One of the things I particularly like is that unlike most "organiser" bags, they don't dictate how you use the various pockets on the bags. The one I bought which had a front which was to replace a purse went straight back. Normally the bags don't steer you in a particular direction.
As it happens, I'm currently using a backpack rather than a handbag, and apart from using the padded section for my laptop, I just make up where I store other bits & pieces... but the beauty is that when I want something, I don't have to look for it... I just put my hand in and pluck it out from where I have chosen to put my keys/purse/glasses/diary/phone/painkillers/lipbalm/nailfile etc.
When my Kipling bag is heavy, I know it's me stuffing things in that's the problem, not the bag.
When I'm not using that, I have a Reth, an Alvar, a Marie-Françoise and a Gabbie... or my large shopping tote (dazzling beige with a black patent base). Oh, and not forgetting my travel essential - my Large Art tote that is my hand luggage of choice.
I'm not fussed about the monkeys. I don't like both grab handles and shoulder straps on at the same time (the detachable strap for the large shopping tote is somewhere... no idea where). I don't like popper fastenings and detest (and refuse to buy) velcro straps. I love the luggage grade nylon they are made of - it's so sturdy. The zips are fantastically strong and dependable.
I like the fellow feeling when I come across another Kipling bag wearer... sometimes we get chatting, sometimes a nod and a smile... I don't and won't collect - to me that is a waste of time, space and money.
So for a bag that's easy to live with and makes my life easier, I don't think I'll be losing my fondness for Kipling any time soon.
I keep coming back to this thread to add some more... so have to agree with my namesake May that this brand does get under your skin. Find the right styles for your need and lifestyle and you may never look back!