I think a disservice is being done to housebound people. They are not cretins but presumably if they are impaired they will have someone looking out for them but even they do not, a shopping channel is there to sell stuff, not decide whether someone is in a fit state to buy stuff. I do not buy anything that I do not want or think is a good bargain from QVC. I do not watch it 24/7 at all either. No-one is forced to buy. I am not swayed by presenters nor guests so to intimate that a shopping channel should have a conscience about selling is ridiculous. I have to say that I do not understand why people watch QVC if it is that awful for them, except to gather nuggets to bitch about. God help you if the channel did fold, what on earth would you bitch about then? People say the channel has changed but I would hazard a guess that so has the QVC section of this website. It is boring reading so many bitchy negative comments rather than constructive remarks about products. I wonder if many people do not post positively because they would appear stupid/gullible/lonely because they have so easily parted with their money?