Who is the most "diva-sh" at QVC?!


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No need to look for divas on our QVC screens - they're right here, among us!

Puts hand up first in line of the divaesques.
From what i can see, many celebrities/presenters etc think they have to appear to live a certain lifestyle and so probably spend more trying to look wealthy than they are in reality. Not really saying this is the case with QVC presenters but might be.

I remember being at a party a number of years back and listening to how many rental properties this one and that one had and going home thinking what am i doing wrong as i can just manage to pay the mortgage on my own home. I didn't realise that had all borrowed well beyond their means and now, well I'm thankful i didn't jump on the band wagon and join them as i even know a few who lost their own homes!!! Not all that glitters is gold if thats the expression?

Im one of the few who likes Alexis (L'Occitane) but i imagine she might be a bit of a madam as my mum would say!?
There are numerous programmes on telly about benefit cheats and families having loads of children to get free housing andf child benefit etc . Of course lots of people are on benefits for legitimate reasons and struggle to make ends meet however there are many who cheat the system and do have many luxuries that hard working people can't afford. i

Yes, true. Just wish there were more programmes about the amoral who are dodging their taxes, claiming loads of money as expenses and living amazing lives, but I suppose all the programmes about benefit cheats keeps the spotlight off the rich who are getting richer, and hating those at the bottom of the scrap heap. Did someone say "society is dead" ?
Anyway, holidays and cars do not make someone a diva.

Diva-ish behaviour is demanding special treatment, bringing an entourage, throwing tantrums and being unreasonable.

I don't see much of that amongst the presenters - not on screen anyway - and the rest is hearsay.

Nor does much of it reach the screen for the guests, though I suspect that some of them rarely live in the same world as most of us... For which I am usually profoundly grateful!
Yes, true. Just wish there were more programmes about the amoral who are dodging their taxes, claiming loads of money as expenses and living amazing lives, but I suppose all the programmes about benefit cheats keeps the spotlight off the rich who are getting richer, and hating those at the bottom of the scrap heap. Did someone say "society is dead" ?

I hate how some people cheat the benefit system, get away with stealing hundreds of thousands of pounds whilst genuine people who are struggling to make ends meet have the most horrendous time trying to get what they are rightfully entitled to.

Back to Diva's, the 2 Lulu's.
Do we think the male guests might be a wee bit more divash than females?

John Barrowman?

Or the wee annoying guy with the steam mops!
We all have our moments..I suppose .....now if you really don't mind I need so e refreshments ....typing on this board is making me hot and tired!! :mysmilie_17::mysmilie_3:
We all have our moments..I suppose .....now if you really don't mind I need so e refreshments ....typing on this board is making me hot and tired!! :mysmilie_17::mysmilie_3:

What temperature would you like your refreshments May?
to the people who ask things like ''well if they are married and making lots of money, why are they working then?''

maybe they just want to have their face on the tv and hope it leads to something better (I don't know if it actually would, but maybe that's how they see it)
Oh I'm perfectly sure that those presenters who work and according to us, because they have husbands and partners who have good jobs etc., yet they still want to work - well we would all agree they do it because they want to do it.

Let me tell you from experience, it's a whole different ball game working because you have to in order to be the person who supports a family, than it is to be a person who works just because they want to.

I think we should have a thread for presenters we like or dislike, so far I've not seen one, I thought when I first clicked on this one that it was about the presenters and not the guests selling.

Talking of guests, I wonder where Lenny is, not seen him for a wee while - he's a character.
The presenter - well one of them, who drives a car which can have its roof off, is Julia Roberts - she said it again yesterday, as she had washed her hair, left home 'in my car with the roof off' and drove to the studio in time to dry her 'very thick hair' so she was ready to be 'on air'.

As a driver of two topless cars who also has very thick hair, I don't believe this for a minute. I keep my hair short as otherwise it ends up full of knots when driving topless. Otherwise it has to be in a pony tail or you risk getting lashed to death.
As a driver of two topless cars who also has very thick hair, I don't believe this for a minute. I keep my hair short as otherwise it ends up full of knots when driving topless. Otherwise it has to be in a pony tail or you risk getting lashed to death.

I heard her say it too. It was in reply to people asking what she had done with her hair the previous evening. She said she had driven to work with the roof down to let her hair dry naurally. I can't see why she would tell lies about it. Maybe it was tied in a pony tail.
Im not being funny but why do we need to know what car they drive and if its topless, how does that effect there presenting , unless the presenters with topless cars have said they refuse to work days when it rains , then it makes no difference to us viewers , unless your a Qvc presenter stalker of course :mysmilie_59:
I look like Bridget Jones (when she arrives at a hotel in a convertible) so I'm not tempted to buy one for the 5 days of sunny weather per year. I hate my hair blowing on my face.
Kelly Hoppen always seems quite divaesque to me.

She seems pretty down to earth to me. She comes across as being a lady who won't massage anyone's ego (not even QVC presenters!), or take any crap from anyone. I like her.
She seems pretty down to earth to me. She comes across as being a lady who won't massage anyone's ego (not even QVC presenters!), or take any crap from anyone. I like her.
I just wish she'd smile now and again. But I agree, she won't take any crap from diva-ish presenters. I think Julia probably has more than her share of diva-ishness. And surprisingly, Catherine. I'm not convinced by her faux modesty, though I don't mind her. Beneath all that, I think, lies a rod of steel. There has to be to do that job.
catherine imo is the least diva type presenter. sadly she is always putting herself down about her wieght etc. i think kelly hoppen is ok. shes just not a smiley jokey type but has a great dry sense of humour.
This is a really interesting topic based on perceptions. My neighbour thinks we are stuck up and above oursekves as we go abroad a couple of times a year, have a decent car and generally enjoy life. Both me and my husband work our butts off for the life we have and choose to spend our cash rather than save for a rainy day. It is actually quite amusing when others comment on what we would and should not be doing with our hard earned money as basically it's nobody else's business but ours and likewise for anyone else.
As for QVC divas, I have seen Joan Rivers being trundled through Heathrow on the back of a buggy waving to the public like she was the Queen, so I imagine she could have her moments. I also saw Tova at an airport once being a bit sneery towards the staff, so I have a different view of her since then. Ali Young is always ribbing Lulu about being a Diva, so maybe there is some truth in that?
I would think that Diane Gillman is quite 'high end' in her demands. I like Lennie of Nina Leonard but he is a bit of a loose cannon and the people 'upstairs' must be on edge when he is on. BTW does anyone know the lady who guests for the Mr. Max clothing range - I think she is lovely.

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