What Did You Just Buy?


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
I'd love this to be a sticky, but if not then a running thread on your latest "indiscretions" would be fun maybe?

go on... tell us what you just bought from Q, and why.
I just bought some Bobbi Brown cream eyeshadows, they were delivered last week. Lovely Jubbly! Why? Because they worked out far cheaper than buying from a counter here after converting to euros, even taking in account the P&P. Very pleased with them.
How long ago must "just" be BurlyBeaR ?

Itchy, you are just feeding your addiction again! :wink:
I bought three L'occitane liquid soaps when they were on three easy pay about a month ago. Because I love them!! Lavender, Verbena and a Rose one. They're the smaller size ones so I like to have two on the go so I can choose which one I feel like at the time.

A bit boring perhaps but I'm being good! Was tempted by a diamonique pendant earlier but I resisted. Because I'm boring!! :giggle:
I'm not sure I qualify - being unable to remember what my most recent purchase was, I had to check my account - it was last August and it was my useless Travelon anti-theft messenger bag, which now resides in a skip somewhere.
What -Emma Hardie Moringa Cleansing Balm 100ml tonight

Why - introductory price & comes with cloth so cheaper than direct from EH plus none currently on eBay.
I had a Lidl open near me recently, now I am more addicted to their twice weekly "TSV's" than to QVC.

Today I bought a "stair climbing sack truck" !!!
A green quartz ring by Mischa by Design 699760. I like the ring but felt a bit sick when I noticed today that it has been reduced to £40.50 from the £81.50 I paid for it last week! Still, it's no longer available in my size which makes me feel a bit better!
I'm hoping for lots of wee small hours impulse-buy confessions too Burly! We've all done it! Do we get absolution? I might need a police safe-house and a new identity if Mr Akimbo ever reads about my lapses of judgement. I once ordered a white plastic pagoda thingy which is supposed to help cultivate a pot plant as it has a lght-bulb in the roof from price-drop at about half past midnight...still in the garage if anyone wants to make me an offer! I'm too ashamed even to car boot it!

Is that the kind of thing you're after BB?

Jude xx
Well I bought the Honora TSV in Wild Flower and Amethyst. Why? I just loved the amethyst colour and to tell the truth wasn't fussed on the multi colour necklace(I just have thing of not being a fan of lots of different colours together. Yes I am weird:wave:). Saying that I really like the colour of the Wild Flower. I have an Honora Floating necklace from last century and have started wearing it again after it sitting in the box for a long time. So this TSV just seemed to attract me. Actually very pleased with it.
I've just bought a couple of Philosophy kits, Make up Optional, and the one with the little blue bottle in. BB you are naughty making me say these things out loud! Or rather type them :giggle:
Last week i bought the 'nail envy' duo...1 original and 1 matt. Love nail envy and its a good buy, 2 bottles for the price of 1 id pay on high street.

couple of weeks ago i had a moment of madness at 6.30 in morning....i bought a diamonique watch plus the magnetic clasp diamonique tennis bracelet plus the diamonique stilleto shoe...i never impulse buy, dont know what happened that day. They are lovely though x
Judith Williams Hugs & Kisses & L'Occitane Almond Shower Oil.:mysmilie_493::mysmilie_493:

But all on EZ pay.:up:
I bough 3 "attitudes by Rene" camis. Same item number but in 3 different designs but all in the same size.
Trouble is that not one of them is the same cut/size and only one fits me ,albeit with a little bit of tacking needed across the back.... one of the straps is actually at least 1inch longer on one side than the other.
I do wish the companies would get their "quality control" in order
I had a Lidl open near me recently, now I am more addicted to their twice weekly "TSV's" than to QVC.

Today I bought a "stair climbing sack truck" !!!

And I have just taken it back! It was in a box, so I couldn't see it. The box said "folds up for easy storage" so I assumed it was folded like that inside the box (which was fairly large anyway).

It turned out that it had to be assembled, and then, even when folded, it would be twice as big as the box. Also, once assembled, it could NOT be dismantled again for storage. So it was too big for me to store when not in use.

I took it back, had the £40 refund in cash, no forms to fill in (not even to say I'd had the money) and they didn't even look inside the box.

If I was dishonest, I could have kept the sack truck and taken back a few bricks inside the box lol.
what Gatineau supersize cleaner and toner in sensitive

why coming to the end of my LE C&P stash.Had my eye on this for a while.it was on 2 easy pays.all 5 star reviews.
After doing quite well at restraining myself over the last couple of months I've fallen off the wagon this week.:confused:

I bought the Honora TSV, peacock version, the set of two Bobbi Brown gel liners with brush & mascara cos it's cheaper than in the shops & was on easy pay with free P&P (even though I'm still using the last set I bought) & TWO sets of makeup brushes. :thinking:
The Smashbox set that seemed good value & a little travel set for around £11.

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