Yaktrak grips for heels


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Feline & Veiltail Techie!
Jun 26, 2008
Two Elms left & One Oak north of Pixie Wood on the
Hi every one, a Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year and a safe one too!

I spotted the Yaktrak winter traction grips for heels to give them their right title although there has been reviews I wondered if anyone on SF had bought them, I was thinking of getting them for my daughter as she wears heels (not high) for work, I wondered how versatile there were for other footwear as buying two different styles isn't in my budget sadly.

So if any one can help or perhaps point me in the direction of another product I would really appreciate it.

Many thanks

I use the Yaktraks myself, as do my parents. They are fantastic! That being said, I have only used them with flat shoes, boots and trainers. But the stretch would probably accommodate low heels easily. The grip they give is so fantastic. In fact I have just come in from wearing them to walk across our icy decking - a virtual deathtrap in normal shoes! I would recommend them for anyone. The only thing I would say is that if you are buying (or are someone yourself) with manual dexterity problems they can be really difficult to get on. Also you really don't want to be wearing them on the kind of floors they have in Tesco because they seem to turn into roller blades in there! But, that aside, they are really great!
Nicky-j thanks for you post, they do sound good and I could have used a pair last Thursday as I slipped over in the snow, I live on a bit of a hill and to get to town it's straight down and icy all the way, so I think I'd better get myself a pair too!

Many Thanks

I'd advise anyone to go for them.

Hubby wouldn't get out in this weather without these walking our 18mth old lab.
Our Marley lookalikey gets so excited and would easily have OH on the floor if he didn't have them fitted on his Rockport style boots.

Hubby say's one of our best QVC's purchases and for him that says a lot.

I heard someone talking about them on the radio this morning and they mentioned they were available on QVC so I immediately ordered some for me and OH.
I bought ones for flatty and ones for use with heels both at QVC. The heel ones are great, saves me carrying extra pairs to and from work.

I heard someone talking about them on the radio this morning and they mentioned they were available on QVC so I immediately ordered some for me and OH.

I wore mine last February when our city (Derby) was hit by a huge snowstorm (well quite a big one anyway!:mysmilie_697:). I had to go into the local radio station and everyone was very impressed with them since I was the only one not to go flat on my backside in their car park! Perhaps radio peeps have been spreading the word:mysmilie_61:
I just ordered a set of the "Get a grip" ones instead after much debate with myself - I was looking out of the window in fear at the ice! I meant to buy them after the last dreadful snow in about January, berating myself now for not bothering!
I haven't got the Yaktraks but I did order some Get A Grips in November and I can't tell you what a godsend they've been in the current ice and snow. I've been striding up and down lethal hills with absolute confidence. I have no idea why the NHS don't give these out free and save a fortune on hospital treatment!
I wanted get a grips but my size was sold out so I ordered yaktraks. I hope they are good. They were shipped today so fingers crossed they come before Christmas. I'm fed up with creeping down the road like an old biddy!!
Bought a pair of Yaktraks from ebay for a tenner on Saturday and they came yesterday ( I fell on Sunday lol)

Mine are suitable for flat or stiletto heels - wore them today over my Timberland boots ( which let me down when I fell ) and they are amazing.
I've just ordered some on QVC so next time it snows I will have some rather than just wishing I had bought some.
I'm shocked - I received mine today, a 'signed for' delivery from Royal Mail. I wish everything came this quickly from QVC.
I have gone on waitlist for the quick grip ones. They will probably arrive in the spring.
I got my Yatraks yesterday- they are brilliant! I hate snow with a passion, bcause I'm always afraid of falling in it. Once I'd gotten used to them, I was strutting through the snow like Naomi Campbell on a catwalk (or something like that!) They are a bit of an effort to put on, but IMO it's a small price to pay. I was thinking of getting Get A Grip, but when I read the reviews about spikes going missing, I had second thoughts. I think I made the right choice.
I heard someone talking about them on the radio this morning and they mentioned they were available on QVC so I immediately ordered some for me and OH.

that must have been nick ferrari on LBC 97.3? - i heard that too.

i bought my mum some of the ice grip things a coupkle of years ago. she said they were good but eventually the rubber rotted and and the broke.
that must have been nick ferrari on LBC 97.3? - i heard that too.

i bought my mum some of the ice grip things a coupkle of years ago. she said they were good but eventually the rubber rotted and and the broke.

It was indeed Nick Ferrari, can't imagine why he would want some though, he never walks anywhere does he?:mysmilie_1767:

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