Would you buy from her?


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I think you'll find you are incredibly wrong. Re-read the posts from today. You'll see that Paula disagreed and nobody made her unwelcome. In fact she was told that we respected her views. Perhaps you should take some time to read the posts, understand that not everybody agrees but the ONE THING we all agree on is that new people who start their postings in the way that you do has been seen before and 9/10 times the person has ulterior motives (which of course is denied strenuously).

You are not discussing anything. You are trying to be divisive and that's a huge difference. I don't care if you agree with anything I say or not. I do NOT however tolerate when a person accuses me of causing a "clingy atmosphere" and then thinks they have the temerity to "smash" it!

Lucky her!

You make it sound like your Mother Teresa...
So you miss the whole point of that note to you and decide to make it sound snippy? Well you're just showing your true colours. It won't be long .............
As Graham said earlier, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but attacking fellow forum members is not acceptable.

Can we please calm things down and if you wish to continue discussing presenters whether you like or dislike them then fine but no more attacks on each other. Thank you!
And what exactly is wrong with working on a till or even stacking shelves for that matter ??

We all have to earn a living one way or another.Whichever path you have trodden does not make you any better than the next man!!

Sweetpea - absolutely nothing. I totally agree that what you do for a living doesn't make you a good or bad person. You only have to look at High Court Judges to realise that!!!!
As Graham said earlier, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but attacking fellow forum members is not acceptable.

Can we please calm things down and if you wish to continue discussing presenters whether you like or dislike them then fine but no more attacks on each other. Thank you!

Sazz I've just emailed Graham. I'm stepping out of this discussion.
Crikey lady, where is your sense of humour? My post regarding Ruth was very tongue and cheek!

And just for your information, there is more chance you'll be emptying my wheelie bin, then me working on a checkout - I've worked hard for the past 25 years to get to where I am - not that that is any of your concern or business I know.

I have to say I'm shocked about that because the way you are acting I would put you about 16 years of age max!!

I am sorry but if I believed that anything racist had been posted on shoppingtelly.com the author would be banned.

I know the subject of presenters moving has provoked some strong opinions and I beleive that ALL opinions are welcome.

Sorry Graham but for the first time I have to disagree with you. I am Scottish and that comment he made WAS racist and offensive. Had he called Derek a pratt then fine, that's his opinion but he wrote that he was a "Scottish pratt" which changes the tone completely. To use a person's colour or creed as an adjective such as he did, is defined as being racist. He is rude and arrogant and I believe he is here only to cause trouble.
:mysmilie_81: had to go and look who Caroline L was :mysmilie_697: just goes to show how good I have been recently with my bling buying :)

Just wanted to add presenters don't make me buy - I buy if I like the item and the price. I will admit if I don't like the presenter I will switch channel hence they might have lost a sale which my beading partner will be very pleased to read :mysmilie_17:
At the risk of being shouted down, I say gives Caroline a chance!

TJC are not stupid, their business is to sell jewellery on tv. From the recent adverts on tv, TJC say that they have over 250k customers. Not sure how this stacks up with others. I seems a healthy amount to me. If Caroline has a good track record of selling on TV; that’s the measure!

My opinion is my opinion. If Caroline is selling something I want to buy, I will buy it. I buy because I know that the quality of jewellery from TJC is separate from the presenter.

My heart goes out for others at R&C who find themselves without work at this difficult time. I hope that they can find new employment very soon.

At the risk of being shouted down, I say gives Caroline a chance!

TJC are not stupid, their business is to sell jewellery on tv. From the recent adverts on tv, TJC say that they have over 250k customers. Not sure how this stacks up with others. I seems a healthy amount to me. If Caroline has a good track record of selling on TV; that’s the measure!

My opinion is my opinion. If Caroline is selling something I want to buy, I will buy it. I buy because I know that the quality of jewellery from TJC is separate from the presenter.

My heart goes out for others at R&C who find themselves without work at this difficult time. I hope that they can find new employment very soon.


Sapphireblue, nobody will shout you down for having an opinion. It's only ignorant, rude newcomers who come on here with a hidden agenda and treat long standing, respected members like dirt who deserve that!

You are entitled to like/dislike anything or anyone you want. My views of CL are there for all to see and I stand by them 100% but if you like her then that's nothing to do with me and I will never fall out with anyone because they like something that I don't!
Have to say I agree with Sapphireblue that when it comes to nitty gritty it will be her sales record that I imagine will be most prevalent in obtaining another job, perhaps she has an excellent sales record at rocks and co? who knows. If that is satisfactory then I would think that would be foremost in their decision making process as a business rather than her general unpopularity on these threads.Is it certain though that she is going to TJC? I think John Scott was in the studio this morning as the early morning presenter was calling over to him and mentioning how she had worked with him before.
Hi Klosblue
I am always a bit nervous posting, but I think that we need to de-personalise who we like and dislike.
Best way to deal with obnoxious forum members is to ignore them. Perhaps they will learn some manners and think before the press the "post quick reply" or better still GO AWAY!
Have a large Scotch or some bubblythis evening and I wish you and your family a happy new year!
Kind regards, Sapphireblue X
At the risk of being shouted down, I say gives Caroline a chance!

TJC are not stupid, their business is to sell jewellery on tv. From the recent adverts on tv, TJC say that they have over 250k customers. Not sure how this stacks up with others. I seems a healthy amount to me. If Caroline has a good track record of selling on TV; that’s the measure!

My opinion is my opinion. If Caroline is selling something I want to buy, I will buy it. I buy because I know that the quality of jewellery from TJC is separate from the presenter.

My heart goes out for others at R&C who find themselves without work at this difficult time. I hope that they can find new employment very soon.


I agree!!!
I also think it would be good for TJC to recruit some lesser known experienced shopping TV presenters, who have not hopped directly from being regulars on R&C. Those who are less familiar to us but we'll grow to really like.
I Have joined this thread very late on and would like my tuppence worth, I have watched and purchased from most of the channels and i think if the items that are being shown are what i wish to purchase that all that counts for me not who is presenting it. I understand that it can be very off putting with some presenters.

As far as i am concerned i want to point out that Meeshoo is one of the most helpfull ppl you will ever find and wishto thank her for all the info and advice she has ever given here.

Wishing all a Happy New Year.

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