What did you have for breakfast


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Ooooh, do love a nice poached egg ... its our most popular egg here on a Full English. A good fresh egg is the secret. Water boiling really fast with a dash of vinegar and some salt added. Break the eggs into a cup and then (be really brave) and tip them quickly into the water. We do ours here for 3 or 4 minutes depending on size.

Most supermarket eggs are too old to poach really well this way and they do spread a bit. I'm not always great with them TBH but Mr Trolley has won awards for his! :star:

ooh, I could just eat one ( or two) on toast. I have tried this method in the past and it never works for me - it always ends up with a floating alien lookalike of stringy white strands and a hard ball of a yolk. I once went through 8 eggs trying to perfect it and failed miserably each time :mysmilie_512:
I can't poach an egg to save my life! I am spoilt - my husband worked as a chef whilst he was at uni (I actually think that was his true calling rather than maths!). He has tried to teach me and I can do cakes but he loves cooking and I am soooooo bad at it there seems little point. In my defence he has never ironed anything in the whole time we have been together.......
I tried the spinning water method when I was just doing one on its own and that happened to me too. Helluva mess it was.

I think Mr T is only really good at them coz he's had 16 years of practice! Thats a long time to wait for a decent poached egg :grin:
I can't poach an egg to save my life! I am spoilt - my husband worked as a chef whilst he was at uni (I actually think that was his true calling rather than maths!). He has tried to teach me and I can do cakes but he loves cooking and I am soooooo bad at it there seems little point. In my defence he has never ironed anything in the whole time we have been together.......

he can add up AND do a decent poached egg - sounds like my kinda guy - I'm not much good at either!
I know my times tables, being of a "certain age" - we all had to sit and chant them out loud practically every day - but algebra? trigonometry? forget it!
I know my times tables, being of a "certain age" - we all had to sit and chant them out loud practically every day - but algebra? trigonometry? forget it!

Well you are doing better than me, I had a disagreement with 7x table a long time ago and we haven't resolved our issues!
I have a craving for crumpets and banana bread now, I am so weak - food only has to be mentioned and I want it
lol...I'm ok with 7's, but 11's, I always get 11 x 11 round my neck tho what's simpler than adding 11 to 110 as I know well enough what 10 x 11 is!
well many's the time I've wondered if my OH would be able to tell if I put Kit-E-Kat in the meat'n'tater pie he loves so much..maybe I'll try it one day..!
Ooh I'm so glad Jayne and others are crumpets for breakfast fans cos that's what I have most mornings together with a glass of cranberry juice light. Warburtons are the best imo, nice and fat with fluffy insides and lovely with burnt edges...burning grub is so easy for me to do lol. I do feel I should have something healthier for brekkie so to feel less guilty I usually have a bowl of Alpen fruit & nut porridge or Dorset Gloriously Nutty muesli for lunch and throw in a spoonful of linseeds in to keep me regular....yes that's tmi I know. :mysmilie_61:
Ooooh, do love a nice poached egg ... its our most popular egg here on a Full English. A good fresh egg is the secret. Water boiling really fast with a dash of vinegar and some salt added. Break the eggs into a cup and then (be really brave) and tip them quickly into the water. We do ours here for 3 or 4 minutes depending on size.

Most supermarket eggs are too old to poach really well this way and they do spread a bit. I'm not always great with them TBH but Mr Trolley has won awards for his! :star:

Hubs does like his poached eggs and insists (no argument from me) on doing them himself in a large pan of boiling water with a touch of vinegar. Always turn out perfect but the pan ends up with streaks of egg white stuck to it, and somehow its left to me to wash it out! Grrrrr. Is adding salt the secret to avoid the sticking?

My breakfast today was a large mug of tea, these days we drink PG Tips blend called The Evening One. It brews very quickly and has a nice delicate flavour, just right for breakfast......funnily enough. I nearly bought some crumpets yesterday, but they were M&S brand which are not quite as nice and fresh as Warburtons......imo. I could fancy some now though, with a nice piece of cheese. :happy:
Ooh I'm so glad Jayne and others are crumpets for breakfast fans cos that's what I have most mornings together with a glass of cranberry juice light. Warburtons are the best imo, nice and fat with fluffy insides and lovely with burnt edges...burning grub is so easy for me to do lol. I do feel I should have something healthier for brekkie so to feel less guilty I usually have a bowl of Alpen fruit & nut porridge or Dorset Gloriously Nutty muesli for lunch and throw in a spoonful of linseeds in to keep me regular....yes that's tmi I know. :mysmilie_61:

Um well actually I am a fan of crumpets at any time..... They are not safe for long in our house!

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