Guest Shopper
Who's the bird with the roots and done up like a Yeti on Gems2 now?? She must be sweating like a pig under the studio lights in that ridiculous hairy get up.
Who's the bird with the roots and done up like a Yeti on Gems2 now?? She must be sweating like a pig under the studio lights in that ridiculous hairy get up.PC:
Not harsh at all! You should read some of the posts on this forum this pinkpussycat has written then we can talk harsh! Lets ask her to post a photo of her mug shot then we will see who is the yetti!
You always have to bitch about female presenters! Is it that you just dont like women or are you just bitter and jealous?
Not harsh at all! You should read some of the posts on this forum this pinkpussycat has written then we can talk harsh! Lets ask her to post a photo of her mug shot then we will see who is the yetti!
Yep! Trolls and/or ex forum members with a grudge
Funny how a certain name comes to my mind when you said that.
I simply stick up for the female presenters this bully of a woman picks on! No harm by that!
You always have to bitch about female presenters! Is it that you just dont like women or are you just bitter and jealous?