QVC US community forum people kept asking where the brand was? The hours got less and less and finally disappear, this was well before it finally hit the end on QVC UK. So she did seem to have a customer base there. I was never a fan. I do remember some years back I caught the time she freaked out live on air. Dale had to talk her down from the ledge, he was calm and got her to move on. The cause of the freak-out? Well she suddenly caught sight of herself in the monitor and in middle sentence started on about how old and terrible she looked. She went on and on and on, for some reason she started comparing how she looked to the model they had on with the jewellery. It was a true WTF moment on QVC. They didn't cut to a break either, it was up to Dale to calm her down.
The daughter runs the clothing brand that appears on QVC UK. Cannot remember the name, but its the velevt shawl things.