Hi guys
I wonder if any of you,obviously with a better memory than me,can help me please.
Years ago,and I am probably talking 15 years ago,QVC used to sell what I will refer to as nutritional bars,though could of been meal replacement/diet bars.I am sure an American guest,man I think,possibly company owner or a representative used to come over to demonstrate them,they used to come in boxes of 12 or more from memory,they were flavours like yogurt something,blueberry,forest fruits.......they were TSVs quite often,I remember how lovely they were and wondered if the company was still going and the bars were still about........but for the life of me I can't remember the name,googling QVC nutritional bars years ago brings up KIND bars but thats not them.........Anyone help ?
I wonder if any of you,obviously with a better memory than me,can help me please.
Years ago,and I am probably talking 15 years ago,QVC used to sell what I will refer to as nutritional bars,though could of been meal replacement/diet bars.I am sure an American guest,man I think,possibly company owner or a representative used to come over to demonstrate them,they used to come in boxes of 12 or more from memory,they were flavours like yogurt something,blueberry,forest fruits.......they were TSVs quite often,I remember how lovely they were and wondered if the company was still going and the bars were still about........but for the life of me I can't remember the name,googling QVC nutritional bars years ago brings up KIND bars but thats not them.........Anyone help ?