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Katy Pullinger should distance herself from playing this game, it doesn’t reflect well. Message to Katy and colleagues, pack it in. Why this desperation for freebies? You are all on very good salaries. If companies are sending out freebies donate them to Homes and Refuges. You don’t need any of these products but they do. You don’t need a stash of freebies filling your homes to do your job, that’s why you work alongside a guest.
Personally I think things have got worse since the selling of TSV’s way in advance. Think about it previously it would be only the presenters on air with the said item that got the TSV left for them to try before hand. Now with SM the lot of them are touting what’s coming up for weeks.
It’s one thing to get a freebie but which presenter is going to actually buy items out of their own pockets just because they have to present them on a show.

I can’t use perfumed products so if I was a Q presenter would I have to buy items which I wouldn’t use just to say how good it was . Neither would I use it if it was free.

Just describe the item, say the ingredient/size whatever and leave it up to the BA and models to slop it all over themselves. Job done - since we can’t smell, feel or taste what is the point anyway. They aren’t going to tell the truth anyway so just give the basics and then shut up!
I still can't believe that in this day and age they don't list ingredients on the website and that if I am interested in a product, thankfully very rare, I have to go off and find the ingredients myself.

M & S list ingredients so I tend to buy off them.
I still can't believe that in this day and age they don't list ingredients on the website and that if I am interested in a product, thankfully very rare, I have to go off and find the ingredients myself.

M & S list ingredients so I tend to buy off them.
Another thing very important to me is the ‘made in” if I can help it I will NEVER, NEVER, EVER, EVER, buy anything made totally or partly “made in China” I just wish others were the same😡😡😡
Julia back from her hols away from Q doesn’t appear to have been copied into the ‘now we are loaned’ email or isn’t toeing the new line.
As during the fashion hour she is excited, very over the top and her tongue is very loose. Just pointing out the new fashion listed on the web site for the next season. Julia, “Oh is that Butler & Wilson my eyesight is terrible today, I’ve got that, that’s just arrived in my dressing room today and I’ve got a couple of Monsoon dresses as well which I think you probably saw scrolling through.”
Another thing very important to me is the ‘made in” if I can help it I will NEVER, NEVER, EVER, EVER, buy anything made totally or partly “made in China” I just wish others were the same😡😡😡
Someone has posted on Facebook showing a photo of a Joules label saying Boldly British. The little label underneath says Made in China.
Another thing very important to me is the ‘made in” if I can help it I will NEVER, NEVER, EVER, EVER, buy anything made totally or partly “made in China” I just wish others were the same😡😡😡
Just by coincidence, I've just been using my Kuhn Rikon tall pan with a removable basket that boils up to 12 eggs at a time.

On the bottom in huge engraved script it says "Kuhn Rikon Switzerland" but in tiny etched writing it says "China".

It is actually very high quality and useful (you can use it as a steamer as well) but I think it is dishonest to say KR is a Swiss company (with implications of quality) then you find they are selling Chinese goods under their name.

Screenshot (558).png
Maybe if QVC stopped giving them all those freebies then they could manage to reduce the P&P or cap it, like IW do. A fat chance of that ever happening though. 🙄

I suppose that it’s fair enough to give the presenter who is doing the TSV show a sample to try out, but not a whole bunch of them. The presenters can’t even write reviews so what’s the point or justification in their handing out freebies to all and sundry?
Maybe if QVC stopped giving them all those freebies then they could manage to reduce the P&P or cap it, like IW do. A fat chance of that ever happening though. 🙄

I suppose that it’s fair enough to give the presenter who is doing the TSV show a sample to try out, but not a whole bunch of them. The presenters can’t even write reviews so what’s the point or justification in their handing out freebies to all and sundry?
I don't think QVC give away the products I think the vendors do
The Kuhn Rikon tall pan, in case you wondered what I meant. 😉

I bought it for pasta, but I found it easier in the pan that I used before. I went off it after the first use when it boiled over onto the oven. 😳 And as I’d never need to boil 12 eggs at the same time there was no point in keeping it. 😉 It stayed at the back of my cupboard until I had a clear out, during the first lockdown and, because I didn’t use it, I got rid of it.

The other Kuhn Rikon things that I’ve got are brilliant though and are going nowhere.
The Kuhn Rikon tall pan, in case you wondered what I meant. 😉

I bought it for pasta, but I found it easier in the pan that I used before. I went off it after the first use when it boiled over onto the oven. 😳 And as I’d never need to boil 12 eggs at the same time there was no point in keeping it. 😉 It stayed at the back of my cupboard until I had a clear out, during the first lockdown and, because I didn’t use it, I got rid of it.

The other Kuhn Rikon things that I’ve got are brilliant though and are going nowhere.
When I said "WHAT" it was in surprise of binning it, especially as they cost £40 to £50.

I was hoping that you gave it to someone who would use it, or donated it to a charity shop, etc, and not literally binned it.

As I don't have a car, I often give things away via Freecycle, and if people want things, they come and collect them.
When I said "WHAT" it was in surprise of binning it, especially as they cost £40 to £50.

I was hoping that you gave it to someone who would use it, or donated it to a charity shop, etc, and not literally binned it.

As I don't have a car, I often give things away via Freecycle, and if people want things, they come and collect them.

They were £20-25 not long after I bought the non-stick version. I wanted the steel but it had disappeared from the site not long before the non-stick version was a TSV. I was deeply sorry I'd bought it as the non-stick started peeling off after the second use - which was about 3 months after it was the TSV.

Loads of others had the same problem according to reviews so I rang Q and was basically laughed at.

Not being one to give up I wrote to them pointing out all the other reviews/defective/not fit for purpose etc. I also mentioned Trading Standards. I had a terse phone call a few days later telling me my card had been refunded and to stick the pot where the sun doesn't shine (well, to put it in the bin).

I'd also written to KR complaining about the lack of quality and that Q had washed their hands of it. They sent me a £30 voucher to spend on anything on their site along with an apology. Now, that's what I call customer service. Well done KR.

I'd really fancied the steel version but after using the non-stick I'd found the design very difficult to use, not helped by those wire handles. It's great if you have strong wrists and a need to cook asparagus/corn cobs etc., and the basket to cook them in is a great idea but it wasn't for me.
They were £20-25 not long after I bought the non-stick version. I wanted the steel but it had disappeared from the site not long before the non-stick version was a TSV. I was deeply sorry I'd bought it as the non-stick started peeling off after the second use - which was about 3 months after it was the TSV.

Loads of others had the same problem according to reviews so I rang Q and was basically laughed at.

Not being one to give up I wrote to them pointing out all the other reviews/defective/not fit for purpose etc. I also mentioned Trading Standards. I had a terse phone call a few days later telling me my card had been refunded and to stick the pot where the sun doesn't shine (well, to put it in the bin).

I'd also written to KR complaining about the lack of quality and that Q had washed their hands of it. They sent me a £30 voucher to spend on anything on their site along with an apology. Now, that's what I call customer service. Well done KR.

I'd really fancied the steel version but after using the non-stick I'd found the design very difficult to use, not helped by those wire handles. It's great if you have strong wrists and a need to cook asparagus/corn cobs etc., and the basket to cook them in is a great idea but it wasn't for me.
I had the stainless steel version.

I don't use it very often, but it is useful when I do, eg, today just lifting out the innards with my 2 boiled eggs (not 12!).

Because it is so tall, there is no chance of it boiling over when boiling 2 eggs (just covered in water) unlike my other saucepan of the same diameter when it has to be filled almost to the brim.

PS they were between £40 to £50 when I looked online this morning to get the picture, and mine also came with a silicone trivet.
I live five minutes walk away from the village church.

I know that many of the graves are visited by family that are and have been shielding.

When I've been furloughed every very so often I go and give the graves a bit of a tidy so should they get visited at some point the visitor will not be upset by the sight of their loved one's unkempt last resting place.

I've never taken a selfie while I'm there, in fact I've only ever told one person apart from now.

I've just been catching up on this thread and noticed your post.

That really is a lovely thing that you do. My mum wanted to be buried near her parents but seriously considered cremation for a long time as she hated the thought of us having to keep the graves tidy. I promised her I'd look after her grave but now can't even make my way down the graveyard so my lovely OH has to do it for me.

My sister looks after it in the summer, my partner in the winter as it's up in the wilds and the gets very boggy in the winter. The original graveyard is lovely but the spill-over is just a field and hard for older people to navigate.

It would be a lot more appreciated by older people if community service was sometimes used to help clean up graveyards. It's not something the younger generation thinks about but, as you say, some people, especially older people, do get upset when their family graves are unkempt.

Thank you.

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