You know you're a QVC addict when ...


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It's the whispering down the phone - I did that so many times, and also ordering on Q-Cut and then phoning customer services to check that your order has gone through you are that excited/keen to get it!

Gosh, I remember it well. The sweaty palms, the heart thumping, the not being able to go back to sleep because you were thinking about the goodies heading your way. I haven't been in that sort of state since the demise of Molton Brown on QVC.:sad:
When they put items numbers on for new products with no pictures and you look through the American site to see if you can find a picture of what it looks like.

It's been on for that long that it's burnt an image on your TV screen down the left hand side.

Gosh, I remember it well. The sweaty palms, the heart thumping, the not being able to go back to sleep because you were thinking about the goodies heading your way. I haven't been in that sort of state since the demise of Molton Brown on QVC.:sad:
Wow! Was QVC ever that good?? Good job I'm a relative newcomer to it, or I would be bankrupt by now!:tongue2:
This is such a great thread, it's made me laugh so much. I shouldn't be laughing because I can relate to everything (especially the enough make up for a drag queen and I still don't know how to use it properly.:grin:
Gosh, I remember it well. The sweaty palms, the heart thumping, the not being able to go back to sleep because you were thinking about the goodies heading your way. I haven't been in that sort of state since the demise of Molton Brown on QVC.:sad:

Thought it was just me! I once came home early from a night out to ensure I got my Molton Brown, Oh I miss it, it really was good value, am down to my last soap and feel really sad. No way can I afford it from the "Emporium" in town. Didn't they used to advertise the MB TSVsin magazines? For me that added to the excitement, hey, those were the days.
Thanks everyone for your replies. I've been nodding and laughing out loud and you cheered me up no end because I was in a strange sort of a mood.

Keep them coming :clapping::clapping::clapping:

when you are on a multi-agency week long training course and the women sat next to you in the workshop whispers "did you get those rings from QVC?" You and she then get together at each coffee break and lunch to discuss bargains, disasters, favourite presenters etc. Training course now becomes totally fascinating as you have found a soul mate!

Ooh, I would love that!! People look at me in disgust if I say I buy from QVC so I've taken to saying it's from a catalogue!!! Personally, I can't see the difference - at least you nearly always get proper measurements and can see colours, fit etc for yourself on the TV. Or if it's a camcorder (for example), you get to see it demonstrated. People can be so snobby!
If only these friends/family knew where their presents come from. If i've bought them a non qvc present i always say if you don't like it you can change it. If it is from qvc i never say it just in case they ask for the receipt.
I recently brought a friend( who looks down her nose at qvc) a set of gorgeous nail inc varnishes the colours were just made for qvc., she got really upset when she wanted to purchase the colour from the shops and couldn't find it. I told her it was an exclusive limited edition. She never found out.
Thought it was just me! I once came home early from a night out to ensure I got my Molton Brown, Oh I miss it, it really was good value, am down to my last soap and feel really sad. No way can I afford it from the "Emporium" in town. Didn't they used to advertise the MB TSVsin magazines? For me that added to the excitement, hey, those were the days.

It's funny how all our excitement stems back to the Molton Brown days, I would stay up until midnight to make sure I got my order in for myself and for friends, on one occasion had to bring them in batches as there were so many!
Oh the days when beauty tsv's were under £30 and fantastic value :nod:
Wow! Was QVC ever that good?? Good job I'm a relative newcomer to it, or I would be bankrupt by now!:tongue2:
Yes, SS it really was that good. I remember one time the Molton Brown TSV was near Christmas and I went out for a meal with OH and friends and all through the meal I kept thinking that I must rush home to order the TSV. I don't remember much about the evening but I can remember every item in the TSV. Those were the days. The Philosophy TSV's with Lee also got me excited but since he's left I haven't ordered a thing.
It was so exciting waiting for the Molton Brown TSV. It reminded me of being a child and getting really excited about xmas day.

The value was outstanding. The only thing that comes close to that for me now are LE and l'occitaine.

Aaah the halcyon days of molton brown:happy: I live in hope that one day they will return
The days before digital tv and they did a clearance on text with no pictures. A Friday and a Tuesday at 5pm rushing like a nutcase to see if anything worth buying. The items sold out in minutes too. Also at midnight they did a special clearance offer, if it was Liz Earle or Aveda went in seconds.

The Aveda, Molton Brown TSVs, which because I had to start work at 4am could not wait up until midnight. I used to phone CS and explain about my working hours and could they please let me order it now? They did. I had no computer then.

Alas those days long gone now. The excitement the thrill of it all.
We do have them here now when we know a TSV we want is coming up.

I still out of habit hit 740 without thinking.
The days before digital tv and they did a clearance on text with no pictures. A Friday and a Tuesday at 5pm rushing like a nutcase to see if anything worth buying. The items sold out in minutes too. Also at midnight they did a special clearance offer, if it was Liz Earle or Aveda went in seconds.

The Aveda, Molton Brown TSVs, which because I had to start work at 4am could not wait up until midnight. I used to phone CS and explain about my working hours and could they please let me order it now? They did. I had no computer then.

Alas those days long gone now. The excitement the thrill of it all.
We do have them here now when we know a TSV we want is coming up.

I still out of habit hit 740 without thinking.

Oh my!! I had forgotton about 'text', I did the same thing!

I can remember years ago (this is very embarrassing now) being away one weekend for a Decleor TSV and I went to use a public phone to place my order so that no one knew :giggle:

When QVC started doing Breast Cancer care event I can remember ordering stacks of beauty products for a bargain price and there were many times when I couldn't get through with the message ' there is a high demand for this destination please try later' - redial, redial redial....:giggle::giggle:
When you get excited at seeing a QVC model on mainstream telly/magazine/newspaper advertisment and point at them and shout "QVC model! QVC model!" :eek:

When an item you have already previously bought is being presented on air again and you feel all fuzzy and warm when the presenter says they really like it :cheeky:

When you notice people on the street/on telly with the exact same ring you bought from QVC and say "She's wearing my ring!!" or slyly and knowignly "I know where they got that from!!!".....:thinking2:
When you get excited at seeing a QVC model on mainstream telly/magazine/newspaper advertisment and point at them and shout "QVC model! QVC model!" :eek:

When an item you have already previously bought is being presented on air again and you feel all fuzzy and warm when the presenter says they really like it :cheeky:

When you notice people on the street/on telly with the exact same ring you bought from QVC and say "She's wearing my ring!!" or slyly and knowignly "I know where they got that from!!!".....:thinking2:

and you feel all proud that the models have got some work on "real" telly, and also feel proud that you know their names.

I have never ever ever seen anyone in Quaker fashion which makes me wonder who buys it.

When I went for a MRI scan recently the receptionist was wearing dimonique earings and we had a nice chat which really helped with my nerves.
and you feel all proud that the models have got some work on "real" telly, and also feel proud that you know their names.

I have never ever ever seen anyone in Quaker fashion which makes me wonder who buys it.

When I went for a MRI scan recently the receptionist was wearing dimonique earings and we had a nice chat which really helped with my nerves.

If you look at the photo I posted a few days ago, you'll see my favourite Quacker jacket on the seat next to me.......should I be embarrassed?

I can't watch the shows, hate most of the clothes but bought this off the website and wear it loads as it's a beautiful flattering shape and I just love pearls!
I know things are bad cause i started texting people ( sister,daughters etc) when i see something i know they would like. ( sister after a new telly but still can't get her to tune in)
Have just remembered....when I was in hospital having our youngest, who's now 14, I ordered 3 Diamonique rings from the massively expensive phone on the ward!! D without even seeing them, I just asked the CS lady what was in the show!!
I had gone into labour actually during the previous nights show and Joey was born 4 weeks early. Steve Whatley was presenting the show and I wrote and told him how he had made me go into labour (lol) so he dedicated a ring to Joey live on air and called it "The Joseph Ring":flower:

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