Yom Kim - am I missing something?


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Registered Shopper
Apr 17, 2009
Just seen part of a show with this range. I must be missing something wonderful because from what I saw the clothes were baggy, saggy, creased items looking as though the material was very flimsy and the prices were so high. Look like t-shirt material and as though the garments have come out of the wash after being washed on the wrong cycle. Do they have a logo on the back somewhere so that trendy people know you are wearing them and gasp with admiration. If I wore them my friends would think I looked exactly what I would look like, a bag of rags. Might be alright for maternity clothes as they seemed to make the models look pregnant but at those prices it would be a waste to wear them for a few months.
I quite agree with you, I wouldn't be seen dead in any of them. I have cleaned my car with better rags. As for the colours, well its easy to turn your wardrobe into very quickly. Throw everything into the washing machine, turn up to 90 degrees, throw in a couple of handfuls of earth, and put the machine on the longest wash.

And I thought Grunge was a fashion of the 80s....
I quite agree with you, I wouldn't be seen dead in any of them. I have cleaned my car with better rags. As for the colours, well its easy to turn your wardrobe into very quickly. Throw everything into the washing machine, turn up to 90 degrees, throw in a couple of handfuls of earth, and put the machine on the longest wash.

And I thought Grunge was a fashion of the 80s....

I couldn't have put it better myself Holmca!
I had to laugh at JR yesterday. She was presenting the Yong Kim show and they had a shirt on for £115. She said "this looks like a really expensive high end piece". £115 for a shirt?? I don't know about anyone else but I'd call that expensive.
I had to laugh at JR yesterday. She was presenting the Yong Kim show and they had a shirt on for £115. She said "this looks like a really expensive high end piece". £115 for a shirt?? I don't know about anyone else but I'd call that expensive.
A really 'high end piece' of what. IMO it looks like those oily rags you see car mechanics using to clean the dip stick (in a car engine). If JR thinks this range is high end says it all about her fashion sense or lack of it. The people who own the company responsible for this product must be laughing at the gullible people who are prepared to pay £110 for a piece of creased up rag. IMO.
It is really overpriced I agree. I have 2 tops- both the same in different colours which I bought in clearance.. I like that particular top a lot and wear it loads. However you have to have the right body shape to carry it off. Little and dumpy people would look awful in the styles. Little and skinny people would look swamped. Someone taller or who carries themselves tall who has good shoulders to "hang" the garments from do look good in them. So statuesque, amazonian, athletic types or people tall with broad shoulders, a good chest suit the style. Move over Trinny & Susannah!

I have a few similar tunic style tops in sludgy colours that I bought in M & S, Joe Browns and John Lewis. It happens to be a style of dress that I am comfortable with. I have colourful scarves, jewellery and bags to wear with them. I don't think I would wash the car or the windows with any of my clothes, but I would defy any one to be so rude as to come up to me in the street and say my top looked like it belonged at the bottom of the washing basket. No one ever has. Funny that.
Ingrid Tarrant who is often the guest presenter is tall and relatively slim and she looks dreadful in the clothes. I'm tall and slim with (though I say it myself) nice square shoulders but I would never wear the Yong Kim clothes. I think it is probably because I want to present an image of someone who is well dressed and affluent. It is possibly a generation thing.
Oh, here we go again, was waiting for a thread like this to appear, as it seems to every time yong Kim is on!
Clearly many don't like it, and I see the same comments always come up, crumpled rags, bottom of laundry basket, oily rags, rag and bone man etc.....and every time I come on, like Groundhog Day, and say once again that I love it. I have many pieces of yong kim wear it a lot, as well as other similar styles.
There are lots of ranges I don't like on qvc but don't feel the need to come on here every single time they are on and say how awful they are, as clearly others love them. Once it's been said does it need to be said every time? I appreciate some people commenting may well be doing so for the first time, so I apologise if they are, but I do feel I am living a lot of déjà vu!!!
I am a size 20/22 large hourglass shape (far too much sand though) and I think that the styles really suit me and often get lots of complimentary comments about what I wear, but above all I feel comfortable in what I'm wearing. I suffer from psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and find yong Kim clothes very comfortable against the skin and easy to wear.
By the way, I also like the other much insulted range on here, bibi bijoux, so am clearly quite out of place!!!
Weathergirl I respect the fact that you like these clothes but just because complete strangers don't come up and tell you they don't like it or it looks awful does not mean they don't think that. Obviously you think this range looks stunning but for me it looks like tat but I would to stop you in the street to tell you.
Weathergirl I respect the fact that you like these clothes but just because complete strangers don't come up and tell you they don't like it or it looks awful does not mean they don't think that. Obviously you think this range looks stunning but for me it looks like tat but I would to stop you in the street to tell you.

Actually Bettyboo I don't think "this range looks stunning" . As I said I own one item. However if a complete stranger did show such poor class as to feel the need to insult me I would quote Coco Chanel. " I don't care what you think of me. I don't think of you at all" That would be after I had given "her" a fat lip.
I quite like the look but its quite a big range. some of it is nice and some of it does not look the money. primark are doing a lot of these layering pieces its not that unique
Did anyone else hear Ingrid put her foot in it last night? She said Yong Kim wouldn't appear on TV because she gets too nervous. She did it once somewhere and was so ill she had to go into hospital afterwards. Ingrid said that she wouldn't force her on to our screens in the UK because if she had to go into hospital here she might not come out again and proceeded to bang a drum about how ghastly our hospitals are! It was way out of order really but Jilly seemed to be loving it. How to lose customers in one easy lesson. I imagine they were having heart failure in the gallery.
Thanks Diane. Maybe Ingrid thinks we should "bring back matron". She sounded sad about our hospitals rather than just being critical to hurt the hard working staff who work in them.
Actually Bettyboo I don't think "this range looks stunning" . As I said I own one item. However if a complete stranger did show such poor class as to feel the need to insult me I would quote Coco Chanel. " I don't care what you think of me. I don't think of you at all" That would be after I had given "her" a fat lip.
I would never resort to thuggery because someone didn't like what I was wearing but I would never walk up to a complete stranger and tell them I didn't like their clothes. You must remember this is a forum where people can state their opinions unfortunately you seem to think I have insulted you but I was simply saying what I thought about this range of clothing. IMO it's looks like overpriced tat.

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