Wiggy Lee The Acer guy's terrible habit.


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I reread Simon's original post and I don't find the content or style particularly harsh. Just shorter and punchier than my long-winded post. Plus he's not making a living from posting so I'd cut him some slack. I do agree that the sniffing and swallowing is unpleasant. No one has said it isn't, have they?

Greg I wish I were privy to that kind of gossip, sadly I was just trying to make a point.

In my working experience it's the speculating and imagining scenarios (like wondering whether or not Lee has a medical condition or is Julia addicted to opal fruits to account for the slurping) which creates gossip from a few limited facts. I find that more worrying that Simon (or anyone) saying they can't stand someone sniffing.

Jude xx
I actually like Lee's presenting and if we had a presenter/guest delivering perfect Queens English, but very robotic, that would be a turn off too. We all need the human element. I have not noticed his slurping but then I haven't watched for long enough maybe (only to hear the fiasco of the Clickfree C6). Maybe if he was a Q presenter he would irk, I don't know, but I don't watch Q much now as nearly all of it irks, presenters and goods. No background Q for me whilst I dry my hair as even on mute it still irks.
I find Iggy Pop's head scratching far more distracting than a bit of sniffing.
If Lee was to present the BBC news - he would not last 5 minutes.
QVC employ Lee to sell a product. He is not a great guest presenter and his annoying habit of sniffing etc drives me mad when i watch him present Tech shows, just like when i used to hate Simon Smithies presenting style.
He said it was Hay fever but he has been doing it for as long as i can remember, so it is not Hayfever. It is a bad habit that he needs to stop doing.

I know my comments have upset some on here but they are my opinions and mine alone.
When i buy a product i want good service and the person selling to me to have good product knowledge.
QVC just do not have any good technology experts who are good at selling apart from the Photographer Mat Trim who i find is very knowledgeable and takes his time to explain the product.
I do not want to hear about Lee's Mom or their recent holiday or her new Italian boyfriend and i do want want him sniffing all the way through a presentation.
Well I've never seen the man as I don't watch the tech shows. I must say this thread hasn't encouraged me to do so either.

I think if something gets on your pip it gets on your pip so why not say so. Mind you there's a lot that seems to get on our collective pip. Just as well really or what would we talk about.
I actually like Lee's presenting and if we had a presenter/guest delivering perfect Queens English, but very robotic, that would be a turn off too. We all need the human element. I have not noticed his slurping but then I haven't watched for long enough maybe (only to hear the fiasco of the Clickfree C6). Maybe if he was a Q presenter he would irk, I don't know, but I don't watch Q much now as nearly all of it irks, presenters and goods. No background Q for me whilst I dry my hair as even on mute it still irks.

So do I and don't think it is very nice or even appropriate to call him wiggy,I don't think it is a wig just the way it is combed from the back.
Also even if it was a wig does it matter,I prefer a man to go bald but to be fair we do sometimes see JF sporting one of the Ken Paves rugs.
I had previously noted Lee's sniffing and like with everything once you notice something being repeated, you do seem to hear little else.
I did wonder when someone would make a comment about it on here.

More importantly than anything after yesterday's presentations of the Click Free that since it's TSV debut receiving 56 one star reviews.
Bearing in mind an item has to be given one star to leave a review, I find that a worry with his presentations.

The question comes to mind would you buy a used car from this man and QVC ? :thinking:

I do not want to hear about Lee's Mom or their recent holiday or her new Italian boyfriend and i do want want him sniffing all the way through a presentation.
well Simon 1966 make ur mind up ...now YOU DO WANT HIM to sniff all the way through......:)
I do not want to hear about Lee's Mom or their recent holiday or her new Italian boyfriend

...call me shallow but I do....

I like Lee and find him pleasant to watch. I always think that these people are working and doing a job, they don't need such intense criticism, step forward all those who are perfect....what, only you....:angel:
If they're on TV they open themselves up to criticism. That's the nature of the job. 'If you can't stand the heat get out of the fire', as they say.
If they're on TV they open themselves up to criticism. That's the nature of the job. 'If you can't stand the heat get out of the fire', as they say.
Fair enough but it is other forum members taking exception to the critisism not the presenters. They may or may not read this forum and they can't defend themselves on here.
Regarding Lee, he may or may not have hayfever or blocked sinuses, I don't think it is reasonable to say he doesn't as the OP has suggested.
I read this post with amusement and amazement as I spent an hour watching the TSV presentation and not once did I think "where's that sniffing coming from?" - I heard none. Maybe it's because we all pick up on different things or are just looking for things to dislike.
Fair enough but it is other forum members taking exception to the critisism not the presenters. They may or may not read this forum and they can't defend themselves on here.
Regarding Lee, he may or may not have hayfever or blocked sinuses, I don't think it is reasonable to say he doesn't as the OP has suggested.


No you are wrong in fact I know of at least one as Danny Guest Presenter for HP took to make comments on here in the past.

I read this post with amusement and amazement as I spent an hour watching the TSV presentation and not once did I think "where's that sniffing coming from?" - I heard none. Maybe it's because we all pick up on different things or are just looking for things to dislike.

I have read your post with amazement that you could watch Lee for a whole hour but not pick up on the sniffing, as he does do it really a lot, sadly it must be of annoyance to him.

I will listen out for it next time 'bags'! [It was late at night after all]:hi:

What I DID notice were the fingermarks on the touch screen when the light shone on them. Now if I put two and two together it's a bit gross!
If they're on TV they open themselves up to criticism. That's the nature of the job. 'If you can't stand the heat get out of the fire', as they say.

What tosh! I bet anyone who uses this excuse would never confront a sales assistant in the shop and subject them to some of the 'abuse' [for that is what it is] that goes on in here. I work in a public facing job [not sales] and get fed up with people who think they know how to do my job based on their narrow view of what they perceive my job to be.

By this reasoning I can tell anyone I see in the street what I think about them without consequences because 'They were in the public street so made themself a target'

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