Which Yankee Candle would you give.....?


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commiserations to those feeling low and upset with work problems! My worst "smell memory" has to do with work - one of the lads had been on a fishing trip and when I arrived in the morning, first job was to get the kettle on (I was a Girl Friday type secretary, tea, hoovering, you name it!) - I opened the floor and reeled backwards trying not to be sick - it was full of day old pollack, brought in for the boss, my God I remember it still - so my candle would smell like that and I would present it to the neighbour who wakes us sometimes at 5am with his stupid ear-piercing little motorbike!

Sorry, can't edit now but my "floor" should have read "fridge door" - lord but I'm having so many senior moments these days!
Thanks ladies, this is really making me smile!! Have rung in sick and am going to spend the day as an alchemist, gathering all your horrid smells and melting them together with some crayons ready to launch my and Specklehen's multi-million pound venture :p

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don't forget to cut us contributors in with a few royalties Capirossi!
Near my office is one of those farm shops that make lovely home made soups and I often buy at lunchtime. Once though they did a cabbage soup. As I had never tried it I innocently brought it back to my desk to eat. Boy, was I unpopular with my colleagues that day. The room reeked of drains for several hours. So, how about the Cabbage Soup candle?
things like Cabbage Soup & Egg Sandwiches are far more unpleasant when they've been...er..."recycled"...!!
We will definitely put that cabbage soup in our range - Capirossi, have you started melting down the grey and green candles yet for this one or shall I put the pot on the gas ring? We ought to think up some fantasy names for them, like Toilet Meanderings, and Allotment Workers Essence!
Pmsl here!! I love 'Skanky Candles' - that's got to be a winner surely?! S.hen - the green and grey are bubbling away as we speak. Even the crayons themselves are giving off a disgusting broth-like froth and a gut-wrenching odour :thumbdown:

I think the cabbage soup variety could also be called Love Puff - seen as 'rectal gas' always seems to smell of cabbage...hahaha!!!! :D

Apologies to those eating their lunch :eek:

Looks like I am having at least a week off and already I have had to divert myself away from Q - am watching Dallas. In my element!!

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Aww Speckledhen I have had an awful day too, almost handed my notice in and have been crying since mid afternoon!!! I would give my boss the biggest jar candle ever in eau de rotting fish :D Hope you have a better day tomorrow x I lit my Midnight Jasmine this evening, brought a wee smile to my chops!

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hope you have a much better day tomorrow, its horrible to be in that position and me heart goes out to you
Oh no, its horrible having a difficult boss - I send your best wishes straight back to you, and hope you have a wonderful new job drop in your lap and that before you leave this job you manage to get into your bosses car (by accident) and leave a small rotting fish hidden under the carpet. If it helps I have always found that awful bosses usually have horrible home lives and go to work and offload on us lovely people. If you would like to set up a business with me, we could make alternative candles to give to offensive people. :nod:
Or they are just plain mean people:wink:
BTW you are all much better with coming up on horrible smells then my pathetic idea lol
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Ya gotta think global, this is Olympic Year. A candle scent for each country. à la pissoire for Français. Capirossi, the Welsh phrase, och a vee! sorry have never seen it in writing. It's what you say when the dog's let-one-go. Sounds evocative and romantic as your company name. All scents to include essence de 'airy harmpits as a base note. This thread is way too much fun! in a Carry On way.
OMG I think we are going to be millionaires Capirossi - are we going to buy QVC when we are and make some changes?
Aww Speckledhen I have had an awful day too, almost handed my notice in and have been crying since mid afternoon!!! I would give my boss the biggest jar candle ever in eau de rotting fish :D Hope you have a better day tomorrow x I lit my Midnight Jasmine this evening, brought a wee smile to my chops!

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hope you have a much better day tomorrow, its horrible to be in that position and me heart goes out to you

Ya gotta think global, this is Olympic Year. A candle scent for each country. à la pissoire for Français. Capirossi, the Welsh phrase, och a vee! sorry have never seen it in writing. It's what you say when the dog's let-one-go. Sounds evocative and romantic as your company name. All scents to include essence de 'airy harmpits as a base note. This thread is way too much fun! in a Carry On way.

Thanks Wildrose, that's really kind. Have rung in sick today, am going to docs Monday and I know he's going to sign me off with the 'S' word. Even that is stressing me out as I am tough as old boots, have never been emotional or not able to cope. It's a vicious circle. Thank goodness for the banality of QVC and this fab forum to keep me company until hubby gets home!! (And my gorgeous pusses of course)

Haha Snarly! Think it's 'Uch y fi' - I love that phrase, and you're right, it does kind of look evocative doesn't it?! Until you find out what it means that is!! I definitly think we should beg, sorry I mean 'approach' QVC to stock our range don't you? Just to see the lovely, delicate fluffy presenters lie their ar$es off whilst using every adjective under the sun to describe something that basically smells of backsides!!! Aww, I want to do it!! :devil:
OMG I think we are going to be millionaires Capirossi - are we going to buy QVC when we are and make some changes?


"This time next year Rodney..." hehe!!

Oh yes, in fact, that could be a whole new thread! It would definitely have legs that one :up:

OOh where would we start?! Maybe smellovision for the wonderful viewers to get the 'real true to life experience'?!! :giggle:
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How about a Sweaty Cotton, in a nice pus yellow. Or Farenheit to replicate the smell you get on the underground in the Friday rush, mid August. That would be a sure-fire winner. They do keep telling us how smell is the most evocative of the senses. I'd love to see the presenters faces when they hold the glass lid up to their nose and say 'ooh yes, that's taking me right back'!!!
Have to agree with the cat-litter one! Or just cat food? Just feeding our cat makes me gag at times!!

I may be weird but I love the smell of TCP (find it strangely comforting!?), petrol, creosote and paint!! :happy:
Capirossi, I see someone has a new piccie of a 4-foots! Details please!?! SnarlySays: have a nice cup of tea ... BestChina cup and saucer and teapot. Feed kitties food/milk on good china plates and have your meal tonight with the best dinnerware, cutlery and glasses. Why? Because you, your 4-foots and hubby are MoreImportant to you, than the lousy day you had yesterday! ... this will make you laugh - visited auntie in Austria, taking my 10-years-old b&w cat. After the long journey, gave Tiddler a treat of cream on a saucer from the kitchen cupboard. Auntie screamed for my cousin, who explained the saucer was worth about £100 and it was his cup&saucer for his special-blend coffee, which was his breakfast luxury. Once they got over the shock, we did have a laugh. But I think LadyTiddler thought it was only right to have such special treatment as she was the guest-from-afar! (((((cwtch))))) to all in the Capirossi household x
Thank you Snarly! That is funny! Mind you, I think everyone with pusses gives them preferential treatment don't they?! It's the law, haha! The puss in the shopping bag is Rossi, and she has a sister called Casey. They're 5 now, I had them from kitties. They're like chalk and cheese. Rossi is tiny, very neurotic and very vocal. However, she is the boss, no doubt about it! Casey is 'large boned', totally laid back and cool. She is very quiet, but does like to head-butt me to death at 5.45 every morning and sit on my pillow purring like a jack hammer. I don't hear from her for hours, but when Casey wants attention, she will get it no matter how! I am feeling much better now that hubby is home. He said he is taking me for a walk down the beach tomorrow, so am looking forward to that. Am still struggling to switch off, but these darn skanky candles are keeping me busy, haha!! Maybe I should take up crafting?! I'll try and attach a pic of the pusses now, I very rarely manage to photograph them together! Thank you for your kind thoughts, and give Lady Tiddler a 'sws' from me! x


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