You Know. You Know.......


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Jun 24, 2008
Just how often must Anne Dawson say YOU KNOW. You know, you know, you know.......... Is this a new thing? No, I don't know Anne! What you're saying is far too complex for me to understand!:mysmilie_51:
I've had to switch it off. What with her screeching and Basso booming, my nerves were jangling. I'm listening to the BBC World Service now, much gentler on the brain.

His jackets are a lot more expensive than I remember. Can't stand the man.
I think I will find the off button too. I was busy doing something and had QVC on in the background. I was too lazy to go and switch off and she drove me mad. You know, you know..... I thought these people had producers constantly prompting them. Her producer needs to have a word with her.
Just how often must Anne Dawson say YOU KNOW. You know, you know, you know.......... Is this a new thing? No, I don't know Anne! What you're saying is far too complex for me to understand!:mysmilie_51:

When I seen this heading I knew exactly who you meant, she's always done know. :mysmilie_17:
I used to find she yelled like a banshee but lately she became much more watchable. Unfortunately that could be more to do with the awfulness of other presenters andBAs which shot her up into the top 5.

From comments here it may have been short lived?
You know, I think it's a Glasgow thing lol. I like Anne. I can't stand people that start sentences with "yeah, no. . . ."

Hasn't Fatto Basso internally combusted yet, the nasty fur dealer.
I used to find she yelled like a banshee but lately she became much more watchable. Unfortunately that could be more to do with the awfulness of other presenters andBAs which shot her up into the top 5.

From comments here it may have been short lived?

I like Anne much more watchable than another Presenter who is all Me Me Me has everything and thinks she owns QVC by stating that she only has a certain amount of stock left

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