Whoo hooo - when that boss from hell leaves!


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Jun 24, 2008
Although this happened to me a few months ago....I'm still getting that "Friday feeling" knowing that he's gone, and he ain't never coming back - Well I flippin' hope not lol!

A couple of years ago a young man took over as our assistant section manager, we were also recruiting for a section manager at the time, but he arrived first and had to stand in as section manager for a couple of months. I can honestly say he was a "breath of fresh air". It was his first managerial role and came from another local branch - Everybody, judging by Facebook was distraught that he was leaving them (good sign). He was a big chap, gay (beside the point but becomes clearer later) larger than life, ultra friendly, wanted to please everybody and did a really good job of managing our section - We felt blessed to have him on board. Then they appointed a new manager, another young man, who had experience in management having been an assistant section manager in a smaller store. A very quiet and polite studious man but in all not a very good manager. Jed (Mr larger than life)did the majority of the work still and the rest of the time it appeared that he was clearing up the mistakes and messes that our newly appointed manager had made.

Then in a re-shuffle Jed was moved to another section - and boy did he change. All of a sudden he had his group of cronies, mostly members of higher management basically he'd befriend anyone who'd be able to help him up the corporate ladder, other than that he became friendly with a lot of the youngsters - if you didn't fall into that category "you'd had it!" He bullied people right left and centre without going too much into it- 5 people left/transferred to another branch because of him. He had rant at a lady in her 60's because she was reading the Daily Mail in her tea break...telling her "I hadn't got you down as a homophobe!" He was openly crude and lewd (never on the shop floor I hasten to add)....Said to a senior member of management also happened to be gay..."see you down Pride..bet you're looking forward to some cock"...he laughed along with him...but this was said in front of a office full of people off all ages and genders with no regard to anyone it might offend - I wasn't offended per se but felt it rather inappropriate talk for the office!

I didn't have toooo much of a problem with him (ie I got the feeling he didn't hate me) had a bit of a contretemps with him when he spoke to me a like a five year old when I was trying to book my holidays with him...but other than that he was a complete nightmare...he'd get into work early to try and catch out people who were a few minutes or seconds even late. He'd not let anyone take their own initiative..everything had to be run past him first and then when you did try and approach him, he'd be snappy and off hand...Yeah leave it with me I'll deal with it..but seldom would and you'd have to pester him again..then he'd call you "a pain in the arse!"

Then out of the blue...he announced he'd got himself another job and he was leaving....OMG...it felt like a lottery win - three months later it still feels like a lottery win. Anyone else had this kind of experience. BTW the nice but ineffectual manager also left as he got a job elsewhere too..he was a good and intelligent guy..but just not cut out for retail..He works for a charity now..I think he'll shine!
I know a manager is there to manage - But this guy turned into a "boss". Looking back his conduct in the work place was unacceptable..For example we're supposed to keep tannoy calls to a minimum, not only did he use it more frequently than anyone else, he used it as his own personal microphone. Would deliberately effect silly voices, mispronounce people's names but also read out both first and second names (not meant to happen), Address male members of staff as Miss and vice versa - This behaviour was never challenged, he'd only tone it down if the branch manager was there, or there was a visit from head office. He commandeered a small office that was supposed to be a space for anyone who needed to use it, it had an "open door" policy..but he decorated it with his own paraphenalia, flags, pictures etc, used it as a personal changing room if he was going out after work..but largely doing his work in there with the door closed, and if any one knocked and there was no reply, you'd gingerly open the door and find him sat there headphones on, doing work..he'd usually turn and frown and say " I've not started yet - come back later"! He was loud and opinionated in every sense and if you weren't part of his inner circle - the atmosphere at work for you just wasn't very pleasant!
I've never seen such a character transformation in someone..Like I say we thought he was the bees knees at first -but most of us put the flags out when he went!
how people change! Hope the "Friday feeling" lasts!

Oh yeah...it's still going strong. When you've got to work with an "impossible character" day in, day out it sure takes its toll! This fella was literally on the bottom rung of the management ladder, yet he literally "ran the place". When I say he was larger than life - I should've said larger than life - then some. I've worked with some toxic people in my time, but this one wow!!! I literally used to go cold when I saw him. Anyway not my problem any more, it's someone else's lets hope he's enjoying his new job and being kind to his co workers (underlings) cause that's what they'll be!..and of course if it doesn't work out for him there I've got that horrible feeling he'd be allowed to come back to us - so yes I wish him a long and happy career along as it's nowhere near me!
Oh, you do make me laugh and that one is a pained laugh as I too have encountered some really toxic co-workers and bosses in my time!
Heard rumours today that he's coming back! Hope there's no truth in it, but sadly it does look likely. By all accounts he's quit his new job, there was a personality clash between himself and the person who owns the shop, also hear that he's enquired about returning but was told there's no positions available right now, but I think it's only gonna be a matter of time. Reckon he'll be back by the end of January. Ok, it's not definite, but very worrying and a horrible thought..feel like crying!

That Friday feeling was good while it lasted..but had a inkling deep down it wasn't to last!
I had a funny little inkling last week, when I was working in the staff dining room I saw "his name" written at the bottom of one of the Christmas dinner sittings requests, my heart sunk for a moment but I thought surely not, it must be one of the new Xmas temps - but his name is fairly unusual! Weds was my day off and when I went into work yesterday, there was a poster up advertising the end of year party which is due to take place at the end of Jan, it said put your name below if you'd like to attend - It was then that I noticed his name, full name in all it's glory written on that list. It does say that you can invite a guest from outside of work to come with you - So, I thought hopefully one of his cronies has put him on the guest list! But now I'm starting to worry. I asked someone, who's usually on top of all the gossip "is he coming back?" He said omg, I hope not, but I'll find out. Within half an hour he reported back to say that he's no longer working at his new job,he has already requested his old job back, but has been told for the moment there's no suitable vacancies, however what I do know is someone is due to retire very soon and they do the job he used to do...Will that be his way back in? Also heard that he doesn't really want to come back but on the other hand being out of work is not an option. Don't quite now the in's and out's of why he quit the new job, did he just walk...or was he pushed? I can imagine that his "forceful personality" didn't go down well with his new colleagues, and he didn't get away with the shenanigans he got away with at our place - but Lord, please no. Don't get me wrong, I hope he finds himself another job soon...but please not back with us!
Could be good news but still can't breathe a massive sigh of relief just yet! but have heard on the grapevine that he's back at work (new job, the one he quit that is)I don't know the ins and outs or whether a return to us in still on the cards...But for the moment it's looking promising! Hopefully whatever made him flounce out of his new job has been sorted out to his satisfaction and that his return is permanent and that he enjoys a long and happy career. Still feel a bit "edgy" especially since he will be attending our end of year party at the end of January, mad as it sounds I'm still wary that he will announce that he's coming back and that he's only staying in the job he's in now to stay financially afloat until he comes back..but maybe I'm being a bit paranoid...Flippin' hope so. On the plus side, if it does turn out that his return is definitely not on the cards, then it's a lottery win all over again...the gift that keeps on giving..keeping everything I can possibly cross..well and truly crossed lol!
Well a bit of a turn up for the books! I went to the staff do Sunday and there was no sign of him...phew...as I was kinda dreading seeing him for some reason. Then I heard him, that huge laugh. Anyway, I tried to avoid, but ended up seeing him and we spoke..and he was totally pleasant, we had a bit of a chat about this and that, I told him I was thinking of semi retirement if I could afford it and he said I really hope it works out for you..he was a different man..a lot more subdued than usual but pleasant, chatty and yeah...It was good to catch up with him. Still wouldn't want him back at our place as I'm sure he'd pick up where he left off. But it was a good night in all!
Was looking at the rota for next week, and "his name" is on the rota for the nightshift from Monday. Of course it's a first name only so we're not going to know for sure whether it's him until tomorrow. It's not a managerial position, but the pay is pretty good due to unsociable hours but also there will be a couple of managerial (daytime) positions available come summer, so could be tiding him over till he can apply for one of those! Don't get me wrong although he was nice to talk to at the party - I don't think I'd like to have him back as a manager as I'm sure he'd go back to his old ways. If he stays on nights - completely fine. However, as soon as I know I let you all know. If it's not then I think I can breathe a massive sigh of relief and forget about the whole incident. Fingers x'd again folks lol!
Well I think I can finally shut the door on this one and breathe that massive sigh of relief. I remembered you can look up people's names on the work central database..I typed his name in and there was no result, but as this person appears to be starting tomorrow I thought perhaps it's not updated yet..I tried just typing in the forename and the branch name and there's a guy with an unpronouncable Eastern European name who's decided to call himself Jed...Yay!!!! I declare this subject closed lol!

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