Wot? No Taboo?!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I don't have any cocoa! I am running down my food supplies in preparation to join the Army. I'm not going to get through a whole jar of cocoa in three weeks!
Don't know where to get those! I've got to run everything down. I might take a l'occitane soap with me though, and my netbook, and a radio!
Julius "I just caught a final shot of the box" (I can't do quotations atm)

Whose box was it, Jules, could you tell?

Jude xx
Glad I missed this prog because I probably would have peed myself laughing !
Good luck Julius in your Army career btw.
Rather you than me Julius, but good luck.

I nearly bought one of those a year ago after having 2 babies 19 months apart ( it 's not just older ladies BTW...) but hubby talked me out of it, saying " just do your exercises like they told you). Whilst I hate doing them as they make me uncomfortable, he was right, and I saved 70 quid. I reckon the orgasm line is bollocks and it makes me feel uncomfortable every time she mentions it on air in her dulcit, soothing, " I am so good at approaching this very sensitive subject" voice.

I thought CH was best at selling this when I saw her do it the first time.
sounds like you need one then vienna *running and hiding behind barbs*

Oh very well spotted janie, i read the quote and never got it. You're on the ball. Come hide behind me he he :giggle:
I was mesmerised as to how they were going to handle this one and if they were going to allow you to use it and return with the 30 day policy.

I thought it was handled with some sensitivity and expertise and yes, you can use it and return. Ewwww, I'm not sure what they will do with these if returned.
I was mesmerised as to how they were going to handle this one and if they were going to allow you to use it and return with the 30 day policy.

I thought it was handled with some sensitivity and expertise and yes, you can use it and return. Ewwww, I'm not sure what they will do with these if returned.

this comes back to our never ending returns argument. they CLAIM they don't send out returns.
Probably a quick swill under the tap, back in the box and out to the next valued customer :confused:

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