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Clients of a firm I used to work at were A Pratt and A Dick! Another place I worked had a major client called Stephen Cockhead. I also knew a Robin Banks (true) and a girl I went to school with married Steve Christmas - her name was Merry (Meredith). All true.

Clients of a firm I used to work at were A Pratt and A Dick! Another place I worked had a major client called Stephen Cockhead. I also knew a Robin Banks (true) and a girl I went to school with married Steve Christmas - her name was Merry (Meredith). All true.

I've worked with a prat and a dick but that wasn't their names, just what I thought of them🤭😊
'Baby on Board' in the back window of a car was a pet hate of mine. I don't know if people still do that.
The sign is to alert emergency services. I think this was borne out of an accident where a child was thrust into the footwell and was missed so vital minutes to help them were lost.
Years ago when I was 'done' for speeding twice in the space of 4 months (one of the times a 40mph changed overnight to 30mph, so half the staff at the local hospital got 'done' ".

So fearing never to be caught again, I created a sign for my rear window which read ................................................. "6 POINTS, PLEASE OVERTAKE" - it caused great amusement by overtaking motorists who either put their thumbs up or tooted their horn - at least they were aware that I wasn't a deliberately slow driver.
Does it mean : "cock & balls in full working order, everyone"

I dated a fussy eater. When he picked the raisins out of the sultana bran, I had to end it.
I had a boyfriend who ate ice cream with his mouth open. That was it for me; I could just about put up with him taking a peek inside a sandwich (even one I had made him) before eating it but mint chocolate chip with his mouth open was too much to bear.

I worked with a Russel Mycoc
I knew a couple with the surname of Och who were due to have a male child. A mutual friend went to dinner with them and apparently there was a very long discussion about how careful they would have to be in choosing a name for him. For example Michael was to be avoided as he might get called Mike. So what di they end up calling the poor little sausage? Eric....
I had a boyfriend who ate ice cream with his mouth open. That was it for me; I could just about put up with him taking a peek inside a sandwich (even one I had made him) before eating it but mint chocolate chip with his mouth open was too much to bear.
Speaking of being 'put off' a boyfriend. In my early 20's I started going out with a fella, but I couldn't look at him without seeing the minute hairs growing out of the top of his nose. Awkward, and not a subject to bring up with him - it was me that couldn't live with it, so he got the elbow.
Well F**** Sister, you might have warned me before you palmed him off onto me :p;) It is annoying though when they start picking bits out of food. My mum no longer bothers with him, she just buys him loads of bacon and pies when we visit and then me and mum can have all the nice stuff.

As for the Baby on Board stuff. My ex neighbour used to walk up and down our row of houses with his baby in his arms as if he was showing it off. Oh look my nob works. How he managed to find a woman was beyond me. OK I know, I'm being harsh but he was a prat.


My friend dated a fussy eater. He was 26 stone and would only go to restaurants on dates. After a visit to Harvester where he ate 9 bread rolls before his main arrived she decided to dump him. Said she had visions of looking after him due to self-inflicted disease in a few years.

My BIL would do that. In his joggers. He never wore pants and was a bit bandy. NOT a pretty site but at least everyone knew the goods on display worked. I never understood why my sister didn't ask him to stop waving it around.

Years ago when I was 'done' for speeding twice in the space of 4 months (one of the times a 40mph changed overnight to 30mph, so half the staff at the local hospital got 'done' ".

So fearing never to be caught again, I created a sign for my rear window which read ................................................. "6 POINTS, PLEASE OVERTAKE" - it caused great amusement by overtaking motorists who either put their thumbs up or tooted their horn - at least they were aware that I wasn't a deliberately slow driver.

That should not be allowed. Our council does stuff like that then tells people who complain they should have read the notice in the local paper. Hardly anyone around here reads it! Why should we be forced to drive to the next town over to buy a paper every day? They should put up signs large enough to read warning of speed changes at least a month beforehand.
My friend dated a fussy eater. He was 26 stone and would only go to restaurants on dates. After a visit to Harvester where he ate 9 bread rolls before his main arrived she decided to dump him. Said she had visions of looking after him due to self-inflicted disease in a few years.

My BIL would do that. In his joggers. He never wore pants and was a bit bandy. NOT a pretty site but at least everyone knew the goods on display worked. I never understood why my sister didn't ask him to stop waving it around.

That should not be allowed. Our council does stuff like that then tells people who complain they should have read the notice in the local paper. Hardly anyone around here reads it! Why should we be forced to drive to the next town over to buy a paper every day? They should put up signs large enough to read warning of speed changes at least a month beforehand.
Where we live they put notices on the internet etc about were speed cameras are going to be!!!
Hubby has always said if people don't know the speed they are going they shouldn't be driving.
We have a school,hospital and a college on the main road near us going into town and the speed is 40 mph,no crossing near the hospital just near the school and college.
Speed limit on our estate is 20mph and the majority of the drivers don't do 30 never mind 20.
They paid a fortune to make a cycle lane on the very wide footpath and cyclists ride on the road.
Clients of a firm I used to work at were A Pratt and A Dick! Another place I worked had a major client called Stephen Cockhead. I also knew a Robin Banks (true) and a girl I went to school with married Steve Christmas - her name was Merry (Meredith). All true.



The sign is to alert emergency services. I think this was borne out of an accident where a child was thrust into the footwell and was missed so vital minutes to help them were lost.
I suspect few people know this, & just add the sigh for the reasons discussed.
These baby signs need to be removable though so if the baby isn't in the car and there's an accident the emergency services won't waste valuable time looking.

Excellent point, Candywol

I had a boyfriend who ate ice cream with his mouth open. That was it for me; I could just about put up with him taking a peek inside a sandwich (even one I had made him) before eating it but mint chocolate chip with his mouth open was too much to bear.

I knew a couple with the surname of Och who were due to have a male child. A mutual friend went to dinner with them and apparently there was a very long discussion about how careful they would have to be in choosing a name for him. For example Michael was to be avoided as he might get called Mike. So what di they end up calling the poor little sausage? Eric....
Fancy ruining the evening by talking all about your baby name, FFS.

Tangent & opinions please: Couple 'Announce' the sex of twin babies on Xmas Day. On Fuckbook, obvs. Is it just me or are they totally stuck up their own arseholes?

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