Rather blatant isn't it, Sazza?! And she didn't join in the chat, say hello to anyone as they came in or wish Emma all the best! Just arrived and started listing item codes!!!:52:
Yep so blatant!!! :hump:
Rather blatant isn't it, Sazza?! And she didn't join in the chat, say hello to anyone as they came in or wish Emma all the best! Just arrived and started listing item codes!!!:52:
The penny just dropped here. I was going to make some remark along the lines of 'Can we still put our requests in the chat box? I thought we hasd to email', but thought I'd only be stirring up trouble.And it is damn blatant!
I have been biting my tongue Calvin......so tempted to say something!!!!:54:
I have to admit to having made the odd oblique comment...but it has no effect.
I remember one evening annieb and I had a "can you now request through chat? I thought we were meant to email or go into live help? " type conversation. Even the presenter saw our posts and said, "Yes, email your requests please..it's so easy to miss them in chat."
And yet still it persists!!!
Thought I'd cracked it today, as I hadn't seen her in chat. Was just about to bid on a lovely multi-gem necklace, but alas, she beat me to it.
Maybe tomorrow...........
I know exactly who she means.....:3: