Yong Kim oh no Kathy!


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Apr 19, 2012
I like Yong Kim (some of it) tops and tunics.

Kathy Taylor has a dress thing on and hob nail boots. She reminds me of a peasant washerwoman wearing that.

Oh dear what have I started....lol

Hope it is YK after that. There's a bit of a mish mash on the morning style show.
I totally agree I have just turned on and was horrified to see what she was wearing. My first thought was oh no she's trying to be Pipa in her early days on Q. It's absolutely hilarious she looks ridiculous. I was going to say she looks like a Bag lady but that would be an insult. ( to the Bag Lady).
Unfortunately Kathy is a bit like myself in as much as no matter how much you might like a style often the style doesnt like you back!

I have a few YK pieces but in reality I dont have the shape either so I am sort of glad that the price and fact that I couldnt wear them to work stops me from going too far down this path!

I often wonder about young people who really dont have the figure for the modern fashions - do they wear what their friends are wearing even though it is all wrong for their shape or do they wear something that suits their shape but is not the current fashion - a bit of a double edged sword and it takes a strong minded teenager to go against the flow.
I love Kathy, but that outfit really is horrendous today. It's made worse by the honey coloured tights I think. Maybe if she'd had coloured thick tights underneath it wouldn't look quite so bonkers. *clutching straws*
I sometimes wish I could be a bit more adventurous with fashion. I always fancied being a bit Bohemian but I'm afraid I would look as ridiculous as Kathy did this morning. I am lucky enough to have three daughter and five granddaughters and between them they put me right and sometimes persuade me to try something I wouldn't have even considered.
Tuned in earlier and Tanya was modelling something, and i thought nice top, but before my brain could process the details they cut to a wide shot as Tanya walked over to Kathy and all i could think was, what on earth was she (Kathy) wearing? Glad i wasn't the only one who thought, flippin 'eck Kathy but no, just no!
I've just ordered the K&Co melange knit cardigan in purple. I have not ordered any of her clothes for many years in fact the last item I had from her range was a Boucle cardigan when she first started selling on Q but I don't like the Elastine type stuff she sells.
Do you think it was either of Q's resident fashion experts who put the outfit together for her?
Oh no it can't have been she wasn't wearing little white pumps!
Who ever it was should be taken to one side and someone should have a quiet word with them about what a burke she looked poor Kathy.
i would have taken her off the air if i was the producer, her looking like that wasn't going to help people buy it!
i am not her greatest fan, but recently she'd been making improvements in her image... today was a HUGE step back! IMHO
Oh dear poor Kathy. I missed the show today unfortunately but on her previous Wednesday style shows I always end up thinking that they have the wrong person presenting. I really like Kathy but she has no fashion sense whatsoever and only occasionally wears something that absolutely suits her. She is really not the right person to try and sell the dire fashions that QVC offer. I do sympathise because I have a funny shape and am very small and dumpy. I often struggle with many styles that are in fashion and just end up having to wear what suits me personally regardless of whether it's fashionable or not.
Oh my goodness, I went and looked......

Not even in some other universe with mind altering chemicals could that outfit EVER have been considered a good look :mysmilie_51:
I watched some of the video clips online and burst out laughing because the other day I was minding my grandkids and we watched Home Alone 2 and Kathy`s outfit is almost identical to the one worn by the Pigeon Lady ( Brenda Fricker ), all she needs is a hat. I wish I could find a photograph then you could see what I mean.
Didn't see it, but I think Kathy, like myself, dresses more for comfort than to be trendy. Presenting fashion on the Q doesn't exactly do you any favours, in the fashion stakes, having to wear the old fashioned garb they sell.
The outfit is drippy but the boots make her look like she has a serious foot problem. I think it must be hard for the presenters though. They have to gush about everything and probably get told they look chic and trendy in all manner of dreadful outfits and it must be quite easy to lose perspective. I don't think Kathy has much confidence when it comes to clothes but in a way I'd rather see an outfit like she was wearing than see Julia poured into a small. There was a trailer for her Friday fashion show that showed her in a dress that hugged her belly and was most unflattering. We wonder why they can't see what they look like but maybe they really can't any more. I feel that they need a good friend to tell it like it is and keep them grounded.
Kathy was wearing the Yong KIm dress, a previous TSV,with a Join Clothes (i think they said) cardigan over the top.The cardigan has a very short front and very long back.Reminds me of a tail coat.It didn't look good and the shoes didnt help.
I have tried Yong Kim items but they do not suit me ,too much fabric in them for me .I am not tall enough to carry them off I sent them all back except one tunic.For the same reason I haven't tried Join.
The thing about Kathy though,she seems enthusiastic about clothes and that comes across,pity about the stylists.
I went and had a look at the link. What on earth was Kathy thinking? Did she actually choose those clothes herself or did someone style her? If a stylist is responsible they seriously need to think about a change of career.
Kathy Tayler however lovely a person she seems is not someone I would ever seriously take fashion/style tips from.
I went looking for a video to see what you were all talking about...

This one shows the outfit: http://www.qvcuk.com/Kim-&-Co-Melange-Knit-Scarf.product.127307.html?cm_sp=VIEWPOSITION-_--_-127307

I think she would have gotten away with the dress but the boot/shoe things are just hideous... from a distance they looked like trainers i thought.

Didn't see the show, but have always thought that they have the wrong person presenting it tbh as much as I like Kathy, but OMG, have just viewed that video.....:mysmilie_13:
I thought the outfit was not too bad but the boots were what spoilt it for me.

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