What happened to Julia?!!


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Jun 24, 2008
I admit I havnt to looked at QVC for ages so I was shocked when I dipped in today.

Poor Julia! She has always been a good looking woman and I thought looked great for her age.

Now she looks positively haggard and with eyebags you cant fail to miss if you wanted to.
Her hair looks faded and frazzled. The grey roots are showing.

Has something awful recently happened in her life to cause this sudden dramatic aging??
*has a sneaky look and creeps away* (somethings just cannot be helped!!!)
Completely agree and have said the same several times in past couple of months.....she was on yesterday going on about being a size small with a 34dd chest...but she is only kidding hersely...hopefully her daughter will tell her or maybe other staff at QVC are jealous of her and are telling her how nice she is to make her go on air looking such a mess...she must look in the mirror!?!
:mysmilie_11:LOL Just sitting here waiting for the The Great Defender to arrive...:mysmilie_61:
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There was a time I couldn't stand Julia and it was for the daftest of reasons. She always used to say "numba" instead of number and it used to drive me insane. Now whether she heard me or not I don't know but she doesn't seem to do it anymore so I can tolerate her now.

No actually, it was when she broke down on air once shortly after she lost her Dad that I warmed to her. As someone who has still not got over my own Dad's passing I really empathise with that.

I tell you what would make a world of difference though - if she got her fippin hair cut. A nice short trendy style would take years off her.
I'm neutral in the 'love Julia/hate Julia' debate that rears its head frequently on this forum. What I will say is that I think it's really mean to bash someone for their appearance. There are various posts giving forth about not falling for the hype of skincare and haircare brands promising eternal beauty, but when someone who happens to be a QVC presenter doesn't look like an airbrushed twentysomething, people think it appropriate to have a dig.

She looks very presentable and IMHO, does a good job of presenting too.
Aaah! Now it all starts to make sense.

Poor Julia. I didnt realise she had lost her Dad recently. That explains alot.

She is still a cracking presenter but I think her grief has taken its toll on her appearance.

She'll be back to her usual glorious glamorous self with a bit of time then.
I would say that nature - normal ageing, not grief has taken it's toll on Julia. I know because I'm there. It does happen you know. We get older and 'things' happen to our faces and our bodies. After the menopause, it speeds up big time I can tell you.
Yes, I have my moans and groans about it, but at the same time I feel quite lucky as both my siblings died before they reached their mid 50s and I've passed that milestone. I'm still here with my lines that may, or may not, turn into creases.
It's too much weight loss, pure and simple. After a certain age a bit of weight is more flattering. I know, I've been there.
I would say that nature - normal ageing, not grief has taken it's toll on Julia. I know because I'm there. It does happen you know. We get older and 'things' happen to our faces and our bodies. After the menopause, it speeds up big time I can tell you.
Yes, I have my moans and groans about it, but at the same time I feel quite lucky as both my siblings died before they reached their mid 50s and I've passed that milestone. I'm still here with my lines that may, or may not, turn into creases.
I agree with you Minim. Her bereavement must have been at least 2 years ago and whilst I know the sadness of losing a parent is never far away the human spirit rallies and does make the grief less pronounced as time passes. No, it's normal ageing pure and simple and that coupled with her weight loss has taken its toll.
she has good days and bad days. its the bags under her eyes that are ageing her, but what are we supposed to expect for a woman her age? if she had surgery to get rid of them you'd rip the woman to shreds.
she's still a great looker, she's changed her personal style since she passed 50 (remember the dreadful "gypsy" era?) and i think she's trying to age with some grace. no she doesnt always get it right in the fashion department but if she ever does this forum may as well close cos there'll be nowt to talk about!
There was a time I couldn't stand Julia and it was for the daftest of reasons. She always used to say "numba" instead of number and it used to drive me insane. Now whether she heard me or not I don't know but she doesn't seem to do it anymore so I can tolerate her now.

No actually, it was when she broke down on air once shortly after she lost her Dad that I warmed to her. As someone who has still not got over my own Dad's passing I really empathise with that.

I tell you what would make a world of difference though - if she got her fippin hair cut. A nice short trendy style would take years off her.

me too gem!! 'the item numbahhhh'. funny you should say that though because there were another another couple that drove me nuts - puls and pupple and i've noticed she is now saying pearls and purple. great improvement ;)

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