Would You Leave the House Without Make-up?


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I am that one! I started wearing make-up on a daily basis when I got to about 40...before that it was only when I went out somewhere - however, when I got to middle-age I started wearing a bit of lippy first, then needing foundation as my rosacea kicked in and now it's the full whack most days ...ie primer, foundation, blusher, finishing powder - eyes... concealer & mascara..eyebrows drawn in, and lippy... I don't feel right without it now!
No.........................I too just cannot seem to do it.Although at work I don't wear my "full face" I still HAVE to wear my foundation and a slick of blush.

I cannot even go out bare face to my local shop - I do try to have one make up free day at the weekend - but it means I cannot go out even for a loaf of bread!!! I did try to go out with LG's tinted spackle the other day,and I felt awful.

Make up certainly gives me a bit of confidence
I hardly wear any make up but I do like to wear a bit of lippy and some mascara. As for not leaving home without it, I wouldn't go that far. I usually remember on a work day, but if I have a day off, I'm so busy trying to cram things in I have often left home and forgotten make up. The only time that really bothers me is if I am at work lol!!

I think there are more important things in life than being obsessed with make up. I've worked with girls who have got up 2 hours before they have to leave for work to layer on the cement and eye stuff. I can't be doing with that, I like my bed/sleep too much. They tended to have awful skin too....wonder why?
I might do, if I hadn't plucked my eyebrows until they are practically non-existent....... :sad: and if I had decent length eyelashes, and, if I had cheekbones and if...............................

That'll be a NO then..............
I never wear make up, i was ill a few years ago and spent months in and out of hospital, when i came out and started to look after myself again it was all really old so, i chucked it and never replaced it, thing is, i could do with starting again but just don't know where!!? too much choice and i don't want to go from no make up to full slap overnight!!!
I am that one! I started wearing make-up on a daily basis when I got to about 40...before that it was only when I went out somewhere - however, when I got to middle-age I started wearing a bit of lippy first, then needing foundation as my rosacea kicked in and now it's the full whack most days ...ie primer, foundation, blusher, finishing powder - eyes... concealer & mascara..eyebrows drawn in, and lippy... I don't feel right without it now!

I was probably about 45. I work from home most of the time and only bother with make-up when I go in to work or out out socially. This is kind of essential now to avoid scaring people, but if I just want to nip to the local shop or post box etc. I wouldn't bother, just try to go at dusk!

I've been blessed with good skin so don't need a great deal, use BE and only use mascara if it's for a special occasion as it makes my eyes sore for a couple of days after.
I wear make-up every day but not every time I go outside. For example, I don't wear it if I'm just popping to the shop for a pint of milk and I don't wear it when I go to the gym or for a run outside.

I would never go to work bare faced because I think it's important to look groomed and professional. Like Mally says, there's nothing wrong wtih putting your best face forward! I never have much time on a week day morning so it's usually BE foundation and Sue Devitt's eye pencil & blush. On a weekend I have more time to spend putting my make-up on so I can play with different products and colours. I really enjoy the art of creating a 'look'. We're so lucky as women to be able to change our face completely in a few minutes.
I'd never go out anywhere without lipstick and earrings. Only wear a little more to work/going out on a night.
I've never been one to bother with make-up and I can't see me trying now. It has always amazed me how much stuff some women choose to wear and it makes me laugh to see young teenagers slap loads on and they think they look lovely. Beauty is skin deep.

On the other hand I do feel for those with skin complaints and can understand that for those wearing make-up is extremly important for them to feel confident to greet the world.

What-ever floats your boat is fine by me.
All or nothing here. Full war paint or not a scrap and also never been struck by lightning even though I go outside in storms. (I can't help it, I love storms)
Nope never. And I'll put make up on even if I'm not planning on leaving the house. I don't wear a lot though. A quick flip of BE, mascara and blusher. Usually eyeliner but not always. Rarely eyeshadow and usually lipgloss or balm but I never wear lipstick. Takes me about five mins max.

I might ramp that up to include eyeshadow for a night out but probably not.
Nope never. And I'll put make up on even if I'm not planning on leaving the house. I don't wear a lot though.

I'm the same.
Slapping on moisturiser, BB eyeliner & mascara & I'm ready to go.
As normal to me as washing my face & cleaning my teeth.
I used to be obsessed with wearing make-up in my teens and early twnties, I couldn't bear to be seen without it and I was so stuck-up about the way I looked that even i refused to wear my glasses in public (having only started needing them from the age of about 19). But then a few years ago I just lost all interest. Illness has caused some horrible skin complaints, so I physically can't wear any make-up a lot of the time lately as it's too sore and irritated. And even if that weren't the case, I just can't be bothered. I feel in my case it's a bit like trying to polish a turd anyway so I don't see the point.

If we were talking about nail varnish though, t'would be a very different story! I don't feel dressed if my nails are naked.
I love my make up and I have lots of it, but I regularly don't bother with any make up at all!
I cannot however go anywhere with unwashed hair because that makes me feel awful about myself.
I used to be obsessed with wearing make-up in my teens and early twnties, I couldn't bear to be seen without it and I was so stuck-up about the way I looked that even i refused to wear my glasses in public (having only started needing them from the age of about 19). But then a few years ago I just lost all interest. Illness has caused some horrible skin complaints, so I physically can't wear any make-up a lot of the time lately as it's too sore and irritated. And even if that weren't the case, I just can't be bothered. I feel in my case it's a bit like trying to polish a turd anyway so I don't see the point.

If we were talking about nail varnish though, t'would be a very different story! I don't feel dressed if my nails are naked.

"Trying to polish a turd"!!! Love it AnnaBanana & I feel a bit the same way. I've always had bad skin ( acne) up to my forties and when that finally cleared up it was replaced by hyperpigmentation ( from meds & not wearing an SPF). I have now abandoned the slap for slapping on the sun cream everytime I go out whatever the weather. I cannot cover the pigmentation without specialist foundation/concealers and they don't sit well on top of the Ultrasun...Just can't win with my skin it seems, worst luck.
Yep, hardly ever go out without at least some foundation, lipgloss/stick, blusher and mascara on. My skin is dodgy with acne scarring and it will never be good enough (for me anyway) to go out bare faced. If I'm nipping to corner shop i might not bother but most days for me are - shower, hair dried, makeup on and dressed (obviously otherwise I would be writing this from my cell!) whether for work or at the weekends.

My friend who has very good skin hardly ever wears makeup, I dont even think she wore that much on her wedding day, the lucky thing!

On another note I have considered face peels but can't afford the 6 weeks off work for recovery! lol

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