Yup her Ego was on top form tonight with Mr Buckley


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JR's Ego

Registered Shopper
May 19, 2011
.. Hence my ST Nick "JR's ego" -- I whole person in itself!

Dear Miss Roberts,
You are employed by QVC to sell products on air - yes that's right! You are a salesperson, thats it.
You are not in our homes, burning our TV/PC electricity to:
  • Talk about your current wonderful life, your amazing past life
  • Talk about peoples opinion of you regarding your look, your talents
  • Talk about what you know, what you don't know, of anything other than the product in front of you
  • Flirt flirt flirt flirt flirt -- this is cringeworthy television, as is your 'little miss clever' Im considerably better than YOU attitude
Before the red arrow down's start (Daily Mail Style) Yes I did switch off, even though I think Adrian Buckley is a really lovely guy to watch, but even that didn't make me stay and JR, as usual made me lose interest in the product... not the first time, and Im sure, not the last
where is Burlz..............? Have to say I didn't see it tonight, but saw earlier Buckley show and thought how lovely HE was.
saw her personal twitter come up so you can tweet in it's not all about you jr
.. Hence my ST Nick "JR's ego" -- I whole person in itself!

Dear Miss Roberts,
You are employed by QVC to sell products on air - yes that's right! You are a salesperson, thats it.
You are not in our homes, burning our TV/PC electricity to:
  • Talk about your current wonderful life, your amazing past life
  • Talk about peoples opinion of you regarding your look, your talents
  • Talk about what you know, what you don't know, of anything other than the product in front of you
  • Flirt flirt flirt flirt flirt -- this is cringeworthy television, as is your 'little miss clever' Im considerably better than YOU attitude
Before the red arrow down's start (Daily Mail Style) Yes I did switch off, even though I think Adrian Buckley is a really lovely guy to watch, but even that didn't make me stay and JR, as usual made me lose interest in the product... not the first time, and Im sure, not the last

well that must mean every sales presenter has to go
I always find JR extremely informative on the description of products she airs but she does appear to have an "holier than thou" attitude at times which can be very irritating and she needs to tone it down. For instance, she did state that she could get used to the music played at the start of her shows today and perhaps it should be played every time! She's a salesperson for goodness sake and nothing else so why does she feel she should have special treatment? I'm fully aware that she's been with QVC since Day One and, in my opinion, has always done a good job and I have to say that I thought her hair looked lovely in the Neom hour!
Not quite always MM! Even her number one fan was less than complimentary about her Emu/jeggings look.

Thank you for noticing! Even though I think she is great it doesn't stop me seeing, and commenting on her failings.
She does seem to think she has the upper hand in all things QVC though. I do agree she is a very good presenter and gets over points that most of the other QVC presenters overlook...but, she has that aura of "hands off, I've been here since day one and I am a cut above everyone else on QVC". In my mind she is like an Air Hostess (just a glamourised sales assistant, but up in the sky)...she is just selling crap for a very good wage, and is NOT a cut above everybody else, but just making a living (like most of us)...so stop the preening, flicking and getting so far up your own a**e that only your feet are visible.
I watched a couple of shows today, with Julia - B&W & Neom.. really enjoyed them & Julia was as informative as always... I would not have watched if it had been JF, Claire or Anne (or the new ones).... Julia gets a lot of stick, but she's the one presenter I will always watch :bandit:
Now, if we were talking about JF etc, then, my comments would be different - can't stand her! :hi:
To be fair to all the woman presenters, there are so few attractive male guests on QVC so who can blame them for a bit of flirting when they get the chance to work with one ? I'm thinking of Adrian Buckley, Ralph Rossini, John Barrowman, Dennis Ojon, a couple of hair/make up men whose names escape me.

I quite like Simon Wilson but I get the impression he's not keen on working with the other presenters, much to Miss Piggy's obvious delight on his shows.
is he not keen to work with other presenters or does jr not let anyone on with him? if she can help it
Well I'm going to disagree with what the op says, and that's because I like the presenters to put a bit of "themselves" into their presentations, the banter between guest and presenter can be quite nice to watch, even the stupid comments they make give us something to talk about. I reckon shopping telly would be well dull if the presenters just sat there and described the product and gave us the price. Remember, many people tune in to these channels for the "company", to hear a friendly and familiar voice.

With JR, though I agree that she needs to tone it down a bit...she's doing well for her age and is still an attractive woman, but she's not the God's gift that she thinks she is. I never had much of an opinion of her until she appeared as a presenter on BCC night wearing what looked to be the tightest, lowest cut red dress she could get her hands on, needless to say her extremely ample bosom was literally spilling out of it, and I felt it was somewhat inappropriate attire for such an evening. Ok the woman can't help having large, or healthy breasts, but there are times and places to flaunt them...imvho that's not one of them. Haven't been able to take to her since then, I find her vain and irritating.
For what it's worth I like JR as a presenter, I think she looks fine most of the time, the leggins toe posts are not a good look. That is as far as my feelings towards her go before I get accused of all sorts. My problem is with the OP and her somewhat nasty and to my mind irrational hatred of someone on the telly.
For what it's worth I like JR as a presenter, I think she looks fine most of the time, the leggins toe posts are not a good look. That is as far as my feelings towards her go before I get accused of all sorts. My problem is with the OP and her somewhat nasty and to my mind irrational hatred of someone on the telly.
No really??? Jeez I never would have known.

I'm sure JR's Ego doesn't hate Miss Piggy :rolleyes: as I don't...how could we when we don't know the woman?? FYI Loveheart I actually think she is a good presenter (and should be after 18 years selling the same old, same old) but I intensely dislike her presentation style, her superior attitude and all her 'girly' mannerisms and gestures, complete with crepey cleavage on show flirting with anything in trousers. The fashion disasters I just laugh at as it's quite funny to see a middle aged woman struggling to accept she's no longer 25 with a great figure, but is now a little barrel on legs. I also agree with Merryone, I saw Miss Piggy on that BCC event with her t*ts spilling out of her dress and thought it was insensitive and crass and I just couldn't believe she could be so stupid to appear like that. :wonder: If she would just tone down the vamp act and the 'I'm so ****** gorgeous attitude' I could watch more and bitch less.
I agree that JR is a very accomplished presenter...but so she should be as she has been doing the job for nearly 2 decades.
She is a very attractive woman (and I am not going to say "for her age"because it annoys me that somehow women get to a certain time in their life and are suddenly looks are only good/bad for their age)but she can come accross as rather self absorbed and I find that more unattractive than how she looks!
She can be rather catty with people but in sort of subtle way, an example being Marie Francoise the Kipling presenter with whom she seems to have an ongoing little ego battle with....jealousy maybe,who knows???
I don't like the way both her kids have jobs on QVC and she can't keep shut about it....if they have jobs there then fine for them, but the viewer doesn't really need to know all about it.
With regard to her outfits...yes,IMHO she gets it wrong more often than right, but she clearly doesn't think so,so I guess the jeggings/toe posts/too tight dresses will live on!!

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