What should QVC sell that they don't already?


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A really good accesories range with belts, hats, scarves, bags etc.

Also, when they do have "fashion" shows they should also give the details of the shoes, belts etc that the models are wearing - why should you have to ring CS to find out?

Also, knee high boots for girls like me with really big calves such as Legroom.

I do think that QVC need to seriously revamp their fashion to include ranges for smaller sizes and also us curvy girls. I don't know about you but I'm sick of Kim & Co, Quacker, Michelle Hope and the like. There are other clothing designers out there.
A really good accesories range with belts, hats, scarves, bags etc.

Also, when they do have "fashion" shows they should also give the details of the shoes, belts etc that the models are wearing - why should you have to ring CS to find out?

Also, knee high boots for girls like me with really big calves such as Legroom.

I do think that QVC need to seriously revamp their fashion to include ranges for smaller sizes and also us curvy girls. I don't know about you but I'm sick of Kim & Co, Quacker, Michelle Hope and the like. There are other clothing designers out there.

Trouble is, I don't think they would want to sell on QVC?
I thought of loads more things QVC should sell while I was driving home this evening but alas I've forgotten most of them.......don't know if it would be viable or if there's even a market for it these days but what about CDs/DVDs?

I really can't remember the rest, or if there even were any others......my brain isn't very good with short-term memory.....
they did use to do cd's and stuff but werent very popular
I always thought maybe the opposite.. People getting them, doing a copy and sending them back. All it would cost them in those days was £2.95 to get it and 60p to send it back.
I'd like more pet products

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Pazzles Inspiration on 4 Easy Pays with two years guarantee!

Won't happen but I can wish.
Beauty Without Cruelty Cosmetics (if they still exist)

As opposed to the Cruelty Without Beauty carp they sell now, you mean? And Body Shop? I'd prefer it if they sold Body Parts, I can just see myself ordering that lovely 42" chest with free six pack, to replace what I got lumbered with :sad: Seriously though, I'd like to see some of the ranges on QVC US in this country with one proviso: it must be at the US prices, not the UK ROR (Rip Off Rates). The days of the UK being an isolated island are OVER We have the Internet now to check by how much we're being ripped off. And while I'm at it (no point in wasting a rant), the 'techie' stuff is 'ok' for us guys but it always seems to be the same 5 or 6 items constantly being being 'pushed' with the remainder of items being either virtually useless, vitually pointless, last year's version (old stock they must shift this weekend, else they'll be stuck with it forever), or so 'off the wall' that you'd only buy it if you had a steady income of lottery wins. Yeah that 'box' they had from Sony, I think, to store your music was, I'm sure a 'bargain' if the Queen had just given you her income for a couple of months but at that price, I'll stick to the cardboard box under the bed and put the CD's on manually.
Further to my previous post in this thread about the Pazzles Inspiration I was having a root about on the web and QVC US have it.

Doesn't really matter now as I've bought one from somewhere else and am just about to open the box!
....I did get a letter and questionaire a while back now, asking which products I'd like to see on QVC. Also asking what size of clothing I wear, and did I buy my clothes from QVC, and if not, why not, and where did I buy my clothes from. I do think that they realise that their clothes are not for everyone, and that they are missing out on potential sales.
I did say I'd like to see Ugg boots, and they now sell Emu boots, that do sell out every time. So I suppose they must have had alot of replies asking for these boots, and did do something about it. But my daughter still wants Ugg boots...!!!
Maybe, they will be sending out more questionaire periodically, to get a better idea of exactly what people want, hopefully they will, as I am sure, everyone will give them lots of suggestions.
I would like to see: sweaty betty sportswear for yoga etc, tennis outfits, Furla or Longchamp handbags, MAC cosmetics, Shaeffer pens, lush stationery, pretty underwear, more figure-hugging clothes eg Pepe jeans, Seven for Mankind, Noa Noa, Nougat, Jesire, Esprit or Fat Face.
I think there should be loyalty bonuses for people who had made their 100th or so purchase. Maybe a random prize here and there for the 40th person who had placed an order that day. It would boost sales and add a real frisson.

Some of the presenter demonstrations would definitely be way more watchable.

I want a range of gifts for men!

I can't be the only person out here who's already struggling to find Christmas presents for the blokes.

All the shops seem to offer are endless monogrammed golf ball sets [be still, my beating heart :dull: ] ugly beer tankards destined to clutter up the charity shops by the second week of January, or ho-ho-hilarious musical Santa socks / willy warmers.

QVC is missing a trick here - if they could source a range of quality, unusual and tempting gifts for the squillions of men who aren't into computers/golf/beer we'd all flock to buy!

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