What do they actually use Ipads for?


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Watching Sara G in the Susan Graver hour 12-1 (yes, I know I deserve a medal for lasting even more than a few minutes with her) I wondered what on earth they do use their ipads for? It's not for sizing because that was on a piece of paper in her hand yet for several minutes she was just saying Um, Yes, Yes, and not much more and not even looking up when Lesley Ebbetts was speaking to her, but I won't comment on her rudeness again. But why do they have ipads surgically welded to their wrists? Are they surfing the net, shopping or what, because there were no comments read out, no stock updates that the gallery couldn't give her anyway, so why??
I think it is to be interactive with the twitterati, innit??? Dead cool like. I loathe it personally. Looking desperately through their tablets instead of paying attention to the guest or, heaven forbid, the viewing audience is just so rude.
Excellent, Donna!!! Or maybe she's checking how her reflection looks in her outfit instead of looking sideways at herself on screen?
Hoping, or in SGs case praying, that she gets an adoring Tweet. I agree her rudeness and constant straining of words is ridiculous and rude to say the least.
SG often orders goods while she's presenting (some guests even mention it) and, personally, I don't think that's professional at all. Others use it for adoring tweets from their sycophantic 'fans' and others use it to ask the guest questions from viewers.

I think the introduction on iPads, while on air, is something that they should never have started. It may well allow people to feel more involved, but for this customer it's meant that I rarely watch QVC any more.

I don't do Twitter myself, nor do I have a Facebook account, but I can imagine what my Head would say if I started faddling about with an iPad in the classroom when it wasn't relevant to the lesson. I can imagine my P45 would be in the post.
SG often orders goods while she's presenting (some guests even mention it) and, personally, I don't think that's professional at all. Others use it for adoring tweets from their sycophantic 'fans' and others use it to ask the guest questions from viewers.

I think the introduction on iPads, while on air, is something that they should never have started. It may well allow people to feel more involved, but for this customer it's meant that I rarely watch QVC any more.

I don't do Twitter myself, nor do I have a Facebook account, but I can imagine what my Head would say if I started faddling about with an iPad in the classroom when it wasn't relevant to the lesson. I can imagine my P45 would be in the post.

P.S. I apologise for the double post. I tried to delete one of them .................. and failed.:mysmilie_13:
Watching Sara G in the Susan Graver hour 12-1 (yes, I know I deserve a medal for lasting even more than a few minutes with her) I wondered what on earth they do use their ipads for? It's not for sizing because that was on a piece of paper in her hand yet for several minutes she was just saying Um, Yes, Yes, and not much more and not even looking up when Lesley Ebbetts was speaking to her, but I won't comment on her rudeness again. But why do they have ipads surgically welded to their wrists? Are they surfing the net, shopping or what, because there were no comments read out, no stock updates that the gallery couldn't give her anyway, so why??
She is probably putting her CV together and obviously applying to join the soon to be resurrected "BID TV" !
Maybe SG is looking to see if there are any acting roles coming up in Emmerdale, Casualty etc.. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her.
I think she said she is freelance so is probably checking if anyone else is clambering for her 'talents'? I find this checking of ipads for Tweets or whatever very irritating but then I'm an 'oldie'. I would go ballistic if someone was checking their ipads/phone or whatever in my presence (unless there was an emergency!)I think it is the height of bad manners & I see it wherever I go.
every hour i seem to flick onto with SG she's hugging the iPad... maybe there's an app to keep her warm in the cold studio?
Yes, you're right, SF, it's the height of bad manners. All it shows to me about Sara Griffiths is that she thinks that her superior posh accent* means she can get away with condescension, ignoring people and generally being rude. Why don't the gallery have a word with her? If she's not ignoring people, she's interrupting them. What sort of example is that to any children who might be watching with their parents?

If we were face to face, I'm sure few of us would put up with that. Kudos to Lesley Ebbetts for handing her so well.

*not all posh people are like this
Here is a photo that sums it up

(Having problems posting it)

The photo that may be there is the wrong one, have tried to delete it without success


  • image.jpg
    17 KB
Sara Griffiths is the absolute queen of rudeness on QVC.

aggressive, hectoring questions addressed to guests - check
gabbling on and not letting guests speak - check
not listening to guests when guests are (occasionally) allowed to speak - check
clearly finding something more interesting to do than engaging with viewers or the guest - check
constant interruptions of guests - check

What have I missed?
Maybe SG is looking to see if there are any acting roles coming up in Emmerdale, Casualty etc.. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her.

Hard to watch her, have tried many times and switch off immediately!! My guess is she could be checking 'Words with Friends' scores :mysmilie_13:
Sara Griffiths is the absolute queen of rudeness on QVC.

aggressive, hectoring questions addressed to guests - check
gabbling on and not letting guests speak - check
not listening to guests when guests are (occasionally) allowed to speak - check
clearly finding something more interesting to do than engaging with viewers or the guest - check
constant interruptions of guests - check

What have I missed?

Don't you dare interrupt to correct me when I say something clearly inaccurate and wrong.
I am always right even when I'm wrong and don't forget it.
How dare you think you know more about this product than me, just because you represent the company.
Shut up I'm talking.
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