Where am I going wrong ?


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Jun 26, 2008
Last night Richard Jackson was flogging hellebores and said they are "virtually
slug and snail proof".

Well I have planted several hellebores over the years in 3 gardens, and without exception they have been obliterated by the pesky little slimey critters. Anyone know what his secret is ?


PS. If RJ says "stand back" once more I shall be tempted to plant him 6 feet under and feed him with root booster (and then stand back and watch him take root).
I am not a gardener but I like growing bits and pieces (I am really into fruit trees this year!) but I am sure I have read in loads of places that they are a nightmare for slugs and snails...(I have tried to find ways of keeping them away from a few fruit bushes I have planted that they seem very attracted to)....it seems that there are loads of remedies, but all are a bit hit and miss, apart from this one which seemed to work - finely chop a clove of garlic and place it in a litre of water, put the mix in a saucepan and bring to a gentle boil. remove the garlic and let the mix cool. pour the mixture over the plant and the slugs and snails avoid the plant without the garlic causing any damage...HTH!
I only heard snatches of the show in question but think RJ said they were related to Hellebores, so they may indeed be slug/snail resistant?
Certainly true hellebores are a total snail/slug magnet & despite looking glorious when in flower, look very wilted & manky when they've finished flowering as you need to leave them to die back naturally!
Sorry can't be more helpful! :(
I have hellebores (not bought from QVC) and they've never been touched by slugs. They are just in the ground under the silver birch tree and they're quite happy.
hellebores flowers can be eaten by the slugs as they actually come up before the new foliage..so i always put down some pellets when i see a sign but the leaves are a bit thick and leathery for slugs.
put a saucer with some beer near what you want to protect snails and slugs love it they drink theirsselves to death and not only die happy but with no pain
put a saucer with some beer near what you want to protect snails and slugs love it they drink theirsselves to death and not only die happy but with no pain

Or be really nasty to the slimy suckers and douse them with salt !, my Mum used to have a bucket filled with heavily salted water and put them striaght in it :11:
I have hellebores in my garden and they are one of the few things that the slugs ands snails leave alone....having said that, I have way less of the pesky things since I went totally wildlife friendly and stopped using insecticides, pellets etc. I rarely put out birdfood because we have had a bit of a rat problem but there is always water around and even with two noisy dogs, the birds still flock to scoff the insects.

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