what have you tried that you just would never ever buy again


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yep, I got suckered into that bag too. It was awful and I put it in the box of goodies for the charity shop. It languished there for ages. Never found out if anyone bought it, it might still be there, getting more tarnished by the year :grin:

I bought my MIL that bag as a present:mysmilie_483::mysmilie_3:

I've quite a lot of jewellery that has just been a whim and a waste:down:

its quite interesting to see some themes though............I've always hankered after Ojon and it seems a bit of a no-no on this thread.

I also was tempted by the cashmasoft di dye thing but never made it to the phone and the whim passed.pleased it did:giggle:
I bought my MIL that bag as a present:mysmilie_483::mysmilie_3:

I've quite a lot of jewellery that has just been a whim and a waste:down:

its quite interesting to see some themes though............I've always hankered after Ojon and it seems a bit of a no-no on this thread.

I also was tempted by the cashmasoft di dye thing but never made it to the phone and the whim passed.pleased it did:giggle:

I've got lots and lots (and lots!) of fine frizzy prone highlighted hair and Ojon is my life line! I wasn't sure at first, but after a few washes and conditions I now wouldn't willingly use anything else.
I think it was the unusual smell that initially put me off along with the different feel of my hair after drying it.
Now I'm used to it and love it. I hardly have to use straighteners anymore and my hair is thick, bouncy and shiny.
Sorry for hi-jacking the thread, but I didn't want anyone to be put off Ojon because it's made such a difference to my hair!
I've tried Ojon and the jury is still out, unsure if my hair is better with / without but I keep trying it now and then from my little stash og goodies.

Anyway, yes, I've had the awful washballs, waste of time and left a peculiar smell on the clothes.

No wet, no good 'wonder' foam, rubbish, rubbish, rubbish.

Some type of glue stickitup thingy that had to be gently heated with the applicator and was supposed to stick hooks and things to the wall..........it didn't.

Some Kim and Co stuff. I have to be honest that I do like some of the clothes but I bought a couple of tops - yikes - I was so glad they could not be seen when I took them to the post office to return, don't know what came over me when I bought them, awful.

Some mosaic type pattern thingies to stick on windows that were supposed to transform windows into works of art, I can honestly say they did nothing to the look of the inside of the bin when I slung 'em in. Rubbish.

Some stencil thing that I bought to brighten the walls in my bedroom, yikes, that joined the window mosaic stuff in the bin.

I'm frightening myself now, thinking how gullible I was /am when buying some of the stuff.
I remember those stencils.

I ordered a Kim & Co leopard print top a few years back it was a TSV and came in blue and brown I ordered them both. I wore one and the material had glitter in and it irritated like mad. No more Kim & Co has entered my wardrobe since.
Kirk's Folly *waits to be pelted with rotten fruit* but in fairness I had it bought for me as a gift so I didn't spend any money on it. I'd seen a ring that I quite liked for the kitsch factor so had it bought for me. And well, you know the French and Saunder's sketch when they're ripping the wee out of QVC and Jennifer Saunders takes off one of the earrings she's modelling and her ear is green underneath? Well, same thing happened to my finger when I removed said ring. Horrible...

Gale Hayman Lip Lift - I know it has many fans on here, but oh my actual gosh I used it once and it burned all the skin off my lips and from round my mouth. It took weeks to get right and the only thing that literally actually fixed them was good old Vaseline.

Nina Leonard cowl neck sweater - again, I was taken in by all the hype about what good quality the range was so plumped for this supposedly warm enough for winter sweater. When it arrived it was like several string bags had been sewn together with fishing twine by a colour blind, armless monkey. No amount of dressing up or dressing down would have made this garment look 'on trend with a little pump'.
For me it has to be Easi-yo yogurt! dont ask me why, think its mainly laziness tbh!

I bought the maker, and even bought some more sachets from Lakeland, but havent used the thing for maybe a year! I liked the yogurts as well just cant be a**d doing it (and its not even that difficult).

maybe I will give it another go :yawn:

Do me a favour and give it another go??..... its just the best yogurt out there, and ok, its so hard for you to put hot water inside the container and just let it set...... but do try lol, then after all that exhaustion, you can go lie down and have a rest, or watch Qvc hehe
Freeze, complete waste of P&P.
Same with Genie.

Tova perfume, sorry but it smells exactly like fly spray to me.

Any Butler & Wilson, highly priced tat.

I'd forgotten my Freeze purchase:taphead: then ever so speedy return - waste of time imo:down:
Philosophy shower gels. Not because I didn't think they were lovely (I ordered a coffee trio which had a great smell and were the only shower gels I have used which were a good enough quality to wash my hair and not make it feel like straw). It's simply because of the price - no way can I justify ordering them again unless it is a heck of a super bargain price!!!
Hair removal pads that turned out to be sticky backed sandpaper that destroyed the skin on my legs. I looked like a burns survivor for about 2 weeks. Funny that my review along those lines was rejected.
Gatineau throat gel which gave me a terrifying allergic reaction within 2 minutes of applying it, welts the size of 50p pieces all over my skin, red hot, really scary. My review didn't get published, oddly, can't think why.

Nads hair removal gel which I couldn't get on with. Sticky green slime followed by ripping my own skin? No thanks, I'll save that for Halloween.
Has to be Philosphy as well I'm afraid; just can't get on with chocolate shower gels etc and nothing special either (SBC one I tried was much better). Also Kim & Co, gave her a go but the items I did actually keep have just stayed in the wardrobe, it just clings too much.

Basso out of principal.

Also NoNo hair removal system; I gave this a good go in the return period and just didn't get good enough results to justify the price. I would have kept it perhaps if the replacement blades were not so expensive on top. Until they improve the system I won't be going for it again.

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