Where are Debbie Greenwood & Julian Ballantyne?


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if they can keep craig over Julian you know its about who is more malleable and who has a specific grovelling type spiel that qvc want. I cant see Debbie greenwood grovelling to cutomers either.
Do you think that DG may be fronting one of the new channels they are starting in 10 days time!!!
Do you think that DG may be fronting one of the new channels they are starting in 10 days time!!!

As far as I can see all they have been showing on 683 are repeats rather like the beauty channel.
It is looking like another way to increase their web presence with out increasing their costs to much.
If all they are doing is reshowing clips from previous shows I don't see what the point is.
But I have noticed they have drastically reduced the number of videos showing on the website now .so maybe this is the replacement.
I've had experience of employment from both sides of the 'manager's' desk. Sometimes people want no fuss when they leave, sometimes they leave with their employers' blessing, sometimes not. Sometimes they have been made redundant, sometimes they have been sacked, sometimes their contract is up. Each time is different and the way employer and employee (and their colleagues) deal with it is unique. There may be disputes, or even just fine details to settle before anyone can make a statement. Sometimes a person leaves to take up a new opportunity at a competitor, for example. I was made 'redundant' from a job after working there for just nine months some years ago and was given flowers and a huge box of chocolates and a big send-off when I went. (Having said which, it had been a terrible place to work!). Another job I left (of my own accord) after fourteen years and not one of my colleagues bothered even to say 'goodbye'. I've seen people sacked for all sorts of things, even people refuse to let anyone know they were leaving (even though it was to have a baby) until after they'd gone. I've seen stroppy workers chuck in the towel and leave the employer in the lurch and others willing enough but just unable to do the job properly yet be given a good pay-off by their boss. I've even seen people managing to set up their own business using their employer's supplies, time and telephone lines and whilst angling to get a redundancy. I've worked for really great employers and really terrible ones, and had fantastic co-workers and sneaky ones. I suppose what I'm saying is that there are no 'rules' for how to dismiss, let go, or say goodbye to an employee, nor how to leave, be sacked or bid farewell to an employer, save the minimal legal ones that govern pay and that sort of thing.
:mysmilie_471::mysmilie_497: 100%

However, I still feel that once contractual issues have been settled, a comment wishing peeps well in their new jobs should be made, especially for Julian and Debbie.
What is garden leave, is it put out to pasture?

Garden leave is generally in certain types of jobs they make you see out your notice period before starting your new employment. This could be for a variety of reasons. In a large plc the company you are leaving to join a rival would not want you to take their up to date secrets, info etc and if your leave is 3 months you effectively 'do some gardening' lol. This would be applicable to CEO's and high level Directors.

On a more normal level you may leave an estate agency to join a rival. The day your hand your notice in, your current employer may not want you to continue work. This could be because you've lost interest in selling the property or possibly and more likely, when dealing with vendors you may be trying to tempt them to put your property on with your new firm. So if you have a months notice, your garden will be very happy :)
IW did that with Paul Lavers when he got the boot. He could not work on shopping telly for so many years after.

what a waste that was. paul lavers is one of the presenters I remember the most. imo he made qvc fun and entertaining. can still see that wicked smile now.
IW did that with Paul Lavers when he got the boot. He could not work on shopping telly for so many years after.

I don't think it's possible to restrict someone for years, I think the max is a year and only if you compensate them. It becomes an unfair contract if it's too restrictive.
It can only be for a specific time. Even then it can be disputed under a legal point of 'freedom of restriction of trade' in other words contracts will be only so binding.
That's disgusting treatment from long term employees.

I remember only a few months ago Julian saying to a guest that he had been there from day 1 and didn't see himself going anywhere anytime soon ... so his disappearance is very odd to me.

I tweeted Dale at QVC this weekend abt Debbie and Julian and he said they were on personal leave at the moment . hhmmm
Of course we are going to speculate on the reasons for presenters' departure; In one of his blogs, Julian posted a pic of himself and Craig, referring to the latter as his "mini me". Could this have been frowned upon, by the powers that be?
wow its all weird...the suspense is terrible ...(reminds me of what Willy Wonker said when Augustus Glute went up the chocolate shute....) i wish them both well whatever has happened ...life happens i suppose ,,
I have read all 38 pages in this thread.
So we still don't know what happening with Debbie G and Julian B. I have seen their faces over the years and they are someone you recognise, I agree that they are not friends , but they are someone I see very often, in my house , not in person, but on TV. I am not human if I don't wonder what has happened to them if suddenly they are not there. It is only human nature wanting to know has happened to them.
Debbie G to me is someone who always appeared neat, ate a lot of chocolates and "hum" ed, "ahm" ed and "emm"ed alot.......won't b missed so much
Julian is someone who was very frank, very professional with a sense of humour and would try to get things explained simply and clearly by the guests for the members benefit:) would miss his snippets about his family........made him one of us, without giving too much info, like Catherine H . He never greased up to guests, like what Catherine H, Jill F and Craig C
Not dotty like Anne D and hardly there like Jill H.
So, come on QVC, it will be nice if we knew whats going on, thank you.

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