Wiggy Lee The Acer guy's terrible habit.


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What tosh! I bet anyone who uses this excuse would never confront a sales assistant in the shop and subject them to some of the 'abuse' [for that is what it is] that goes on in here. I work in a public facing job [not sales] and get fed up with people who think they know how to do my job based on their narrow view of what they perceive my job to be.

By this reasoning I can tell anyone I see in the street what I think about them without consequences because 'They were in the public street so made themself a target'

I have worked in the health service all my working life (A&E mostly) so believe me I'm no stranger to abuse. As I said in my post, it's part of the job and if you don't like it then nobody's forcing you to do it. There was a thread on here a while ago when Techno Lee mentioned on his facebook page, a less than complimentary comment made about him on here. Let's just say he wasn't exactly thrilled.

No you are wrong in fact I know of at least one as Danny Guest Presenter for HP took to make comments on here in the past.


There was a thread on here a while ago when Techno Lee mentioned on his facebook page, a less than complimentary comment made about him on here. Let's just say he wasn't exactly thrilled.
Two egotistical prima donnas who just can't take criticism or adverse comments. Especially Danny who threw a right old hissy on the forum and had to apologise. :rolleyes:
Usually, any comment I post about a presenter is either diectly or indirectly pertaining to the product for sale. I do feel that the comments being made regarding Lee's hair or breathing habits are a tad personal and even bitchy. I own an acer laptop, purchased from QVC and demonstrated by Lee. I also bought the previous tsv, the acer netbook, which I have since returned. I would make the point that Lee does amend his spiel dependant upon the product he is demonstrating, thus endeavouring to make the computer more appealing and and a necessary purchase. Whilst showing the netbook, for example, he attempted to convince us that, although it doesn't have a disk drive, nobody uses one or needs one anymore. Then, whilst demonstrating the bluray laptop - my one - he extolled the virtues of the quality of bluray, and being able to watch them through your tv.
Several guests and even the odd presenter has joined and posted on this forum over the years and not just QVC ones.
I stand corrected again and although I haven't seen any of these posts, could you tell me whether the presenters are joining in on general threads or actually defending themselves from some of the 'remarks' for want of a better word, they receive.
I stand corrected again and although I haven't seen any of these posts, could you tell me whether the presenters are joining in on general threads or actually defending themselves from some of the 'remarks' for want of a better word, they receive.

Mixed to be honest!
I have worked in the health service all my working life (A&E mostly) so believe me I'm no stranger to abuse. As I said in my post, it's part of the job and if you don't like it then nobody's forcing you to do it. There was a thread on here a while ago when Techno Lee mentioned on his facebook page, a less than complimentary comment made about him on here. Let's just say he wasn't exactly thrilled.

My point is that just because you work in the public arena it does not automatically qualify you to receive abuse. The sooner the small minded people in society grasp this the better things can start becoming. If someone wants a gripe because they think I am too grumpy or didn't get the answer they wanted then it's up to them to mention it and discuss it but am I going to give up a career because of this one person when there are other civilised people I can help, I think not. Same if you are in A&E, just because abuse has become routine it doesn't make it acceptable as I am sure you would agree.
The way I see it. If you don't like a particular presenter/guest presenter, don't watch them. There ARE other channels you can watch. It's worked for me and JR whom I no longer watch as she really winds me up!!
Did these presenters use their real names or forum names because I have never come across one?. If they used forum names they could have been anyone really.

Some have used their real name and some haven't, for example Catherine posted and said who she was as I don't think she used her real name.

Didn't Keeley post on here a few years ago Sazz??

I'm not surprised as it was probably before your time.

Yes Keeley did indeed but like others she probably got her knuckles wrapped by QVC for doing so just the same as Catherine did.
Long long ago on a shoppingtelly forum far far away Debbie Flint and Paul Lavers used to post.

Jude xx
We can use the off switch and stop watching presenters and guests who irritate us, supporting my argument that QVC could lose sales as a result of distracting habits. However, where the number of units shifted is hardly affected they'll stay in their jobs. It'd be nice to see some fresh faces as I know the regular guests' speil off by heart and if it's someone who's hard to watch, it's frustrating when they're presenting a product I might want to buy.

Just as we can turn off, my advice would be for presenters/ guests not to read this forum if they can't stand to heat. A bit like listening at keyholes; one rarely hears anything good!

QVC discourages replies on this forum, even (in Keeley's case) when she's offering customers advice.

Jude xx
In my opinion life is hard enough for the majority of us without adding cruel unecessary comments into the mix. I honestly don't understand why anyone would want to make disparaging comments about someone who hasn't personally hurt/upset/been cruel to them etc. maybe it's trite but it really is a case of it's best not saying anything if you haven't got anything nice or positive to say.
I often watch the tech shows and I can honestly say I've never noticed any sniffing going on and even if I did, I've got more important things going on in my life to get upset about.
Totally agree with Swankypants ~ there's far too much personal abuse hurled around nowadays and it's totally unacceptable. People should be more mindful of others and try treating people as we would like to be treated. Maybe the internet has contributed to this lack of respect as it's all too easy to be rude and uncaring anonymously.
My point is that just because you work in the public arena it does not automatically qualify you to receive abuse. The sooner the small minded people in society grasp this the better things can start becoming. If someone wants a gripe because they think I am too grumpy or didn't get the answer they wanted then it's up to them to mention it and discuss it but am I going to give up a career because of this one person when there are other civilised people I can help, I think not. Same if you are in A&E, just because abuse has become routine it doesn't make it acceptable as I am sure you would agree.

We're going off topic here really but, acceptable or not, it is part of daily life for A&E staff and it's like water off a duck's back. When you've worked in an Emergency Dept you've seen and heard the lot.
Some have used their real name and some haven't, for example Catherine posted and said who she was as I don't think she used her real name.

Yes Keeley did indeed but like others she probably got her knuckles wrapped by QVC for doing so just the same as Catherine did.

Phil Parkes (mop man) used to post sometimes. Ali Keenan came on once to have a go at an FM who'd been slating her. No she didn't use her name but it was her for deffo. Simon Wison came on and gave me a right piece of his mind' including a nasty PM before deleting his account so that I couldn't respond. Again he didn't say it was him but I know it was. Keely used to post but stopped when people started asking difficult questions about her relationship with QVC and Elemis. HP Danny posted, again in response to critique. Catherine posted for a while, the beauty bible woman posted a few months ago in response to a post by Kitty. I'm sure there are loads I've forgotten. Bottom line is that when presenters or guests feel hard done to by comments on here they have the option to come along and give their side of the story. Some do, others don't. It's up to them.
Phil Parkes (mop man) used to post sometimes. Ali Keenan came on once to have a go at an FM who'd been slating her. No she didn't use her name but it was her for deffo. Simon Wison came on and gave me a right piece of his mind' including a nasty PM before deleting his account so that I couldn't respond. Again he didn't say it was him but I know it was. Keely used to post but stopped when people started asking difficult questions about her relationship with QVC and Elemis. HP Danny posted, again in response to critique. Catherine posted for a while, the beauty bible woman posted a few months ago in response to a post by Kitty. I'm sure there are loads I've forgotten. Bottom line is that when presenters or guests feel hard done to by comments on here they have the option to come along and give their side of the story. Some do, others don't. It's up to them.

Oh yes Mike Mop, I'd forgotten he was on!
I think I first joined the forum following a comment on air from AY regarding comments about her on here.
If she took to the forum to defend herself under any name I'm not aware.

Though I recall Catherine Huntley posting I'm sure it was under the name of CHuntley and was chatting about her presentation of a Sonic Toothbrush.
From what I recall forum members felt that she failed to give full information and she replied that she would find out what was required for them.

I recall Keeley posting and things becoming difficult when she was asked how much QVC paid her.

Also I remember Mop Mike posting and infact him chatting making nice comments about Miss Young.

Andrew Bagley posted on here too infact I exchanged some PM's with him, thinking about it with Mop Mike too.

The Merry's (craft Rosemary and Nigel) have also posted on here and do now on Crafting Telly.

At the moment the last person who springs to mind is HP Danny, though I'm sure over the years there must be many many more.

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