I think 'meh' sums it up for me these days.
I remember when I first got Freeview and discovered these channels, and could quite easily watch certain presenters for hours on end (most notably Peter Simon) just due to the entertaining TV that they provided. I'd tune in just to watch Pete even though I would have no intention of ever buying anything, as I enjoyed it far more than what was on other channels at the same time. Those days are long gone, and there is not one presenter I'd go out of my way to watch. Sure there are a few presenters I like (Cindy, Charlotte, Becque, Adam) and certain ones who I'll watch if they are on, but the majority of time I'll flick to the channel and within a few minutes I'll be watching something else.
Guessing it is a combination of unlikable presenters, lies, the hard sell tactics, bulls*it, ridiculous exaggerations, silly gimmicks, treating the viewer/customer as an idiot, fascination with certain products (bloody Tanzanite) which has led me to feel this way. Somehow I doubt Sit-Up will return to what it once was, and certainly not whilst the worst culprits of what I don't like (Sally, Russell, Nicola, McDonald, Hodgson) are constant figures on the channels.