? I kinda understand why this conclusion was reached though as DF has got to be the most unpopular presenter on here, due to her selling style, and of course the business with the charity she ripped off -She's a pariah, and it would take a mighty long time to find anything remotely favourable written about her!!!!
I think this thread is going around in circles, and is getting nowhere. EVT, for what it's worth, I hear you on some of your comments, however, I think there's little point in getting yourself embroiled in such an argument - There's no points to be scored and there'll be no winner. Unfortunately the inflammatory nature of your first post invited argument, not debate!
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Mr V`s brother in law has been unable to work for a number of years due to ill health. He had kidney cancer which they luckily caught in early stages and had his kidney removed, then some months later they found a growth in his lung so he had part of his lung removed and then recently they found he had an enlarged prostate and suspect it may be cancerous so he`s undergoing biopsies and tests for that.
I can`t recall the name of the benefit he receives but it`s only £25 per week because his wife works a full time job. Anyway he recently received a letter telling him he has to attend a back to work club or his benefit will be stopped even though his GP gives him 6 monthly sick notes saying he`s unfit to work and he`s also due to get his state pension in less than a year`s time. His wife could have retired this year but because of finances she`s chosen to carry on working and apart from his £25 they have received nothing at all.
I realise the extra £20 per week on Universal Credit has been a life saver for many but if Mr V`s sister in law had retired and his brother in law was unable to work and yes their benefits would have increased until they were both on state pensions but they along with other people relying on just a state pension wouldn`t have got a £20 per week increase even though their fuel bills and living costs have gone up during lockdown too.
I’m finding it quite ironic that it’s been suggested that Debbie is being pilloried for being a paid up member of the Tories, but had she been a Labour supporter, then somehow that would’ve been ok. I’ve found on this forum that you don’t have to pussyfoot around with political correctness, you don’t have to be anti Brexit, and generally sway towards the Liberal left. You can state your beliefs and as long as you’re respectful towards other forum members then we tick along just fine. The original comment was regarding how Debbie’s political leanings and how surprising it was to see these were being carried over onto her work blog , surprising that a company like Q wouldn’t tell their presenters that politics as a subject on blogs and social media linked to work is strictly off bounds - that’s all
EVT, yes, looking back over this thread, there are some comments that may suggest that being a Tory isn't great but it's not insulting other forum members. I can hear you laugh - well they're not being particularly nice and respectful to me are they? I think an inflammatory first post has caused that reaction, and as I said in a previous post, is not conducive towards the warm welcome that a new member deserves. Personally I don't like the idea that anyone that sticks up for Debbie, must be Debbie (or Sharon, whoever she may be)-can anybody enlighten me please? I kinda understand why this conclusion was reached though as DF has got to be the most unpopular presenter on here, due to her selling style, and of course the business with the charity she ripped off -She's a pariah, and it would take a mighty long time to find anything remotely favourable written about her!!!!
I think this thread is going around in circles, and is getting nowhere. EVT, for what it's worth, I hear you on some of your comments, however, I think there's little point in getting yourself embroiled in such an argument - There's no points to be scored and there'll be no winner. Unfortunately the inflammatory nature of your first post invited argument, not debate!

Quite so Merry.

Or course we are anonymous on here, nevertheless we retain a certain 'standard'. We are of different religions, different sexual orientations (one assumes), different regional cultures, AND DIFFERENT POLITICAL LEANINGS. Yes, we have debate and have our points of view, but we do not denigrate.

Personally, its been a delight to have been part of this forum for over 10 years. We have shared joy and despair, congratulations and commiserations, and the humour is better than anything a tv scriptwriter could come up with. So a little blip like this is not going to divide us. ;)
Blimey ! I wish I knew half of what you are all on about. I've read all the comments and I'm still non the wiser. Who the hell is Shazza ?

I'm of the opinion this time that ignorance is bliss.
Think this is the lady that is being referred to, but I don’t know much, as never been involved in any of the related groups or social media.
So hopefully someone else will be able to add much information.
But from what little I understand is she is a friend of Debbie Flint, who set up the Back to You beauty. (See below link)
If I recall there was an advert for back to you shows on Q with Debbie running a bath, Pilates machine and her labradors.
Think I’m sure this Sharon was said to have had input on Debbie‘s web pages.

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